11 research outputs found

    A call for standardised age-disaggregated health data.

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    The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals agenda calls for health data to be disaggregated by age. However, age groupings used to record and report health data vary greatly, hindering the harmonisation, comparability, and usefulness of these data, within and across countries. This variability has become especially evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, when there was an urgent need for rapid cross-country analyses of epidemiological patterns by age to direct public health action, but such analyses were limited by the lack of standard age categories. In this Personal View, we propose a recommended set of age groupings to address this issue. These groupings are informed by age-specific patterns of morbidity, mortality, and health risks, and by opportunities for prevention and disease intervention. We recommend age groupings of 5 years for all health data, except for those younger than 5 years, during which time there are rapid biological and physiological changes that justify a finer disaggregation. Although the focus of this Personal View is on the standardisation of the analysis and display of age groups, we also outline the challenges faced in collecting data on exact age, especially for health facilities and surveillance data. The proposed age disaggregation should facilitate targeted, age-specific policies and actions for health care and disease management


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    Problem Statement: While the evidence on child marriage is extensive in stable settings, few studies have systematically examined child marriage in humanitarian settings where girls may be at increased risk of the practice. Methods: This dissertation leverages quantitative and qualitative methods to understand child marriage patterns and drivers in humanitarian contexts. Manuscripts 1 and 2 use data from surveys conducted with female adults and adolescent girls in six settings in MENA and South Asia. Manuscript 1 investigates the cumulative incidence of child marriage among displaced populations and compares estimates across age cohorts and with host group comparators. Manuscript 2 examines the association between a set of risk factors with child marriage. Manuscript 3 identifies the drivers and consequences of child marriage among Syrian refugees in Egypt. Results: Manuscript 1 illustrates that despite the pervasiveness of child marriage among displaced populations, not all contexts of displacement are associated with increases in child marriage rates. Manuscript 2 indicates that several factors are inversely associated with hazard of child marriage including schooling status, agency, knowledge of minimum age of marriage for girls, perception of ideal age of marriage, and intervention exposure. On the household level, unemployment of the female head of household, and death of one or both parents were associated with higher hazard of child marriage. Additionally, girls in households that moved frequently in the last 12 months were more likely to be married as children. Manuscript 3 finds that drivers that existed prior to displacement continued to drive child marriage, but these were coupled with new drivers that stemmed directly from displacement. It further highlights the vulnerabilities faced by refugee child brides, drawing attention to a range of negative impacts that affect married girls and their children. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that the impact of humanitarian crisis on child marriage is multi-faceted and context specific. Still, the pervasiveness of child marriage highlights the need to prioritize child marriage prevention in humanitarian response and underscores the importance of interventions that support child brides

    A reanalysis of the Institute for Research and Evaluation report that challenges non-US, school-based comprehensive sexuality education evidence base

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    AbstractComprehensive sexuality education (CSE) prepares young people to make informed decisions about their sexuality. A review by the Institute of Research and Evaluation that analysed 43 CSE studies in non-US settings found the majority to be ineffective and concluded that there was little evidence of the effectiveness of CSE. We reanalysed the review to investigate its validity. We found several weaknesses with the review’s methodology and analysis: (1) there was an absence of a clearly articulated search strategy and specific eligibility criteria; (2) the authors put forth criteria for programme effectiveness but included studies that did not collect the data needed to show programme effectiveness and thus several studies were determined to be ineffective by default; (3) the analytical framework minimised positive intervention effects and privileged negative intervention effects; and (4) there were errors in the data extracted, with 74% of studies containing one or more discrepancies. Overall, our reanalysis reveals that the IRE review suffers from significant methodological flaws and contains many errors which compromise its conclusions about CSE. Our reanalysis is a tool for the international community to refute CSE opposition campaigns based on poor science

    Social Accountability Reporting for Research (SAR4Research): checklist to strengthen reporting on studies on social accountability in the literature

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    Abstract Background An increasing number of evaluations of social accountability (SA) interventions have been published in the past decade, however, reporting gaps make it difficult to summarize findings. We developed the Social Accountability Reporting for Research (SAR4Research) checklist to support researchers to improve the documentation of SA processes, context, study designs, and outcomes in the peer reviewed literature and to enhance application of findings. Methods We used a multi-step process, starting with an umbrella review of reviews on SA to identify reporting gaps. Next, we reviewed existing guidelines for reporting on behavioral interventions to determine whether one could be used in its current or adapted form. We received feedback from practitioners and researchers and tested the checklist through three worked examples using outcome papers from three SA projects. Results Our umbrella review of SA studies identified reporting gaps in all areas, including gaps in reporting on the context, intervention components, and study methods. Because no existing guidelines called for details on context and the complex processes in SA interventions, we used CONSORT-SPI as the basis for the SAR4Research checklist, and adapted it using other existing checklists to fill gaps. Feedback from practitioners, researchers and the worked examples suggested the need to eliminate redundancies, add explanations for items, and clarify reporting for quantitative and qualitative study components. Conclusions Results of SA evaluations in the peer-reviewed literature will be more useful, facilitating learning and application of findings, when study designs, interventions and their context are described fully in one or a set of papers. This checklist will help authors report better in peer-reviewed journal articles. With sufficient information, readers will better understand whether the results can inform accountability strategies in their own contexts. As a field, we will be better able to identify emerging findings and gaps in our understanding of SA

    Drivers and consequences of child marriage in a context of protracted displacement: a qualitative study among Syrian refugees in Egypt

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    BACKGROUND: Child marriage is a human rights violation disproportionately impacting girls in low- and middle-income countries. In the Middle East region, conflict and displacement have prompted concerns that families are increasingly resorting to child marriage to cope with economic insecurity and fears from sexual violence. This study set out to examine child marriage among Syrian refugees residing in Egypt with the aim of understanding drivers of child marriage in this context of displacement as well as how child marriage affects refugee girls’ wellbeing. METHODS: This analysis draws from 15 focus group discussions (FGD) conducted with married and unmarried girls, as well as parents of adolescent girls in three governorates in Egypt. FGDs included a participatory ranking exercise and photo-elicitation. Additionally, we conducted 29 in-depth interviews with girls and mothers, as well as 28 key informant interviews with health providers, community leaders, and humanitarian actors. The data was thematically analyzed using a combination of inductive and deductive coding. RESULTS: A prevalent phenomenon in pre-war Syria, child marriage has been sustained after the influx of Syrian refugees into Egypt by pre-existing cultural traditions and gender norms that prioritize the role of girls as wives and mothers. However, displacement into Egypt engendered different responses. For some families, displacement-specific challenges such as disruptions to girls’ education, protection concerns, and livelihood insecurity were found to exacerbate girls’ vulnerability to child marriage. For others, however, displacement into urban areas in Egypt may have contributed to the erosion of social norms that favored child marriage, leading to marriage postponement. Among girls who were married early, we identified a range of negative health and social consequences, including lack of family planning use, disruption to schooling and curtailment of girls’ mobility as well as challenges with marriage and birth registration which accentuated their vulnerability. CONCLUSION: Efforts to address child marriage among Syrian refugees must acknowledge the different ways in which displacement can influence child marriage attitudes and practices and should capitalize on positive changes that have the potential to catalyze social norm change. Moreover, targeted, focused and contextualized interventions should not only focus on preventing child marriage but also on mitigating its impacts

    A Novel Score for mHealth Apps to Predict and Prevent Mortality: Further Validation and Adaptation to the US Population Using the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data Set

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    BackgroundThe C-Score, which is an individual health score, is based on a predictive model validated in the UK and US populations. It was designed to serve as an individualized point-in-time health assessment tool that could be integrated into clinical counseling or consumer-facing digital health tools to encourage lifestyle modifications that reduce the risk of premature death. ObjectiveOur study aimed to conduct an external validation of the C-Score in the US population and expand the original score to improve its predictive capabilities in the US population. The C-Score is intended for mobile health apps on wearable devices. MethodsWe conducted a literature review to identify relevant variables that were missing in the original C-Score. Subsequently, we used data from the 2005 to 2014 US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES; N=21,015) to test the capacity of the model to predict all-cause mortality. We used NHANES III data from 1988 to 1994 (N=1440) to conduct an external validation of the test. Only participants with complete data were included in this study. Discrimination and calibration tests were conducted to assess the operational characteristics of the adapted C-Score from receiver operating curves and a design-based goodness-of-fit test. ResultsHigher C-Scores were associated with reduced odds of all-cause mortality (odds ratio 0.96, P0.72. A sensitivity analysis using NHANES III data (1988-1994) was performed, yielding similar results. The inclusion of sociodemographic and clinical variables in the basic C-Score increased the AUCs from 0.72 (95% CI 0.71-0.73) to 0.87 (95% CI 0.85-0.88). ConclusionsOur study shows that this digital biomarker, the C-Score, has good capabilities to predict all-cause mortality in the general US population. An expanded health score can predict 87% of the mortality in the US population. This model can be used as an instrument to assess individual mortality risk and as a counseling tool to motivate behavior changes and lifestyle modifications

    Incidence of child marriage among refugees and internally displaced persons in the Middle East and South Asia: evidence from six cross-sectional surveys

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    Objective To examine incidence of child marriage among displaced and host populations in humanitarian settings.Design Cross-sectional surveys.Setting Data were collected in Djibouti, Yemen, Lebanon and Iraq in the Middle East and in Bangladesh and Nepal in South Asia.Participants Adolescent girls aged 10–19 in the six settings and age cohort comparators.Outcome measures Cumulative incidence of marriage by age 18.Results In Bangladesh and Iraq, the hazard of child marriage did not differ between internally displaced populations (IDPs) and hosts (p value=0.25 and 0.081, respectively). In Yemen, IDPs had a higher hazard of child marriage compared with hosts (p value<0.001). In Djibouti, refugees had a lower hazard of child marriage compared with hosts (p value<0.001). In pooled data, the average hazard of child marriage was significantly higher among displaced compared with host populations (adjusted HR (aHR) 1.3; 95% CI 1.04 to 1.61).In age cohort comparisons, there was no significant difference between child marriage hazard across age cohorts in Bangladesh (p value=0.446), while in Lebanon and Nepal, younger cohorts were less likely to transition to child marriage compared with older comparators (p value<0.001). Only in Yemen were younger cohorts more likely to transition to child marriage, indicating an increase in child marriage rates after conflict (p value=0.034). Pooled data showed a downward trend, where younger age cohorts had, on average, a lower hazard of child marriage compared with older cohorts (aHR 0.36; 95% CI 0.29 to 0.4).Conclusions We did not find conclusive evidence that humanitarian crises are associated with universal increases in child marriage rates. Our findings indicate that decision-making about investments in child marriage prevention and response must be attuned to the local context and grounded in data on past and current trends in child marriage among communities impacted by crisis