512 research outputs found

    Municipal Zoning: Florida Law and Practice

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    On December 22, 2008, a dike containing fly ash and bottom ash in an 84-acre complex of the Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA) Kingston Steam Plant in East Tennessee failed and released a large quantity of ash into the adjacent Emory River. Ash deposits extended as far as 4 miles upstream (Emory River mile 6) of the Plant, and some ash was carried as far downstream as Tennessee River mile 564 ({approx}4 miles downstream of the Tennessee River confluence with the Clinch River). A byproduct of coal burning power plants, fly ash contains a variety of metals and other elements which, at sufficient concentrations and in specific forms, can be toxic to biological systems. The effects of fly ash contamination on exposed fish populations depend on the magnitude and duration of exposure, with the most significant risk considered to be the effects of specific ash constituents, especially selenium, on fish early life stages. Uptake by adult female fish of fly ash constituents through the food chain and subsequent maternal transfer of contaminants to the developing eggs is thought to be the primary route of selenium exposure to larval fish (Woock and others 1987, Coyle and others 1993, Lemly 1999, Moscatello and others 2006), but direct contact of the fertilized eggs and developing embryos to ash constituents in river water and sediments is also a potential risk factor (Woock and others 1987, Coyle and others 1993, Jezierska and others 2009). To address the risk of fly ash from the Kingston spill to the reproductive health of downstream fish populations, ORNL has undertaken a series of studies in collaboration with TVA including: (1) a field study of the bioaccumulation of fly ash constituents in fish ovaries and the reproductive condition of sentinel fish species in reaches of the Emory and Clinch Rivers affected by the fly ash spill; (2) laboratory tests of the potential toxicity of fly ash from the spill area on fish embryonic and larval development (reported in the current technical manuscript); (3) additional laboratory experimentation focused on the potential effects of long-term exposures to fly ash on fish survival and reproductive competence; and (4) a combined field and laboratory study examining the in vitro developmental success of embryos and larvae obtained from fish exposed in vivo for over two years to fly ash in the Emory and Clinch Rivers. These fish reproduction and early life-stage studies are being conducted in conjunction with a broader biological monitoring program administered by TVA that includes a field study of the condition of larval fish in the Emory and Clinch Rivers along with assessments of water quality, sediment composition, ecotoxicological studies, terrestrial wildlife studies, and human and ecological risk assessment. Information and data generated from these studies will provide direct input into risk assessment efforts and will also complement and help support other phases of the overall biomonitoring program. Fish eggs, in general, are known to be capable of concentrating heavy metals and other environmental contaminants from water-borne exposures during embryonic development (Jezierska and others 2009), and fathead minnow embryos in particular have been shown to concentrate methylmercury (Devlin 2006) as well as other chemical toxicants. This technical report focuses on the responses of fathead minnow embryos to simple contact exposures to fly ash in laboratory toxicity tests adapted from a standard fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) 7-d embryo-larval survival and teratogenicity test (method 1001.0 in EPA 2002) with mortality, hatching success, and the incidences of developmental abnormalities as measured endpoints

    Recoupling fire and grazing reduces wildland fuel loads on rangelands

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    Fire suppression and exclusion, the historically dominant paradigm of fire management, has resulted in major modifications of fire-dependent ecosystems worldwide. These changes are partially credited with a recent increase in wildfire number and extent, as well as more extreme fire behavior. Fire and herbivory historically interacted, and research has shown that the interaction creates a unique mosaic of vegetation heterogeneity that each disturbance alone does not create. Because fire and grazing have largely been decoupled in modern times, the degree to which the interaction affects fuels and fire regimes has not yet been quantified. We evaluated effects of fire-only and pyric herbivory on rangeland fuels and fire behavior simulated using BehavePlus at four sites across the southern Great Plains.We predicted patches managed via pyric herbivory would maintain lower fuel loads, and less intense simulated fire behavior than fire alone. We found that time since fire was a significant predictor of fuel loads and simulated fire behavior characteristics at all sites. Fuel loads and simulated fire behavior characteristics (flame length and rate of spread) increased with increasing time since fire in all simulated weather scenarios. Pyric herbivory mediated fuel accumulation at all sites. Mean fuel loads in fire-only treatments exceeded 5000 kg/ha within 24 months, but pyric herbivory treatments remained below 5000 kg/ha for approximately 36 months. Simulated flame lengths in fire-only treatments were consistently higher (up to 3 9 ) than in pyric herbivory treatments. Similarly, fire spread rates were higher in fire-only than in pyric herbivory treatments in all simulated weather conditions. Although all sites had potential to burn in the most extreme weather conditions, pyric herbivory reduced fuel accumulations, flame lengths, and rates of spread across all weather patterns simulated. These reductions extended the amount of time standard wildland firefighting techniques remain effective. Therefore, incorporating pyric herbivory into fuel management practices, in areas of high herbaceous productivity, increases the effectiveness of fuel treatments

    Neutron-proton interaction in rare-earth nuclei: Role of tensor force

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    We investigate the role of the tensor force in the description of doubly odd deformed nuclei within the framework of the particle-rotor model. We study the rare-earth nuclei 174Lu, 180Ta, 182Ta, and 188Re using a finite-range interaction, with and without tensor terms. Attention is focused on the lowest K=0 and K=1 bands, where the effects of the residual neutron-proton interaction are particularly evident. Comparison of the calculated results with experimental data evidences the importance of the tensor-force effects.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, to be published on Physical Review


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    Spotlight FeaturesHas Facebook Jumped the Shark?, Rick Zomer The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Virtual Community, David Johnstone Screenagers: How Technology is Changing the Way we Interact with Students, Tim Elmore \u27In Loco Parentis\u27 Revisited, Gene C. Fant Jr. ACSD News: From Location to Interest: ACSD Considers Move from Regional to Collaboratives Model, Edee Schulze, Connie Sjoberg, Mike Broberg, David A. Kennedy, Nicole Hoefle Thinking TheologicallyKeeping Faith: Serving Students or the Kingdom, Michael and Stephanie Santarosa Book ReviewsEncouraging Authenticity and Spirituality in Higher Education, reviewed by Jason M. Morris My Freshman Year, Heidi Johnston FeaturesThe President\u27s Corner; Editor\u27s Deskhttps://pillars.taylor.edu/acsd_koinonia/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Breast cancer in kurdish women of northern Iraq: incidence, clinical stage, and case control analysis of parity and family risk

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Breast cancer in the Middle-East occurs in relatively young women and frequently presents as advanced disease. A protective effect of multiparity is not apparent, and high familial risk is reported in some countries. This study investigates breast cancer rates and clinical stage related to age in the Kurdish region of Iraq and evaluates risk associated with parity and family history. Findings are compared with nearby countries and the West.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sulaimaniyah Directorate of Health records identified 539 women diagnosed with breast cancer during 2006-2008. Clinical survey forms were completed on 296 patients and on 254 age-matched controls. Age specific incidence rates were calculated from Directorate of Health population estimates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Average patient age was 47.4 ± 11 years and 59.5% were pre-menopausal. Diagnosis was at clinical stage 1 for 4.1%, stage 2 for 43.5%, stage 3 for 26.0%, and stage 4 for 8.1% of patients. For 18.2%, stage was unknown. Annual breast cancer incidence rates per 100,000 women peaked at 168.9 at age 55 to 59 and declined to 57.3 at 60 and above. Patients had an average of 5.0 ± 3.3 children compared to 5.4 ± 3.5 for controls, <it>P </it>= 0.16. A first degree family member had breast cancer among 11.1% of patients and 2.1% of controls (<it>P </it>< 0.001) with > 50% of these patients and controls being ≥50 years old. No statistically significant relationship was found between tumor stage and age, <it>P </it>= 0.59.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In Kurdish Iraq, breast cancer is predominantly a disease of pre-menopausal women having multiple pregnancies. For younger patients, breast cancer incidence was similar to the West and possibly higher than many Middle-Eastern countries, but unlike the West, the estimated rates declined markedly in the elderly. The familial breast cancer risk for both older and younger women was within the general population risk of Western countries. Clinical stages were advanced and indicated delays in diagnosis that were unrelated to patient age.</p

    Early detection of breast, cervical, ovarian and endometrial cancers in low resource countries: an integrated approach

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    The incidence of breast and gynecological cancers continues to increase in low and middle resource countries [LRC'S and MRC's] with a disproportionately higher mortality rate compared to that in high resource countries. This has been attributed to factors such as an increased life span due to better control of communicable diseases and improved nutrition, as well as lifestyle and reproductive changes. A lack of public awareness and understanding of these cancers, absence of an organized screening program and a lack of accessible and effective treatment options, is responsible for the higher mortality rate. A practical approach of a combined program of integrating a well woman examination with screening for breast and cervical cancer and diagnostic evaluation for Ovarian and Endometrial cancer in symptomatic women is proposed in this article which can serve as a model to be studied for efficacy in low resource countries
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