161 research outputs found

    The Effects of Warming Temperatures, Fire, and Landscape Change on Lake Production in Mountain Lakes, Alberta, Canada

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    Many factors could be causing the widespread eutrophication being observed globally, including natural and human factors. In the mountainous regions of Alberta, Canada, warming temperatures, increased fire occurrence, and greater landscape disturbance could increase lake production. To determine the effects of these factors, proxies of lake production preserved in lake sediment records that span the last 1000 years were measured. These records are from two lakes that have not been affected by direct nutrient inputs from human activities; one in Jasper National Park and one from the Hinton area (Alberta). The results highlight that there is little effect of fire or landscape change on lake production, with the exception of the large and widespread fire that occurred in 1889 at Little Trefoil Lake #3. This fire caused a decrease in lake production, possibly due to increased turbidity and reduced light availability. There was a rapid increase in lake production in Little Trefoil Lake #3 and in diatom and chrysophyte production in ZS1 Lake after 1950/1960. These increases may be related to warming temperatures, but this hypothesis is not supported by the absence of change in lake production to earlier periods of warming. My research contributes to our knowledge of the effects of warming temperatures, fire, and landscape changes on small lakes in Alberta, Canada, which should help inform management decisions for protecting these sites

    Environment and Obesity in the National Children\u27s Study

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    Objective: In this review we describe the approach taken by the National Children’s Study (NCS), a 21-year prospective study of 100,000 American children, to understanding the role of environmental factors in the development of obesity. Data sources and extraction: We review the literature with regard to the two core hypotheses in the NCS that relate to environmental origins of obesity and describe strategies that will be used to test each hypothesis. Data synthesis: Although it is clear that obesity in an individual results from an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure, control of the obesity epidemic will require understanding of factors in the modern built environment and chemical exposures that may have the capacity to disrupt the link between energy intake and expenditure. The NCS is the largest prospective birth cohort study ever undertaken in the United States that is explicitly designed to seek information on the environmental causes of pediatric disease. Conclusions: Through its embrace of the life-course approach to epidemiology, the NCS will be able to study the origins of obesity from preconception through late adolescence, including factors ranging from genetic inheritance to individual behaviors to the social, built, and natural environment and chemical exposures. It will have sufficient statistical power to examine interactions among these multiple influences, including gene–environment and gene–obesity interactions. A major secondary benefit will derive from the banking of specimens for future analysis

    Home Energy-Efficiency Retrofits

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    Dietary betaine supplementation increases Fgf21 levels to improve glucose homeostasis and reduce hepatic lipid accumulation in mice

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    Identifying markers of human insulin resistance may permit development of new approaches for treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes. To this end, we analyzed the fasting plasma metabolome in metabolically characterized human volunteers across a spectrum of insulin resistance. We demonstrate that plasma betaine levels are reduced in insulin-resistant humans and correlate closely with insulin sensitivity. Moreover, betaine administration to mice with diet-induced obesity prevents the development of impaired glucose homeostasis, reduces hepatic lipid accumulation, increases white adipose oxidative capacity, and enhances whole-body energy expenditure. In parallel with these beneficial metabolic effects, betaine supplementation robustly increased hepatic and circulating fibroblast growth factor (Fgf)21 levels. Betaine administration failed to improve glucose homeostasis and liver fat content in Fgf21(-/-) mice, demonstrating that Fgf21 is necessary for betaine's beneficial effects. Together, these data indicate that dietary betaine increases Fgf21 levels to improve metabolic health in mice and suggest that betaine supplementation merits further investigation as a supplement for treatment or prevention of type 2 diabetes in humans

    Macrophage metabolism in the intestine is compartment specific and regulated by the microbiota

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    Intestinal macrophages play a vital role in the maintenance of gut homeostasis through signals derived from the microbiota. We previously demonstrated that microbial-derived metabolites can shape the metabolic functions of macrophages. Here, we show that antibiotic-induced disruption of the intestinal microbiota dramatically alters both the local metabolite environment and the metabolic functions of macrophages in the colon. Broad-spectrum antibiotic administration in mice increased the expression of the large neutral amino acid transporter LAT1 and accordingly, amino acid uptake. Subsequently, antibiotic administration enhanced the metabolic functions of colonic macrophages, increasing phosphorylation of components of mammalian/mechanistic target of rapamycin signalling pathways, with increased expression of genes involved in glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), increased mitochondrial function, increased rate of extracellular acidification (ECAR; measure of glycolysis) and increased rate of oxygen consumption (OCR; measure of OXPHOS). Small bowel macrophages were less metabolically active than their colonic counterparts, with macrophage metabolism in the small intestine being independent of the microbiota. Finally, we reveal tissue-resident Tim4+ CD4+ macrophages exhibit enhanced fatty acid uptake alongside reduced fatty acid synthesis compared to recruited macrophages. Thus, the microbiota shapes gut macrophage metabolism in a compartment-specific manner, with important implications for monocyte recruitment and macrophage differentiation

    Environment and Obesity in the National Children’s Study

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    Objective: In this review we describe the approach taken by the National Children’s Study (NCS), a 21-year prospective study of 100,000 American children, to understanding the role of environmental factors in the development of obesity. Data sources and extraction: We review the literature with regard to the two core hypotheses in the NCS that relate to environmental origins of obesity and describe strategies that will be used to test each hypothesis. Data synthesis: Although it is clear that obesity in an individual results from an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure, control of the obesity epidemic will require understanding of factors in the modern built environment and chemical exposures that may have the capacity to disrupt the link between energy intake and expenditure. The NCS is the largest prospective birth cohort study ever undertaken in the United States that is explicitly designed to seek information on the environmental causes of pediatric disease. Conclusions: Through its embrace of the life-course approach to epidemiology, the NCS will be able to study the origins of obesity from preconception through late adolescence, including factors ranging from genetic inheritance to individual behaviors to the social, built, and natural environment and chemical exposures. It will have sufficient statistical power to examine interactions among these multiple influences, including gene–environment and gene–obesity interactions. A major secondary benefit will derive from the banking of specimens for future analysis

    Antibiotics induce sustained dysregulation of intestinal T cell immunity by perturbing macrophage homeostasis

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    Macrophages in the healthy intestine are highly specialized and usually respond to the gut microbiota without provoking an inflammatory response. A breakdown in this tolerance leads to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but the mechanisms by which intestinal macrophages normally become conditioned to promote microbial tolerance are unclear. Strong epidemiological evidence linking disruption of the gut microbiota by antibiotic use early in life to IBD indicates an important role for the gut microbiota in modulating intestinal immunity. Here, we show that antibiotic use causes intestinal macrophages to become hyperresponsive to bacterial stimulation, producing excess inflammatory cytokines. Re-exposure of antibiotic-treated mice to conventional microbiota induced a long-term, macrophage-dependent increase in inflammatory T helper 1 (T 1) responses in the colon and sustained dysbiosis. The consequences of this dysregulated macrophage activity for T cell function were demonstrated by increased susceptibility to infections requiring T 17 and T 2 responses for clearance (bacterial and helminth infections), corresponding with increased inflammation. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) were depleted during antibiotic administration; supplementation of antibiotics with the SCFA butyrate restored the characteristic hyporesponsiveness of intestinal macrophages and prevented T cell dysfunction. Butyrate altered the metabolic behavior of macrophages to increase oxidative phosphorylation and also promoted alternative macrophage activation. In summary, the gut microbiota is essential to maintain macrophage-dependent intestinal immune homeostasis, mediated by SCFA-dependent pathways. Oral antibiotics disrupt this process to promote sustained T cell-mediated dysfunction and increased susceptibility to infections, highlighting important implications of repeated broad-spectrum antibiotic use

    Systemic iron reduction by venesection alters the gut microbiome in patients with haemochromatosis

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    Background & Aims: Iron reduction by venesection has been the cornerstone of treatment for haemochromatosis for decades, and its reported health benefits are many. Repeated phlebotomy can lead to a compensatory increase in intestinal iron absorption, reducing intestinal iron availability. Given that most gut bacteria are highly dependent on iron for survival, we postulated that, by reducing gut iron levels, venesection could alter the gut microbiota. Methods: Clinical parameters, faecal bacterial composition and metabolomes were assessed before and during treatment in a group of patients with haemochromatosis undergoing iron reduction therapy. Results: Systemic iron reduction was associated with an alteration of the gut microbiome, with changes evident in those who experienced reduced faecal iron availability with venesection. For example, levels of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, a bacterium associated with improved colonic health, were increased in response to faecal iron reduction. Similarly, metabolomic changes were seen in association with reduced faecal iron levels. Conclusion: These findings highlight a significant shift in the gut microbiome of patients who experience reduced colonic iron during venesection. Targeted depletion of faecal iron could represent a novel therapy for metabolic and inflammatory diseases, meriting further investigation. Lay summary: Iron depletion by repeated venesection is the mainstay of treatment for haemochromatosis, an iron-overload disorder. Venesection has been associated with several health benefits, including improvements in liver function tests, reversal of liver scarring, and reduced risk of liver cancer. During iron depletion, iron absorption from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract increases to compensate for iron lost with treatment. Iron availability is limited in the GI tract and is crucial to the growth and function of many gut bacteria. In this study we show that reduced iron availability in the colon following venesection treatment leads to a change in the composition of the gut bacteria, a finding that, to date, has not been studied in patients with haemochromatosis

    HIV-1 Nef Targets MHC-I and CD4 for Degradation Via a Final Common β-COP–Dependent Pathway in T Cells

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    To facilitate viral infection and spread, HIV-1 Nef disrupts the surface expression of the viral receptor (CD4) and molecules capable of presenting HIV antigens to the immune system (MHC-I). To accomplish this, Nef binds to the cytoplasmic tails of both molecules and then, by mechanisms that are not well understood, disrupts the trafficking of each molecule in different ways. Specifically, Nef promotes CD4 internalization after it has been transported to the cell surface, whereas Nef uses the clathrin adaptor, AP-1, to disrupt normal transport of MHC-I from the TGN to the cell surface. Despite these differences in initial intracellular trafficking, we demonstrate that MHC-I and CD4 are ultimately found in the same Rab7+ vesicles and are both targeted for degradation via the activity of the Nef-interacting protein, β-COP. Moreover, we demonstrate that Nef contains two separable β-COP binding sites. One site, an arginine (RXR) motif in the N-terminal α helical domain of Nef, is necessary for maximal MHC-I degradation. The second site, composed of a di-acidic motif located in the C-terminal loop domain of Nef, is needed for efficient CD4 degradation. The requirement for redundant motifs with distinct roles supports a model in which Nef exists in multiple conformational states that allow access to different motifs, depending upon which cellular target is bound by Nef
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