5 research outputs found

    Soil carbon concentration (5-15cm)

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    This data file contains a data frame called 'soil_fert3a' which contains soil carbon concentration in the 5-15cm depth fraction, various fertility parameters, LiDAR derived elevation, and mean vegetation greenness (from EVI across 28 years) for each of 57 soil samples collected from across Buck Island Ranch (Lake Placid, FL). The soil carbon concentration is in column called ‘C_515’. These values are based on a composite sample from 12 subsamples representing the 5-15 cm fraction at each sampled point. Samples were oven-dried and analyzed for SOC/SON via EA at the University of Florida. Fertility parameters were assessed at the University of Florida extension soil testing laboratory using the Mehlich III extraction. The first appearance of each parameter represents raw data on original scale, while the second appearance, denoted by _std label, represents value after standardization onto a N(0,0.5) scale

    Soil carbon stock (0-15cm)

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    This data file contains a data frame called 'soil_fert1a' which contains soil carbon, various fertility parameters, LiDAR derived elevation, and mean vegetation greenness (from EVI across 28 years) for each of 57 soil samples collected from across Buck Island Ranch (Lake Placid, FL). The bulk-density corrected estimate of soil carbon stock is in the column called 'c_stock'. These values are based on a single sample from a hammer core taken to 15cm depth. Samples were oven-dried, weighed to assess bulk density, and analyzed for SOC/SON via EA at the University of Florida. Fertility parameters were assessed at the University of Florida extension soil testing laboratory using the Mehlich III extraction. The first appearance of each parameter represents raw data on original scale, while the second appearance, denoted by _std label, represents value after standardization onto a N(0,0.5) scale

    EVI Matrices and Julian Days, Buck Island Ranch

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    This RData file contains a list called 'EVImatlist' which contains 4 components. The first two are matrices with LEDAPS filtered surface reflectance calculated EVI from Landsat 5 platform for 57 soil sampling points across pastures at Buck Island Ranch (Lake Placid, FL, USA). Matrix one contains a column for every day in the date range accessed (n = 426), whereas matrix two summarizes the EVI per year. NA's represent cells where the LEDAPS algorithm filtered out cloud and/or shadow contamination. Associated with the daily matrix, there is a vector called 'jd' that contains the julian day for that acquisition, and associated with the yearly matrix, there is a vector called 'yr' that represents the year summarized

    Soil carbon concentration (0-5cm)

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    This data file contains a data frame called 'soil_fert2a' which contains soil carbon concentration in the 0-5cm depth fraction, various fertility parameters, LiDAR derived elevation, and mean vegetation greenness (from EVI across 28 years) for each of 57 soil samples collected from across Buck Island Ranch (Lake Placid, FL). The soil carbon concentration is in column called ‘C_05’. These values are based on a composite sample from 12 subsamples representing the top 5 cm fraction at each sampled point. Samples were oven-dried and analyzed for SOC/SON via EA at the University of Florida. Fertility parameters were assessed at the University of Florida extension soil testing laboratory using the Mehlich III extraction. The first appearance of each parameter represents raw data on original scale, while the second appearance, denoted by _std label, represents value after standardization onto a N(0,0.5) scale

    Gomez-Casanovas et al_EAP16-0667

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    <pre>Description: Environmental (air temperature and precipitation) and soil variables (soil temperature and moisture) along with CO<sub>2</sub> and CH<sub>4</sub> fluxes for both grazed and ungrazed pastures.</pre><pre> Environmental variables: Air temperature and precipitation values provided are daily averages. </pre><pre> Soil variables: Soil temperature and moisture values provided are daily averages measured at 10 and 15-cm depth, respectively. </pre><pre> CO<sub>2</sub> and CH<sub>4</sub> fluxes provided are half-hour gap filled values. Fluxes of CO<sub>2</sub> were gap filled using the Eddy covariance gap-filling and flux partitioning online tool (<a href="http://www.bgc-jena.mpg.de/~MDIwork/eddyproc/index.php">http://www.bgc-jena.mpg.de/~MDIwork/eddyproc/index.php</a>), and the fluxes of CH<sub>4</sub> were gap filled replacing missing values by the mean of specific half-hour of four adjacent days. Details of post-processing and gap filling methods are provided in Material and Methods. </pre> <p> </p