44 research outputs found

    Tables 3_Strain values_Unilateral biting

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    Values of tensile and compressive strains during finite element simulations of unilateral molar bitin

    Table 1_Diet, MA, PC, Moments

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    Diet, mechanical advantage, skull shape and biomechanical variables for the phyllostomid bat species studies. Morphological data collected from dry skulls and biomechanical variables generated through a 3D bite force mode


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    Zipped-archive of CT scans of the head of Artibeus jamaicensis, AMNH #267998


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    Zipped-archive of CT scans of the head of Macrotus waterhousii, AMNH #275472


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    Zipped-archive of CT scans of the head of Anoura geoffroyi¸ AMNH #199538


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    Zipped-archive of CT scans of the head of Glossophaga soricina, AMNH #260965


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    Solid model of the airway (in *.msh format) of Carollia perspicillata (AMNH #261433), suitable for running CFD simulations

    Table 2_Strain values_Bilateral biting

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    Values of tensile and compressive strains during finite element simulations of bilateral molar bitin


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    Solid model of the airway (in *.msh format) of Mimon crenulatum (AMNH #267888), suitable for running CFD simulations


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    Zipped-archive of CT scans of the head of Carollia perspicillata, AMNH #261433