107 research outputs found

    Using DHS to Identify Sites for HIV Prevention Trials

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    Recruiting high-risk, HIV-negative participants is challenging for HIV prevention trials. This study aimed to 1) identify and characterize subsets of high-risk women based on responses to demographic and psychosocial questions from the AIDS Indicator Survey (AIS) and 2) develop a rapid, inexpensive tool for site identification. We developed a latent class model (LCM), hypothesizing that AIS respondents could be grouped by responses to psychosocial indicators, and that these latent classes would vary by HIV status, socio-demographic, and other indicators. We tested our model on women respondents from the Tanzania 2003 AIS Survey, and replicated it in several other populations.  LCM produced four classes of women who significantly varied by psychosocial indicators and HIV status. Geographic differences in HIV prevalence and class composition were observed. Our approach has the potential to provide a more systematic, inexpensive and rapid strategy to identify HIV prevention trial sites

    Using preliminary data and prospective power analyses for mid-stream revision of projected group and subgroup sizes in pragmatic patient-centered outcomes research

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    Pragmatic clinical trials are commonly used in patient-centered outcomes research to assess heterogeneity of treatment effects. Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) methodology standards for assessing heterogeneity of treatment effects are extremely rigorous, but their implementation in real-world settings can be difficult. Predicting recruitment effectiveness and subgroup characteristics is often challenging and may require mid-stream revision of projected group and subgroup sizes. Yet, little real-world data are available to demonstrate methodologically valid approaches to address situations where such revisions are necessary. These data were used for mid-stream revision of group and subgroup sizes in the Management of Diabetes in Everyday Life (MODEL) clinical trial. The planned number of randomized participants retained over the one-year study period was reduced from 800 to 581 due to recruitment difficulties among potential participants residing in rural areas. Prospective power analyses are based on the revised target of 581 participants retained and the proportions of 167 participants with various key baseline characteristics, who had been randomized in MODEL by January 2018, as reported to the Patient Center Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and the MODEL Data Safety and Monitoring Committee. Power calculations are based on two-sided t-tests with type-I error rates of 0.05 and the assumption that effect sizes will range from small (standardized difference = 0.36) to medium (= 0.50). The primary outcome variables are how many days in the previous week participants 1) ate healthy meals, 2) participated in at least 30 minutes of physical activity, and 3) took medications as prescribed. The POWER procedure of SAS 9.4 was used for all analyses. These data, along with the approach, can assist statisticians as they plan future pragmatic clinical trials evaluating heterogeneity of treatment effects. These data can help inform investigators, conducting patient-centered outcomes research, as they define subgroups for either confirmatory analyses for testing heterogeneity of treatment effects or for exploratory analyses where estimation of confidence bounds may be useful for generating future hypotheses. (This work was supported through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Project Program Award (SC15-1503-28336), www.ClinicalTrials.gov and Identifier: NCT02957513 [1].

    Microbicides 2008 conference: From discovery to advocacy

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    Recently revised statistics show the number of individuals living with HIV at over 33 million worldwide, with 68% being in sub-Saharan Africa. Current HIV prevention methods, such as condom use, monogamy and abstinence, are not always feasible. The need for improved HIV preventative technologies remains urgent. Of these, microbicides represent a promising female-initiated preventative method. Microbicides are designed to be applied vaginally to prevent HIV and STI acquisition. Research is also being undertaken to assess the safety of the product during rectal application

    Sexual communication among married couples in the context of a microbicide clinical trial and acceptability study in Pune, India

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    Previous research in India indicates that there is little communication within marriage about sex. Lack of communication about safe sexual behaviours may increase couples’ vulnerability to HIV. This study explores couple level sexual communication and socio-cultural norms that influence couples’ communication about sex and its implications for HIV prevention. Data derive from in-depth interviews at two points in time with 10 couples. Secondary qualitative analyses of the interviews were conducted using inductive and deductive coding techniques. Half of the couples described improved communication about sex and HIV and AIDS after participation in the clinical trial and/or acceptability study, as well as increased sexual activity, improved relationships by alleviating doubts about their partner’s fidelity and forgiving their partners. The findings show that creating safe spaces for couples where they can ask frank questions about HIV and AIDS, sex and sexuality potentially can improve couples’ communication about sex and reduce their risk for HIV infection

    Comparing Patterns of Sexual Risk among Adolescent and Young\ud Women in a Mixed-method Study in Tanzania: Implications for\ud Adolescent Participation in HIV Prevention Trials

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    Despite the disproportionate impact of HIV on women, and adolescents in particular, those below age 18 years are underrepresented in HIV prevention trials due to ethical, safety and logistical concerns. This study examined and compared the sexual risk contexts of adolescent women aged 15 17 to young adult women aged 18 21 to determine whether adolescents exhibited similar risk profiles and the implications for their inclusion in future trials. We conducted a two-phase, mixed-method study to assess the opportunities and challenges of recruiting and retaining adolescents (aged 15 17) versus young women (18 21) in Tanzania. Phase I, community formative research (CFR), used serial in-depth interviews with 11 adolescent and 12 young adult women from a range of sexual risk contexts in preparation for a mock clinical trial (MCT). For Phase II, 135 HIV-negative, non-pregnant adolescents and young women were enrolled into a six-month MCT to assess and compare differences in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) outcomes, including risky sexual behaviour, incident pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), reproductive tract infections (RTIs) and HIV. In both research phases, adolescents appeared to be at similar, if not higher, risk than their young adult counterparts. Adolescents reported earlier sexual debut, and similar numbers of lifetime partners, pregnancy and STI/RTI rates, yet had lower perceived risk. Married women in the CFR appeared at particular risk but were less represented in the MCT. In addition, adolescents were less likely than their older counterparts to have accessed HIV testing, obtained gynaecological exams or used protective technologies. Adolescent women under 18 are at risk of multiple negative SRH outcomes and they underuse preventive services. Their access to new technologies such as vaginal microbicides or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) may similarly be compromised unless greater effort is made to include them in clinical trial research

    Preferred product attributes of a multipurpose vaginal ring: Findings from a phase 1 trial

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    IntroductionMost women face multiple and co-occurring risks from unwanted pregnancy, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) at some point during their lifetime. While a range of contraceptive methods exist and options for HIV prevention are increasing, to date, only male and female condoms provide multipurpose protection from both pregnancy and disease.MethodsFrom September 2017 to December 2018, 60 women from the United States and the Dominican Republic, randomized 1:1 to continuous or interrupted use and 4:1 to active vs. placebo ring, participated in a Phase I trial to assess the safety and tolerability of a three-month multipurpose intravaginal ring (IVR) containing the antiviral tenofovir and the contraceptive levonorgestrel. This study examines survey responses from all participants and qualitative data from a subset of 17 women to assess acceptability of and preferences for IVR characteristics.ResultsOverall, women liked the concept of a multipurpose IVR and found it easy to insert and remove. Initial concerns about the size or thickness of the ring generally disappeared with use experience. Women weighed trade-offs between the ease of continuous use for a longer duration against concerns about hygiene and discoloration of the ring when left in place during menses. Whether randomized to continuous or interrupted use, most women found ring attributes (size, thickness, flexibility) very acceptable. They provided recommendations via survey and qualitative interviews for ring modifications that would further increase acceptability. Insights into women's use experiences also suggest the need for clear counseling messages and introduction strategies that can facilitate women's choice and use of prevention methods.DiscussionStudy findings suggest that a multipurpose IVR would make a valuable contribution to women's sexual and reproductive health options, and that both continuous and interrupted use strategies may be preferred

    Predicting Product Adherence in a Topical Microbicide Safety Trial in Pune, India

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    The inconclusive results of past trials and recent findings of partial protection of Tenofovir 1% gel underscore the need to better understand product adherence in microbicide trials. This study aimed to identify factors predicting couples’ ability to sustain topical gel and condom use during clinical trial participation. We enrolled 100 Indian participants of a randomized, controlled safety trial of Tenofovir 1% gel (CT cohort) and 100 similar women who were ineligible or declined trial participation (NCT cohort). Compared to the NCT cohort, CT women reported higher baseline condom use, more positive attitudes towards condoms and higher levels of protection efficacy. While NCT condom use remained low, CT condom use increased dramatically during the study. Reported gel consistency was higher than condom consistency. Individual and couple-related factors predicted condom consistency and interest in future gel use, but not gel consistency. Findings could inform trial recruitment strategies and product introduction

    The Role of Financial Incentives Along the Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Continuum: A Qualitative Sub-study of the HPTN 065 (TLC-Plus) Study

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    The stages of change (SOC) theory suggests individuals adapt incrementally to behaviors like adherence, requiring different strategies over the behavior change continuum. Offering financial incentives (FIs) is one strategy to motivate adherence. This qualitative sub-study examined adherence barriers and the role of FIs to increase viral suppression (VS) among HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) 065 study participants categorized into SOC-related adherence stages based on changes from baseline to follow-up viral load tests. Of 73 participants, most were in Maintenance stage (n = 31), defined as having achieved VS throughout HPTN 065, or in Action stage (n = 29), defined as moving from virally unsuppressed to suppressed in 50% or more of tests. Only 13 were Low Adherers, having achieved VS in fewer than 50% of tests. The latter group faced substantial social and structural adherence barriers. Participants in the Action stage made positive changes to adherence routines to achieve VS. Those in Maintenance were less incentivized by FIs, as they were already committed. Results from this sub-study suggest FI effectiveness may vary across the SOC continuum, with greatest impact for those initiating antiretroviral or without explicit adherence routines. FIs may be insufficient to overcome strong social or structural barriers, and unnecessary for those intrinsically committed to remaining adherent