7,126 research outputs found

    Solid rocket motor nozzles

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    The steps in the nozzle design process are examined. The nozzle designer's role in defining design requirements and constraints is included along with discussions of each of the three basic phases of the nozzle design process itself: (1) aerodynamic design, in which the gas-contacting surfaces are configured to produce the required performance within the envelope limits; (2) thermal design, in which termal liners and thermal insulators are selected and configured to maintain the surfaces as closely as practical against effects of erosion and to limit the structure temperature to acceptable levels; and (3) structural design, in which materials are selected and configured to support the thermal components and to sustain the predicted loads. Analytical techniques that are used to establish thermal and structural design integrity and to predict nozzle performance are discussed along with methods for nozzle quality assurance. Emphasis is placed on nozzle design and materials for modern high-temperature aluminized propellants. Recurring nozzle design problems of graphite cracking and ejection, differential erosion at material interfaces, lack of sufficient proven nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques, the uncertainty of adhesive bonding, and inadequate definition of material properties, particularly at high temperatures are considered

    On CPT Symmetry: Cosmological, Quantum-Gravitational and other possible violations and their phenomenology

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    I discuss various ways in which CPT symmetry may be violated, and their phenomenology in current or immediate future experimental facilities, both terrestrial and astrophysical. Specifically, I discuss first violations of CPT symmetry due to the impossibility of defining a scattering matrix as a consequence of the existence of microscopic or macroscopic space-time boundaries, such as Planck-scale Black-Hole (event) horizons, or cosmological horizons due to the presence of a (positive) cosmological constant in the Universe. Second, I discuss CPT violation due to breaking of Lorentz symmetry, which may characterize certain approaches to quantum gravity, and third, I describe models of CPT non invariance due to violations of locality of interactions. In each of the above categories I discuss experimental sensitivities. I argue that the majority of Lorentz-violating cases of CPT breaking, with minimal (linear) suppression by the Planck-mass scale, are already excluded by current experimental tests. There are however some (stringy) models which can evade these constraints.Comment: 27 pages latex, Conference talk Beyond the Desert 200

    Probing EWSB Naturalness in Unified SUSY Models with Dark Matter

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    We have studied Electroweak Symmetry Breaking (EWSB) fine-tuning in the context of two unified Supersymmetry scenarios: the Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Model (CMSSM) and models with Non-Universal Higgs Masses (NUHM), in light of current and upcoming direct detection dark matter experiments. We consider both those models that satisfy a one-sided bound on the relic density of neutralinos, Ωχh2<0.12\Omega_{\chi} h^2 < 0.12, and also the subset that satisfy the two-sided bound in which the relic density is within the 2 sigma best fit of WMAP7 + BAO + H0 data. We find that current direct detection searches for dark matter probe the least fine-tuned regions of parameter-space, or equivalently those of lowest Higgs mass parameter μ\mu, and will tend to probe progressively more and more fine-tuned models, though the trend is more pronounced in the CMSSM than in the NUHM. Additionally, we examine several subsets of model points, categorized by common mass hierarchies; M_{\chi_0} \sim M_{\chi^\pm}, M_{\chi_0} \sim M_{\stau}, M_{\chi_0} \sim M_{\stop_1}, the light and heavy Higgs poles, and any additional models classified as "other"; the relevance of these mass hierarchies is their connection to the preferred neutralino annihilation channel that determines the relic abundance. For each of these subsets of models we investigated the degree of fine-tuning and discoverability in current and next generation direct detection experiments.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures. v2: references added. v3: matches published versio

    Phenomenology and Cosmology of an Electroweak Pseudo-Dilaton and Electroweak Baryons

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    In many strongly-interacting models of electroweak symmetry breaking the lowest-lying observable particle is a pseudo-Goldstone boson of approximate scale symmetry, the pseudo-dilaton. Its interactions with Standard Model particles can be described using a low-energy effective nonlinear chiral Lagrangian supplemented by terms that restore approximate scale symmetry, yielding couplings of the pseudo-dilaton that differ from those of a Standard Model Higgs boson by fixed factors. We review the experimental constraints on such a pseudo-dilaton in light of new data from the LHC and elsewhere. The effective nonlinear chiral Lagrangian has Skyrmion solutions that may be identified with the `electroweak baryons' of the underlying strongly-interacting theory, whose nature may be revealed by the properties of the Skyrmions. We discuss the finite-temperature electroweak phase transition in the low-energy effective theory, finding that the possibility of a first-order electroweak phase transition is resurrected. We discuss the evolution of the Universe during this transition and derive an order-of-magnitude lower limit on the abundance of electroweak baryons in the absence of a cosmological asymmetry, which suggests that such an asymmetry would be necessary if the electroweak baryons are to provide the cosmological density of dark matter. We revisit estimates of the corresponding spin-independent dark matter scattering cross section, with a view to direct detection experiments.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures, additional references adde

    Past electron-positron g-2 experiments yielded sharpest bound on CPT violation for point particles

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    In our past experiments on a single electron and positron we measured the cyclotron and spin-cyclotron difference frequencies omega_c and omega_a and the ratios a = omega_a/ omega_c at omega_c = 141 Ghz for e^- and e^+ and later, only for e^-, also at 164 Ghz. Here, we do extract from these data, as had not done before, a new and very different figure of merit for violation of CPT symmetry, one similar to the widely recognized impressive limit |m_Kaon - m_Antikaon|/m_Kaon < 10^-18 for the K-mesons composed of two quarks. That expression may be seen as comparing experimental relativistic masses of particle states before and after the C, P, T operations had transformed particle into antiparticle. Such a similar figure of merit for a non-composite and quite different lepton, found by us from our Delta a = a^- - a^+ data, was even smaller, h_bar |omega_a^- - omega_a^+|/2m_0 c^2 = |Delta a| h_bar omega_c/2m_0 c^2) < 3(12) 10^-22.Comment: Improved content, Editorially approved for publication in PRL, LATEX file, 5 pages, no figures, 16

    The gravitino coupling to broken gauge theories applied to the MSSM

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    We consider gravitino couplings in theories with broken gauge symmetries. In particular, we compute the single gravitino production cross section in W+ W- fusion processes. Despite recent claims to the contrary, we show that this process is always subdominant to gluon fusion processes in the high energy limit. The full calculation is performed numerically; however, we give analytic expressions for the cross section in the supersymmetric and electroweak limits. We also confirm these results with the use of the effective theory of goldstino interactions.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Bino Dark Matter and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis in the Constrained E6SSM with Massless Inert Singlinos

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    We discuss a new variant of the E6 inspired supersymmetric standard model (E6SSM) in which the two inert singlinos are exactly massless and the dark matter candidate has a dominant bino component. A successful relic density is achieved via a novel mechanism in which the bino scatters inelastically into heavier inert Higgsinos during the time of thermal freeze-out. The two massless inert singlinos contribute to the effective number of neutrino species at the time of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, where the precise contribution depends on the mass of the Z' which keeps them in equilibrium. For example for mZ' > 1300 GeV we find Neff \approx 3.2, where the smallness of the additional contribution is due to entropy dilution. We study a few benchmark points in the constrained E6SSM with massless inert singlinos to illustrate this new scenario.Comment: 24 pages, revised for publication in JHE

    Computer Components and Systems

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    Contains reports on two research projects.U. S. Navy Bureau of Ships under Contract NObsr 7760

    Realistic Standard Model Fermion Mass Relations in Generalized Minimal Supergravity (GmSUGRA)

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    Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) usually predict wrong Standard Model (SM) fermion mass relation m_e/m_{\mu} = m_d/m_s toward low energies. To solve this problem, we consider the Generalized Minimal Supergravity (GmSUGRA) models, which are GUTs with gravity mediated supersymmetry breaking and higher dimensional operators. Introducing non-renormalizable terms in the super- and K\"ahler potentials, we can obtain the correct SM fermion mass relations in the SU(5) model with GUT Higgs fields in the {\bf 24} and {\bf 75} representations, and in the SO(10) model. In the latter case the gauge symmetry is broken down to SU(3)_C X SU(2)_L X SU(2)_R X U(1)_{B-L}, to flipped SU(5)X U(1)_X, or to SU(3)_C X SU(2)_L X U(1)_1 X U(1)_2. Especially, for the first time we generate the realistic SM fermion mass relation in GUTs by considering the high-dimensional operators in the K\"ahler potential.Comment: JHEP style, 29 pages, no figure,references adde

    Quasi-Newtonian dust cosmologies

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    Exact dynamical equations for a generic dust matter source field in a cosmological context are formulated with respect to a non-comoving Newtonian-like timelike reference congruence and investigated for internal consistency. On the basis of a lapse function NN (the relativistic acceleration scalar potential) which evolves along the reference congruence according to N˙=αΘN\dot{N} = \alpha \Theta N (α=const\alpha = {const}), we find that consistency of the quasi-Newtonian dynamical equations is not attained at the first derivative level. We then proceed to show that a self-consistent set can be obtained by linearising the dynamical equations about a (non-comoving) FLRW background. In this case, on properly accounting for the first-order momentum density relating to the non-relativistic peculiar motion of the matter, additional source terms arise in the evolution and constraint equations describing small-amplitude energy density fluctuations that do not appear in similar gravitational instability scenarios in the standard literature.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX 2.09 (10pt), to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity, Vol. 15 (1998