Sociology of Landscape: Agricultural, Soil and Water Conservation in Calabar, Cross River State


The magnitude of challenges created on the human environment in different parts of the earth surface today, is alarming. This has resulted to various environmental threats across the universe which are quite visible and have a roused the concern of sociologists-worldwide. This is seen in the scale of wildlife destruction, soil erosion, deforestation, air, water, and land pollution, increased temperature levels among others. Globally, we are confronted with massive human starvation, extinction of plants and animal species, dwindling biodiversity, drought and desertification, global warming, emission of carbon dioxide from burning of fossil fuels, depletion of the protective ozone layer by lethal chemicals and concomitant bombardment of the earth’s environment by cancer-causing ultra violent radiation. Man’s attempt to convert the environment for his development had produced the highlighted and if mans activities on the environment are not controlled it would seriously rendered the world landscape uninhabitable. This paper seeks to explore the various ways in which man’s activities in the environment pose a threat to Agricultural soil and water conservation. It also highlights strategies to achieve sustainable environmental landscape balance

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