20 research outputs found

    Maximizing Dietary Knowledge and Behavior through a Teens as Teachers Approach

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    The teens as teachers model is a promising approach to impact teen behavior. The current study evaluated dietary knowledge and behavior among teen teachers participating in a 4-H youth development program (N = 46; Mage = 15.5 years; 67% female; 48% Hispanic; 38% White Non-Hispanic, 14% Other). A paired sample t test was conducted on pre-and post-program surveys to identify significant improvements in dietary knowledge and behaviors. Findings suggest teens as teachers is generally effective in promoting healthy dietary knowledge and behavior. We recommend this approach be disseminated within Extension 4-H youth development healthy eating active living programming

    Sound and silence: The effects of environmental conditions on state boredom in an online study during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Boredom is a negative emotion commonly experienced in mundane situations. Boredom is thought to arise from a mismatch between individuals and their expectation for environmental stimulation. People attempt to reduce boredom by increasing the stimulation in their environment (e.g., turning on TV or music). Theories of boredom suggest external stimulation may cue the individual to expect more stimulation than the mundane task offers-thereby increasing boredom. Researchers adapted lab-based tasks to online during the COVID-19 pandemic, which allowed participants to set the study\u27s environmental conditions. Our method involved data collected online during the COVID-19 pandemic. We tested whether 137 college-age participants who reported being alone in a noisy room experienced more boredom after a mundane task than those who were alone in a quiet room. Results showed individuals in a noisier environment reported more boredom following a repetitive task than those in a quieter environment. Some people, high in trait boredom, experience boredom more frequently or cannot tolerate it. Our results revealed that the effects of environmental condition remained after controlling for the influence of trait boredom. In the discussion, we describe links to extant boredom research and implications for researchers collecting data online and individuals attempting to mitigate boredom

    The state of methamphetamine ('tik') use among youth in the Western Cape, South Africa

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    BACKGROUND Methamphetamine use among youth in the Western Cape Province of South Africa has increased at alarming rates over the past decade. Although current estimates of youth use exist, they range from 2% to 12%. OBJECTIVES To identify (i) the prevalence of methamphetamine use in Western Cape youth and (ii) the association between use and known risk factors for methamphetamine use. METHODS Data were obtained from 10 000 Western Cape Province Grade 8 learners in 54 secondary schools (mean age 14.0 years). Prevalence was descriptively reported while risk factors for past-month use were modelled in a hierarchical logistic regression with demographic, socioeconomic status, substance use, sexual activity and relationship predictors. RESULTS Approximately 5% (n=496) of learners had used methamphetamine within their lifetime. Of these users, 65% (n=322) had used in the past month or week. Compared to never users, past-month users were more likely to be male, less likely to have a present or partially present mother, less likely to live in an apartment/flat/brick house, more likely to have used alcohol and tobacco and more likely to report having a same-sex partner. CONCLUSION Results replicate previously known methamphetamine risk factors and highlight the need to address methamphetamine use in comprehensive prevention initiatives.DHE

    “I felt really respected and I know she felt respected too”: Using Youth-Adult Partnerships to Promote Positive Youth Development in 4-H Youth

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    Youth-adult relationships exist on a continuum from adult-led to youth-led collaborations. However, research suggests that quality youth-adult partnerships, which fall in the middle of this continuum, directly contribute to positive youth development. Given this, the current study evaluated the impact of a 4-H Youth Development program, using youth-adult partnerships and a teens as teachers program model, on positive youth development outcomes of participating youth. Qualitative data were collected from 29 youth to evaluate the 4-H Food Smart Families program presented by Washington State University Youth Advocates for Health (YA4-H!). Data analysis identified themes related to the benefits and challenges of the youth-adult partnership and skills gained from being a teen teacher. When looking at results from a positive youth development perspective, it is evident the youth who participated in youth-adult partnerships and as teen teachers experienced beneficial outcomes. Qualitative codes clearly aligned with 4-H Essential Elements of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity, indicating positive youth development had occurred despite realworld implementation challenges. Based on our experience and lessons learned, we conclude with suggestions for successful implementation of a youth-adult partnership

    Teens as Teachers: Positive Outcomes and Recommendations for Promoting Healthy Nutrition in Adolescents

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    The prevalence of overweight and obese status in adolescence points to a need to identify and broadly disseminate effective approaches promoting healthy eating. One promising approach engages teens as teachers to implement a nutrition education curriculum for younger youth. This article highlights qualitative evaluation results of a cross-age peer-teaching program on teen teachers. Results strengthen our knowledge base of cross-age peer teaching and inform policy and practice implications. Teens experienced greater internalization of curriculum content as evidenced by increased knowledge, improved behaviors, and overcoming barriers to healthy eating. These findings are grounded in social learning theory. To disseminate cross-age peer teaching within youth-serving organizations, we recommend the use of an evidence-based framework to guide program implementation and the development of policy to ensure intentional teen teaching opportunities

    With a little help from my friends? A longitudinal look at the role of peers versus friends on adolescent alcohol use

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    Introduction: Alcohol is the most commonly used substance by South African adolescents. Social norms play a key role in alcohol use, although distinctions are not always made between descriptive and injunctive norms and peer proximity. Additionally, little research identifies factors attenuating social norms, peer proximity, and alcohol use, such as one's ability to resist peer influence. Methods: The current study investigates the relationship between adolescent alcohol use in 9th Grade and descriptive peer and injunctive friend norms in 8th grade, the moderating role of resistance to peer influence, and sex differences. Data were from South African students (N=3592; Mage=14) participating in the HealthWise South Africa implementation quality trial. Results: Path model results indicated injunctive friend norms, but not peer norms, influenced alcohol use. Resistance to peer influence did not moderate relationships and group comparisons found no sex differences. Conclusion: Findings suggest social proximity shapes influences of alcohol use. Despite a differing cultural context, findings were consistent with those from the United States, indicating social proximity is relevant cross-culturally

    Profiles of adolescent leisure motivation and substance use in the HealthWise South Africa research trial: a person-centered approach

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    Engaging in intrinsically motivated behaviors, both within and outside of the leisure context, is associated with well-being. However, individuals can be driven by multiple types of motivation simultaneously, and the impact of constellations of leisure motivation is relatively unknown. The current study uses South African adolescents in the HealthWise South Africa efficacy trial (N¼2,204; Mage¼14.0) to identify profiles of leisure motivation, examine the association between profiles and substance use, and evaluate the impact of HealthWise on changes in motivation profiles over time. Results indicate three distinct profiles: high consistent motivation, low consistent motivation, and high intrinsic motivation. Members of the high intrinsic profile had the lowest odds of substance use. Profiles were fairly stable across all time points except for females in a high-training intervention school. Results illustrate the importance of identifying and understanding typologies of leisure motivation and health across time, which can be used to promote positive development in adolescents

    Perceived parental control, restructuring ability, and leisure motivation: A cross-cultural comparison

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    Leisure is viewedworldwide as an important developmental context for adolescents. As leisure research and programs are shared across nations, it is crucial to examine the cultural equivalence of leisure-related constructs and how they are related. Grounded in self-determination theory, this study explored the influence of perceived parental control and leisure restructuring ability on leisure motivation (amotivation and autonomous motivation) using samples of eighth grade adolescents in the United States and South Africa. Results of multiple-group structural equation modeling showed that the measurement model of the constructs was equivalent across the two samples, but the determinants of leisure motivation differed between the two samples. The findings provide implications for future cross-cultural research in leisure and offer insights on design and adaptation of leisure-based intervention and education programs in different cultural contexts.IS

    Difficulties with Emotion Regulation during COVID-19 and Associations with Boredom in College Students

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    COVID-19 related restrictions resulted in a significant lifestyle change for many young adults in the United States. Although boredom and emotional self-regulation are clearly connected in empirical research, the question remains of what this association looks like in unique circumstances, such as early in COVID-19 pandemic at the height of restrictions. The purpose of the current study is to identify the association between boredom proneness and emotion regulation in college students during the COVID-19 pandemic. College students who completed a Boredom Coping Survey between October and December 2019 (n = 481) were recruited for a follow-up COVID-19 Boredom Survey in April 2020. Data from this sub-sample (n = 58) were used in a hierarchical regression predicting the role of boredom proneness on COVID-19 pandemic emotion regulation difficulties while controlling for age, sex, and COVID-19 related lifestyle changes. Findings indicated higher levels of emotion regulation difficulties were associated with higher levels of boredom proneness above and beyond demographic variables and COVID-19 lifestyle changes. Results are in line with prior theory and research on the importance of the environment or situational factors to the experience of boredom