8 research outputs found

    Person Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy Scale (PCEPS) : development and reliability of an adherence/competence measure for person-centred and experiential psychotherapies

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    Aims: This study aimed to assess the reliability of the Person Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy Scale (PCEPS), a new adherence/competence measure of person-centred and experiential psychotherapies. The PCEPS consists of 15 items with two subscales: Person Centred Process, and Experiential Process. Method: One-hundred twenty audio-recorded segments of therapy sessions were rated independently by two teams of three raters using the PCEPS. Half of the segments were 10 min long and the other half were 15 min long. Six therapists were experienced therapists and four were counsellors in training. Seven of the therapists identified their work as 'person-centred’, and three identifed their work as 'process-experiential'. Three raters were qualified and experienced person- centred therapists and three raters were person-centred counselling trainees in their first year of training. Results: Interrater reliabilities were good (alpha: .68 - .86), especially when ratings were averaged across items (alpha: .87); interitem reliabilities were quite high (alpha: .98). Exploratory factor analyses revealed a 12-item facilitative relationship factor that cuts across Person-centred and Experiential subscales (alpha: .98), and a nonfacilitative directiveness factor (3 items, alpha: .89). Conclusions/Implications: The PCEPS has potential for use in RCT research as well as in counselling training and supervision, but will require further testing and validation

    In memoriam : David Bradby (1942-2011) : liberte, egalite, fraternite

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    This special edition of Backpages is dedicated to commemorate the passing of Contemporary Theatre Review's co-editor David Bradby, whose long-standing, exemplary, open-hearted leadership in theatre education, scholarship, translation, theory and practice was profound, and beyond measure. Backpages has gathered personal tributes from practitioners and fellow colleagues in the field in his memory

    Progression of Geographic Atrophy in Age-related Macular Degeneration

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