150 research outputs found

    Xenon combined with therapeutic hypothermia is not neuroprotective after severe hypoxia-ischemia in neonatal rats

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    Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is standard treatment following perinatal asphyxia in newborn infants. Experimentally, TH is neuroprotective after moderate hypoxia-ischemia (HI) in seven-day-old (P7) rats. However, TH is not neuroprotective after severe HI. After a moderate HI insult in newborn brain injury models, the anesthetic gas xenon (Xe) doubles TH neuroprotection. The aim of this study was to examine whether combining Xe and TH is neuroprotective as applied in a P7 rat model of severe HI.120 P7 rat pups underwent a severe HI insult; unilateral carotid artery ligation followed by hypoxia (8% O2 for 150min at experimental normothermia (NT-37: Trectal 37°C). Surviving pups were randomised to immediate NT-37 for 5h (n = 36), immediate TH-32: Trectal 32°C for 5h (n = 25) or immediate TH-32 plus 50% inhaled Xe for 5h (n = 24). Pups were sacrificed after one week of survival. Relative area loss of the ligated hemisphere was measured, and neurons in the subventricular zone of this injured hemisphere were counted, to quantify brain damage.Following the HI insult, median (interquartile range, IQR) hemispheric brain area loss was similar in all groups: 63.5% (55.5-75.0) for NT-37 group, 65.0% (57.0-65.0) for TH-32 group, and 66.5% (59.0-72.0) for TH-32+Xe50% group (not significant). Correspondingly, there was no difference in neuronal cell count (NeuN marker) in the subventricular zone across the three treatment groups.Immediate therapeutic hypothermia with or without additional 50% inhaled Xe, does not provide neuroprotection one week after severe HI brain injury in the P7 neonatal rat. This model aims to mimic the clinical situation in severely asphyxiated neonates and treatment these newborns remains an ongoing challenge

    Monitoring of cerebral blood flow during hypoxia-ischemia and resuscitation in the neonatal rat using laser speckle imaging

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    Neonatal hypoxic‐ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is associated with alterations in cerebral blood flow (CBF) as a result of perinatal asphyxia. The extent to which CBF changes contribute to injury, and whether treatments that ameliorate these changes might be neuroprotective, is still unknown. Higher throughput techniques to monitor CBF changes in rodent models of HIE can help elucidate the underlying pathophysiology. We developed a laser speckle imaging (LSI) technique to continuously monitor CBF in six postnatal‐day 10 (P10) rats simultaneously before, during, and after unilateral hypoxia‐ischemia (HI, ligation of the left carotid artery followed by hypoxia in 8% oxygen). After ligation, CBF to the ligated side fell by 30% compared to the unligated side (P < 0.0001). Hypoxia induced a bilateral 55% reduction in CBF, which was partially restored by resuscitation. Compared to resuscitation in air, resuscitation in 100% oxygen increased CBF to the ligated side by 45% (P = 0.033). Individual variability in CBF response to hypoxia between animals accounted for up to 24% of the variability in hemispheric area loss to the ligated side. In both P10 and P7 models of unilateral HI, resuscitation in 100% oxygen did not affect hemispheric area loss, or hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neuron counts, after 1‐week survival. Continuous CBF monitoring using LSI in multiple rodents simultaneously can screen potential treatment modalities that affect CBF, and provide insight into the pathophysiology of HI

    Experimental African trypanosome infection suppresses the development of multiple myeloma in mice by inducing intrinsic apoptosis of malignant plasma cells

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is characterized by the accumulation of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow (BM). Recently, several studies have highlighted the role of pathogens in either promoting or dampening malignancies of unrelated origin. Trypanosoma brucei is an extracellular protozoan parasite which causes sleeping sickness. Our group has previously demonstrated that trypanosome infection affects effector plasma B cells. Therefore, we hypothesized that T. brucei infection could have an impact on MM development. Using the immunocompetent 5T33MM model, we demonstrated a significant reduction in BM-plasmacytosis and M-protein levels in mice infected with T. brucei, resulting in an increased survival of these mice. Blocking IFN. could only partially abrogate these effects, suggesting that other mechanisms are involved in the destruction of malignant plasma cells. We found that T. brucei induces intrinsic apoptosis of 5T33MM cells in vivo, and that this was associated with reduced endogenous unfolded protein response (UPR) activation. Interestingly, pharmacological inhibition of IRE1 alpha and PERK was sufficient to induce apoptosis in these cells. Together, these results demonstrate that trypanosome infections can interfere with MM development by suppressing endogenous UPR activation and promoting intrinsic apoptosis

    Maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase is a novel target for diffuse large B cell lymphoma and mantle cell lymphoma

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    Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) are among the most aggressive B cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK) plays a role in cancer cell cycle progression and is associated with poor prognosis in several cancer cell types. In this study, the role of MELK in DLBCL and MCL and the therapeutic potential of MELK targeting is evaluated. MELK is highly expressed in DLBCL and MCL patient samples, correlating with a worse clinical outcome in DLBCL. Targeting MELK, using the small molecule OTSSP167, impaired cell growth and survival and induced caspase-mediated apoptosis in the lymphoma cells. Western blot analysis revealed that MELK targeting decreased the phosphorylation of FOXM1 and the protein levels of EZH2 and several mitotic regulators, such as Cdc25B, cyclin B1, Plk-1, and Aurora kinases. In addition, OTSSP167 also sensitized the lymphoma cells to the clinically relevant Bcl-2 inhibitor venetoclax by strongly reducing Mcl1 levels. Finally, OTSSP167 treatment of A20-inoculated mice resulted in a significant prolonged survival. In conclusion, targeting MELK with OTSSP167 induced strong anti-lymphoma activity both in vitro and in vivo. These findings suggest that MELK could be a potential new target in these aggressive B cell malignancies

    Treatment temperature and insult severity influence the neuroprotective effects of therapeutic hypothermia

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    Therapeutic hypothermia (HT) is standard care for moderate and severe neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE), the leading cause of permanent brain injury in term newborns. However, the optimal temperature for HT is still unknown, and few preclinical studies have compared multiple HT treatment temperatures. Additionally, HT may not benefit infants with severe encephalopathy. In a neonatal rat model of unilateral hypoxia-ischaemia (HI), the effect of five different HT temperatures was investigated after either moderate or severe injury. At postnatal-day seven, rat pups underwent moderate or severe HI followed by 5 h at normothermia (37 °C), or one of five HT temperatures: 33.5 °C, 32 °C, 30 °C, 26 °C, and 18 °C. One week after treatment, neuropathological analysis of hemispheric and hippocampal area loss, and CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neuron count, was performed. After moderate injury, a significant reduction in hemispheric and hippocampal loss on the injured side, and preservation of CA1 pyramidal neurons, was seen in the 33.5 °C, 32 °C, and 30 °C groups. Cooling below 33.5 °C did not provide additional neuroprotection. Regardless of treatment temperature, HT was not neuroprotective in the severe HI model. Based on these findings, and previous experience translating preclinical studies into clinical application, we propose that milder cooling should be considered for future clinical trials

    Variability and sex-dependence of hypothermic neuroprotection in a rat model of neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic brain injury:a single laboratory meta-analysis

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    Therapeutic hypothermia (HT) is standard care for term infants with hypoxic–ischaemic (HI) encephalopathy. However, the efficacy of HT in preclinical models, such as the Vannucci model of unilateral HI in the newborn rat, is often greater than that reported from clinical trials. Here, we report a meta-analysis of data from every experiment in a single laboratory, including pilot data, examining the effect of HT in the Vannucci model. Across 21 experiments using 106 litters, median (95% CI) hemispheric area loss was 50.1% (46.0–51.9%; n = 305) in the normothermia group, and 41.3% (35.1–44.9%; n = 317) in the HT group, with a bimodal injury distribution. Median neuroprotection by HT was 17.6% (6.8–28.3%), including in severe injury, but was highly-variable across experiments. Neuroprotection was significant in females (p < 0.001), with a non-significant benefit in males (p = 0.07). Animals representing the median injury in each group within each litter (n = 277, 44.5%) were also analysed using formal neuropathology, which showed neuroprotection by HT throughout the brain, particularly in females. Our results suggest an inherent variability and sex-dependence of the neuroprotective response to HT, with the majority of studies in the Vannucci model vastly underpowered to detect true treatment effects due to the distribution of injury