100 research outputs found

    Automatic Fine Alignment and Pointing of Movable Telescopes using Point and Template Matching

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    Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetic

    Characteristics of Clinical Shoulder Research Over the Last Decade: A Review of Shoulder Articles in \u3cem\u3eThe Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery\u3c/em\u3e from 2004 to 2014

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to determine characteristics and trends in published shoulder research over the last decade in a leading orthopaedic journal. Methods: We examined all clinical shoulder articles published in The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery from 2004 to 2014. The number of citations, authorship, academic degrees of the authors, country and institution of origin, topic, level of evidence, positive or nonpositive outcome, and inclusion of validated patient-reported outcome measures were assessed for each article. Results: Shoulder articles that included an author with an advanced research degree (MD [Doctor of Medicine] with a PhD [Doctor of Philosophy] or other advanced degree) increased during the study period (p = 0.047). Level-I, II, and III studies were more likely to have an author with an advanced research degree, and Level-IV studies were more likely to have MDs only (p = 0.03). Overall, there was great variability of outcome measures, with at least thirty-nine different validated or nonvalidated outcome measures reported. Conclusions: Over the last decade, there was an improvement in the level of evidence of shoulder articles published in The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery that corresponds with recent emphasis on evidence-based medicine. A consensus is needed in shoulder research for more consistent application of validated patient-reported outcome measurement tools

    Tissue adhesives for meniscus tear repair: an overview of current advances and prospects for future clinical solutions

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    The Production of Traffic Calming and Permeability in Historic Cairo’s Open Spaces

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    New traffic forms have recently become more widespread in Historic Cairo. The recent changes have to do with the historic urban fabric and its unique ways of producing street spaces. The lived space (i.e. activities, rules, and pedestrian and vehicle movement) gets affected by and affects the conceived space (i.e. street design, permeability, and traffic calming). This case study demonstrates how recent changes to vehicular traffic are linked to traffic calming and permeability control in the streets of the al-Khalifa area in Historic Cairo. Norms of governance in Historic Cairo, which stem from local power structures, affect permeability and traffic calming measures, and are affected by them in turn.De nouvelles formes de trafic se sont récemment généralisées dans le Caire historique. Les changements récents concernent le tissu urbain historique et ses manières uniques de produire des espaces de rue. L'espace vécu (c'est-à-dire les activités, les règles et la circulation des piétons et des véhicules) est affecté par et affecte l'espace conçu (c'est-à-dire la conception de la rue, la perméabilité et l'apaisement de la circulation). Cette étude de cas montre comment les changements récents de la circulation automobile sont liés à l'apaisement de la circulation et au contrôle de la perméabilité dans les rues du quartier d'al-Khalifa dans le Caire historique. Les normes de gouvernance dans le Caire historique, qui découlent des structures de pouvoir locales, affectent la perméabilité et les mesures d'apaisement de la circulation, et sont en retour transformées par elles.انتشرت مؤخراً أنماط مرورية جديدة في القاهرة التاريخية وتفاعلت مع النسيج العمراني التاريخي وأساليبه المميزة في إنتاج فراغات الشوارع. الفراغ المعاش (بما يشمله من أنشطة وقواعد وحركة مركبات ومشاة) يؤثر ويتأثر بالفراغ المتصور (تصميم الشوارع ونفاذيتها وتهدئة السرعة). تظهر هذه الدراسة كيف تتفاعل التغيرات المرورية مع عناصر تهدئة المرور ونفاذية الشوارع في القاهرة التاريخية من خلال أنماط حوكمة المدينة التاريخية المرتبطة بشكل أساسي بعلاقات المجتمع المحلي

    Shoulder arthroscopy

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    Biceps Lesion Associated With Rotator Cuff Tears

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