3,978 research outputs found

    What's [Yet] to Be Seen? Re-Using Qualitative Data

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    This paper considers current debates about re-using qualitative research data by reflecting on its implications for the nature of social science knowledge created in this process and the ways in which the disclosure of researchers\' practices are linked with the making of professional academic careers. It examines a research project using two different approaches – a \'virtual\' and a \'classic\' ethnography – to argue that issues concerned with re-use of data depend on the methods employed and the overall processes of investigation. The paper argues for an appreciation of the contexts involved in the generation of research material which takes into account both the development of the study and related fieldwork processes as well as the academic context in which knowledge is produced, particularly those involved in the construction of academic selves and professional careers, which are part of a wider situation bearing upon scientific enquiry.Secondary Data Analysis, Ethnography, Visual Methodology, Academic Careers

    Using mixed methods for analysing culture : The Cultural Capital and Social Exclusion project

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    This paper discusses the use of material generated in a mixed method investigation into cultural tastes and practices, conducted in Britain from 2003 to 2006, which employed a survey, focus groups and household interviews. The study analysed the patterning of cultural life across a number of fields, enhancing the empirical and methodological template provided by Bourdieu’s Distinction. Here we discuss criticisms of Bourdieu emerging from subsequent studies of class, culture and taste, outline the arguments related to the use of mixed methods and present illustrative results from the analysis of these different types of data. We discuss how the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods informed our analysis of cultural life in contemporary Britain. No single method was able to shed light on all aspects of our inquiry, lending support to the view that mixing methods is the most productive strategy for the investigation of complex social phenomena

    Displaying desire and distinction in housing

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    The article discusses the significance of cultural capital for the understanding of the field of housing in contemporary Britain. It explores the relationship between housing and the position of individuals in social space mapped out by means of a multiple correspondence analysis. It considers the material aspects of housing and the changing contexts that are linked to the creation and display of desire for social position and distinction expressed in talk about home decoration as personal expression and individuals' ideas of a `dream house'. It is based on an empirical investigation of taste and lifestyle using nationally representative survey data and qualitative interviews. The article shows both that personal resources and the imagination of home are linked to levels of cultural capital, and that rich methods of investigation are required to grasp the significance of these normally invisible assets to broaden the academic understanding of the field of housing in contemporary culture

    Redox Signaling through DNA

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    Biological electron transfer reactions between metal cofactors are critical to many essential processes within the cell. Duplex DNA is, moreover, capable of mediating the transport of charge through its π-stacked nitrogenous bases. Increasingly, [4Fe4S] clusters, generally redox-active cofactors, have been found to be associated with enzymes involved in DNA processing. DNA-binding enzymes containing [4Fe4S] clusters can thus utilize DNA charge transport (DNA CT) for redox signaling to coordinate reactions over long molecular distances. In particular, DNA CT signaling may represent the first step in the search for DNA lesions by proteins containing [4Fe4S] clusters that are involved in DNA repair. Here we describe research carried out to examine the chemical characteristics and biological consequences of DNA CT. We are finding that DNA CT among metalloproteins represents powerful chemistry for redox signaling at long range within the cell

    Classe social e gĂȘnero: ativos de herança e ativos de escolha

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    Este artigo discute atĂ© que ponto as posiçÔes de classe na GrĂŁ-Bretanha contemporĂąnea foram herdadas dos pais e que tipo de escolhas em termos conjugais (e seus efeitos) homens e mulheres fazem em posiçÔes sociais diferentes. De modo inovador, o artigo investiga os diferentes ativos herdados de pais e mĂŁes por filhos e filhas, visando a um exame refinado dos efeitos de gĂȘnero, ainda nĂŁo presente na literatura. Discriminam-se tambĂ©m as escolhas conjugais de homens e mulheres. Essas exploraçÔes se apoiam no material empĂ­rico desenvolvido para o estudo britĂąnico Capital Cultural e ExclusĂŁo Social (CCSE, na sigla em inglĂȘs), inspirado pelo trabalho de Pierre Bourdieu sobre capitais e habitus na definição das posiçÔes dos indivĂ­duos nas classes sociais. O artigo indica que o gĂȘnero, uma ativo mal compreendido por Bourdieu, afeta a posição de classe de formas sutis e complexas, sendo muito significativo em certos aspectos.

    Conhecimientos no cotidiano: situaçÔes e estórias

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    The author discusses antecedents and consequences of the construction of our knowledge categories for scientific practice and daily life. She argues that methodological and scientific criteria are not the only basis for electing what and what not matters in scientific knowledge. As an example of this, she analyses the existent tension between quantitive and qualitative methodologies as conventional techniques to obtain knowledge.La autora discute los antecedentes y consecuencias que tienen la construcciĂłn de nuestras categorĂ­as de conocimiento en la vida cotidiana y en la prĂĄctica cientĂ­fica. Mantiene que la elecciĂłn de lo que es importante en el campo del conocimiento no es el resultado sĂłlo de criterios metodolĂłgicos y cientĂ­ficos. Para mostrarlo, examina la tensiĂłn existente entre la metodologĂ­a cuantitativa y la cualitativa como metodologĂ­as convencionales para obtener conocimiento

    The International Year of Planet Earth in Portugal : past activities and further developments

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    The Portuguese National Committee for the IYPE was created in the framework of the Portuguese National Commission for UNESCO, in April 2007. The Committee incorporated the contributions of 220 private and public organizations, mainly municipalities and educational institutions of all levels, and sponsored more than 500 activities since then. The Scientific Programme emphasized relevant cooperation between Earth scientists from the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, under the guidance of their National Committees (Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde and Mozambique). In consideration of the community of 230 million Portuguese speaking people, the Portuguese National Committee translated and printed the twelve brochures produced by IUGS- UNESCO, posted them on the official website (www.anoplaneta-terra.org), and supported several editions also in Braille, in order to make Earth sciences readily accessible to all citizens. As a result of these accomplishments during the IYPE triennium (2007-2009), the Portuguese National Committee was invited by the UNESCO-IUGS Corporation to co-organize Planet Earth Lisbon ́09, the Global Closure Event of the IYPE, which took place in Lisbon, 20th to 22nd November 2009

    Lesão renal aguda causada pelo veneno das cobras Crotalus e Bothrops: revisão da epidemiologia, das manifestaçÔes clínicas e do tratamento

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    SUMMARY Ophidic accidents are an important public health problem due to their incidence, morbidity and mortality. An increasing number of cases have been registered in Brazil in the last few years. Several studies point to the importance of knowing the clinical complications and adequate approach in these accidents. However, knowledge about the risk factors is not enough and there are an increasing number of deaths due to these accidents in Brazil. In this context, acute kidney injury (AKI) appears as one of the main causes of death and consequences for these victims, which are mainly young males working in rural areas. Snakes of the Bothrops and Crotalus genera are the main responsible for renal involvement in ophidic accidents in South America. The present study is a literature review of AKI caused by Bothrops and Crotalus snake venom regarding diverse characteristics, emphasizing the most appropriate therapeutic approach for these cases. Recent studies have been carried out searching for complementary therapies for the treatment of ophidic accidents, including the use of lipoic acid, simvastatin and allopurinol. Some plants, such as Apocynaceae, Lamiaceae and Rubiaceae seem to have a beneficial role in the treatment of this type of envenomation. Future studies will certainly find new therapeutic measures for ophidic accidents.RESUMO Os acidentes ofĂ­dicos sĂŁo importante problema de saĂșde pĂșblica devido Ă  incidĂȘncia, morbidade e mortalidade. Aumento do nĂșmero de casos tem sido registrado no Brasil nos Ășltimos anos. VĂĄrios estudos apontam para a importĂąncia do conhecimento das complicaçÔes clĂ­nicas e do tratamento adequado desses acidentes. Entretanto o conhecimento dos fatores de risco nĂŁo Ă© suficiente, e existe nĂșmero crescente de Ăłbitos devido a esses acidentes no Brasil. Neste contexto, a injĂșria renal aguda (IRA) aparece como uma das principais causas de Ăłbito e sequela nestas vĂ­timas, que sĂŁo principalmente homens trabalhadores de zonas rurais. Os gĂȘneros Bothrops e Crotalus sĂŁo os principais responsĂĄveis pelo envolvimento renal nos acidentes ofĂ­dicos na AmĂ©rica do Sul. O presente estudo faz uma revisĂŁo da literatura sobre a IRA causada pela picada das serpentes dos gĂȘneros Bothrops e Crotalus em suas diversas caracterĂ­sticas, enfatizando a abordagem terapĂȘutica mais adequada para estes casos. Estudos recentes tem sido realizados para a busca de terapias complementares para o tratamento dos acidentes ofĂ­dicos, incluindo o uso de ĂĄcido lipĂłico, sinvastatina e alopurinol. Algumas plantas, como a Apocynaceae, Lamiaceae e Rubiaceae parecem ter papel benĂ©fico no tratamento destes envenenamentos. Estudos futuros irĂŁo certamente encontrar novas estratĂ©gias terapĂȘuticas para os acidentes ofĂ­dicos
