143 research outputs found

    Simulation of Individual Polymer Chains and Polymer Solutions with Smoothed Dissipative Particle Dynamics

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    In an earlier work (Litvinov et al., Phys.Rev.E 77, 066703 (2008)), a model for a polymer molecule in solution based on the smoothed dissipative particle dynamics method (SDPD) has been presented. In the present paper, we show that the model can be extended to three-dimensional situations and simulate effectively diluted and concentrated polymer solutions. For an isolated suspended polymer, calculated static and dynamic properties agree well with previous numerical studies and theoretical predictions based on the Zimm model. This implies that hydrodynamic interactions are fully developed and correctly reproduced under the current simulated conditions. Simulations of polymer solutions and melts are also performed using a reverse Poiseuille flow setup. The resulting steady rheological properties (viscosity, normal stress coefficients) are extracted from the simulations and the results are compared with the previous numerical studies, showing good results

    Tribological variable-friction coefficient models for the simulation of dense suspensions of rough polydisperse particles

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    The rheology of concentrated suspensions of particles is complex and typically exhibits a shear-thickening behavior in the case of repulsive interactions. Despite the recent interest arisen, the causes of the shear-thickening remain unclear. Frictional contacts have been able to explain the discontinuous shear thickening in simulations. However, the interparticle friction coefficient is considered to be constant in most simulations and theoretical works reported to date despite the fact that tribological experiments demonstrate that the friction coefficient can not only be constant (boundary regime) but also decrease (mixed regime) or even increase (full-film lubrication regime), depending on the normal force and the relative velocity between the particles and the interstitial liquid between them. Interestingly, the transition between the boundary regime and the full-lubrication regime is governed by the particle average roughness. Particle-level simulations of suspensions of hard spheres were carried out using short-range lubrication and roughness-dependent frictional forces describing the full Stribeck curve. Suspensions with different particle's roughness were simulated to show that the particle roughness is a key factor in the shear-thickening behavior; for sufficiently rough particles, the suspension exhibits a remarkable shear-thickening, while for sufficiently smooth particles, the discontinuous shear-thickening disappears

    Painful Birth of Trade Under Classical Monopolistic Competition

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    In the standard Krugman (1979) non-CES trade model, several asymmetric countries typically lose from increasing trade costs. However, all countries transiently benefit from such increase at the moment of closing trade, under almost-prohibitive trade costs (i.e., near autarky, which is possible only under non-CES preferences). In other words, during trade liberalization the first step from autarky to trade is necessarily harmful. Our explanation rests on market distortion and business destruction effects

    Geological, hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater bodies in the Tuscany region (Italy)

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    This work describes the study for the characterization of meaningful groundwater bodies (CISS, Corpi Idrici Significativi Sotterranei) in Tuscany region (Italy), by way of a multidisciplinary approach, that includes geological and hydrogeological aspects, together with applied hydro-geochemistry

    Burial and exhumation history of the Daday Unit (Central Pontides, Turkey): implications for the closure of the Intra-Pontide oceanic basin

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    In northern Turkey, the Intra-Pontide suture zone represents one of the first-order tectonic structures located between the Istanbul-Zonguldak and the Sakarya continental terranes. It consists of an east-west trending assemblage of deformed and variably metamorphosed tectonic units, including sedimentary rocks and ophiolites derived from a NeoTethyan oceanic basin, known as Intra-Pontide oceanic basin. One of these units is represented by the Daday Unit that consists of an assemblage of block-in-matrix derived from a supra-subduction oceanic crust and related deep-sea sedimentary cover of Middle Jurassic age. This setting has been acquired during the Late Jurassic by underplating at 26-38 km of depth associated with blueschist facies metamorphism (D1 phase). The following D2, D3 and D4 phases developed in a time span running from Albian to late Paleocene during the exhumation of the Daday Unit from 26-38 km to uppermost structural levels. The high geothermal gradient detected during the development of the D2 phase seems to be consistent with the exhumation of the Daday Units during a continent-arc collisional setting. The tectonic structures of the Intra-Pontide suture zone, resulting from the previously described tectonic history, are unconformably sealed by the late Paleocene - Eocene deposits. This tectonic setting was intensely reworked by the activity of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, producing the present-day geometrical relationships of the Intra-Pontide suture zone of central Pontides

    Depletion of Gram-Positive Bacteria Impacts Hepatic Biological Functions During the Light Phase.

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    Living organisms display internal biological rhythms, which are an evolutionarily conserved adaptation to the environment that drives their rhythmic behavioral and physiological activities. The gut microbiota has been proposed, in association with diet, to regulate the intestinal peripheral clock. However, the effect of gut dysbiosis on liver remains elusive, despite that germfree mice show alterations in liver metabolic functions and the hepatic daily rhythm. We analyzed whether the disruption of gut microbial populations with various antibiotics would differentially impact liver functions in mice. Our results support the notion of an impact on the hepatic biological rhythm by gram-positive bacteria. In addition, we provide evidence for differential roles of gut microbiota spectra in xenobiotic metabolism that could protect against the harmful pharmacological effects of drugs. Our results underscore a possible link between liver cell proliferation and gram-positive bacteria

    Intestinal PPARÎł signalling is required for sympathetic nervous system activation in response to caloric restriction.

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    Nuclear receptor PPARÎł has been proven to affect metabolism in multiple tissues, and has received considerable attention for its involvement in colon cancer and inflammatory disease. However, its role in intestinal metabolism has been largely ignored. To investigate this potential aspect of PPARÎł function, we submitted intestinal epithelium-specific PPARÎł knockout mice (iePPARÎłKO) to a two-week period of 25% caloric restriction (CR), following which iePPARÎłKO mice retained more fat than their wild type littermates. In attempting to explain this discrepancy, we analysed the liver, skeletal muscle, intestinal lipid trafficking, and the microbiome, none of which appeared to contribute to the adiposity phenotype. Interestingly, under conditions of CR, iePPARÎłKO mice failed to activate their sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and increase CR-specific locomotor activity. These KO mice also manifested a defective control of their body temperature, which was overly reduced. Furthermore, the white adipose tissue of iePPARÎłKO CR mice showed lower levels of both hormone-sensitive lipase, and its phosphorylated form. This would result from impaired SNS signalling and possibly cause reduced lipolysis. We conclude that intestinal epithelium PPARÎł plays an essential role in increasing SNS activity under CR conditions, thereby contributing to energy mobilization during metabolically stressful episodes
