851 research outputs found

    A qualitative exploration of sleep-related sexual interests: Somnophilia and dormaphilia

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    Somnophilia is an under-researched paraphilia. Consequently, there are discrepancies in its definition and conceptual understanding. Also, literature regarding the sexual interest in being asleep during sexual activity (dormaphilia) is even more limited. As such, there is a need to understand these paraphilias more deeply. This study recruited 232 participants online to discuss the content, origin, sexual appeal, emotional appraisal, and behavioural enactment of their somnophilic and dormaphilic interests and fantasies. A Thematic Analysis led to the identification of four main themes: (1) Relevance of Sleep State; (2) Roles within Sleep Sex; (3) Enactment of Sleep Paraphilia and (4) Lack of Consent and Awareness. These four themes spanned across both those reporting somnophilic and dormaphilic fantasies. The Discussion explores the multi-faceted nature of the interests, and implications for the understanding of somnophilia and dormaphilia. This study provides the first qualitative exploration of sleep-related paraphilias

    Listening to Early Career Dementia Researchers

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    To investigate researchers’ experiences of their workplaces, fields, careers and support, University College London and The Alzheimer's Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART) Professional Interest Area to Elevate Early Career Researchers (PEERS) surveyed ECRs working in the field of dementia or those who had recently left the field. This report provides the results of the survey conducted between the 1st September to 31st October 202

    Resourcing a Mosaic Force: Lessons from an Acquisition Wargame

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    Symposium PresentationApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Resourcing a Mosaic Force: Lesions from an Acquisition Wargame

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    Excerpt from the Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Acquisition Research SymposiumDARPA has an ambitious vision for Mosaic Warfare, conceived by its Strategic Technology Office (STO) leadership as both a warfighting concept and a means to greatly accelerate capability development and fielding. Although the success of Mosaic depends on DARPA advancing multiple technologies, the Mosaic vision is inherently more challenging to “transition” than is a program or technology. Anticipating this challenge, DARPA sponsored RAND to examine the opportunities and challenges associated with developing and fielding a Mosaic force under existing or alternative governance models and management processes, as would be required for the vision to move from DARPA to widespread acceptance by DoD. To this end, RAND designed and executed a policy game that immersed participants in the task of fielding a Mosaic and required them to operate within the authorities, responsibilities, and constraints of the existing and an alternative governance model. This article presents select findings on the capacity of the existing acquisition resourcing system (i.e., the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution [or PPBE] process) to exploit STO’s vision of Mosaic Warfare.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Technology for Behavioral Change in Rural Older Adults with Obesity

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    Background: Mobile health (mHealth) technologies comprise a multidisciplinary treatment strategy providing potential solutions for overcoming challenges of successfully delivering health promotion interventions in rural areas. We evaluated the potential of using technology in a high-risk population. Methods: We conducted a convergent, parallel mixed-methods study using semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and self-reported questionnaires, using purposive sampling of 29 older adults, 4 community leaders and 7 clinicians in a rural setting. We developed codes informed by thematic analysis and assessed the quantitative data using descriptive statistics. Results: All groups expressed that mHealth could improve health behaviors. Older adults were optimistic that mHealth could track health. Participants believed they could improve patient insight into health, motivating change and assuring accountability. Barriers to using technology were described, including infrastructure. Conclusions: Older rural adults with obesity expressed excitement about the use of mHealth technologies to improve their health, yet barriers to implementation exist

    Effect of dietary patterns differing in carbohydrate and fat content on blood lipidand glucose profiles based on weight-loss success of breast-cancer survivors

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    INTRODUCTION: Healthy body weight is an important factor for prevention of breast cancer recurrence. Yet, weight loss and weight gain are not currently included in clinical-practice guidelines for posttreatment of breast cancer. The work reported addresses one of the questions that must be considered in recommending weight loss to patients: does it matter what diet plan is used, a question of particular importance because breast cancer treatment can increase risk for cardiovascular disease. METHODS: Women who completed treatment for breast cancer were enrolled in a nonrandomized, controlled study investigating effects of weight loss achieved by using two dietary patterns at the extremes of macronutrient composition, although both diet arms were equivalent in protein: high fat, low carbohydrate versus low fat, high carbohydrate. A nonintervention group served as the control arm; women were assigned to intervention arms based on dietary preferences. During the 6-month weight-loss program, which was menu and recipe defined, participants had monthly clinical visits at which anthropometric data were collected and fasting blood was obtained for safety monitoring for plasma lipid profiles and fasting glucose. Results from 142 participants are reported. RESULTS: Adverse effects on fasting blood lipids or glucose were not observed in either dietary arm. A decrease in fasting glucose was observed with progressive weight loss and was greater in participants who lost more weight, but the effect was not statistically significant, even though it was observed across both diet groups (P = 0.21). Beneficial effects of weight loss on cholesterol (4.7%; P = 0.001), triglycerides (21.8%; P = 0.01), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (5.8%; P = 0.06) were observed in both groups. For cholesterol (P = 0.07) and LDL cholesterol (P = 0.13), greater reduction trends were seen on the low-fat diet pattern; whereas, for triglycerides (P = 0.01) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (P = 0.08), a decrease or increase, respectively, was greater on the low-carbohydrate diet pattern. CONCLUSIONS: Because an individual's dietary preferences can affect dietary adherence and weight-loss success, the lack of evidence of a negative effect of dietary pattern on biomarkers associated with cardiovascular risk is an important consideration in the development of breast cancer practice guidelines for physicians who recommend that their patients lose weight. Whether dietary pattern affects biomarkers that predict long-term survival is a primary question in this ongoing clinical trial

    Global Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature From 2012

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    Objectives The Global Emergency Medicine Literature Review ( GEMLR ) conducts an annual search of peer‐reviewed and grey literature relevant to global emergency medicine ( EM ) to identify, review, and disseminate the most important new research in this field to a worldwide audience of academics and clinical practitioners. Methods This year, our search identified 4,818 articles written in six languages. These articles were distributed among 20 reviewers for initial screening based on their relevance to the field of global EM . Two additional reviewers searched and screened the grey literature. A total of 224 articles were deemed appropriate by at least one reviewer and were approved by their editor for formal scoring of overall quality and importance. Results Of the 224 articles that met our predetermined inclusion criteria, 56% were categorized as Emergency Care in Resource‐limited Settings, 18% as EM development, and 26% as Disaster and Humanitarian Response. A total of 28 articles received scores of 16 or higher and were selected for formal summary and critique. Inter‐rater reliability for two reviewers using our scoring system was good, with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.625 (95% confidence interval = 0.512 to 0.711). Conclusions In 2012 there were more disaster and humanitarian response articles than in previous years. As in prior years, the majority of articles addressed the acute management of infectious diseases or the care of vulnerable populations such as children and pregnant women. Resumen Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias Global: Una Revisión de la Literatura de 2012 Objetivos La revisión de la literatura publicada en Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias ( MUE ) global comporta una búsqueda anual de los trabajos relevantes para la MUE global, tanto publicados tras revisión por pares como corresponedientes a literatura gris. La finalidad es identificar, revisar y diseminar las investigaciones novedosas más importantes en este campoa médicos clínicos y universitarios de todo el mundo. Metodología Este año, nuestra búsqueda identificó 4.818 artículos escritos en seis lenguas. Estos artículos se distribuyeron entre 20 revisores para el despistaje inicial basándose en su relevancia para el campo de la MUE global. Dos revisores adicionales buscaron y filtraron la literatura gris. Un total de 224 artículos se consideraron apropiados por al menos un revisor, y se aprobaron por su editor para la puntuación formal de la calidad e importancia totales. Resultados De los 224 artículos que cumplieron nuestros criterios de inclusión predeterminados, un 56% se clasificaron como atención de urgencias y emergencias en ámbitos de recursos limitados, un 18% como desarrollo de la MUE y un 26% como catástrofes y respuesta humanitaria. Un total de 28 artículos recibieron una puntuación de 16 o más y se seleccionaron para el resumen y la crítica formal. La fiabilidad interobservador para los 2 revisores usando nuestro sistema de puntuación fue buena, con un coeficiente de correlación intraclase de 0,625 ( IC 95% = 0,512 a 0,711). Conclusiones En 2012 hubo más artículos sobre catástrofes y respuesta humanitaria que en años anteriores. Como en los años previos, la mayoría de los artículos valoraron el manejo agudo de enfermedades infecciosas o la atención de poblaciones vulnerables como los niños y las mujeres embarazadas.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/99685/1/acem12173.pd

    Establishing chronic condition concordance and discordance with diabetes: a Delphi study

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    Background The vast majority of patients with diabetes have multiple chronic conditions, increasing complexity of care; however, clinical practice guidelines, interventions, and public reporting metrics do not adequately address the interaction of these multiple conditions. To advance the understanding of diabetes clinical care in the context of multiple chronic conditions, we must understand how care overlaps, or doesn’t, between diabetes and its co-occurring conditions. This study aimed to determine which chronic conditions are concordant (share care goals with diabetes) and discordant (do not share care goals) with diabetes care, according to primary care provider expert opinion. Methods Using the Delphi technique, we administered an iterative, two-round survey to 16 practicing primary care providers in an academic practice in the Midwestern USA. The expert panel determined which specific diabetes care goals were also care goals for other chronic conditions (concordant) and which were not (discordant). Our diabetes care goals were those commonly used in quality reporting, and the conditions were 62 ambulatory-relevant condition categories. Results Sixteen experts participated and all completed both rounds. Consensus was reached on the first round for 94% of the items. After the second round, 12 conditions were concordant with diabetes care and 50 were discordant. Of the concordant conditions, 6 overlapped in care for 4 of 5 diabetes care goals and 6 overlapped for 3 of 5 diabetes care goals. Thirty-one discordant conditions did not overlap with any of the diabetes care goals, and 19 overlapped with only 1 or 2 goals. Conclusions This study significantly adds to the number of conditions for which we have information on concordance and discordance for diabetes care. The results can be used for future studies to assess the impact of concordant and discordant conditions on diabetes care, and may prove useful in developing multimorbidity guidelines and interventions