333 research outputs found

    Index to Jack Shannahan Interview

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    This index provides a time-stamped overview of the subjects discussed during an oral history interview with Erwin Jack Shannahan, Linfield College class of 1945

    Persuasive Messaging in Facebook’s “Here Together” Campaign to Save Face and Rebuild Consumer Trust

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    In order to weigh the effectiveness of Facebook’s “Here Together” persuasive advertising campaign, this study applied two of Packard’s eight hidden needs and cognitive dissonance theory as a methodological frame for evaluating the campaign’s use of persuasive messaging. As Facebook’s public image was falling apart in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, the company launched “Here Together” to rebuild consumer trust. This study found that although Facebook effectively used Packard’s compelling needs in its persuasive messaging, it did not resolve the cognitive dissonance created in its users, therefore rendering the campaign ineffective. The paper upon which this poster was based was written for the Senior Seminar course in Communication Arts. The paper was competitively selected for and subsequently presented at the Northwest Communication Association Conference in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in April 2019


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    PT Inti Dufree Promosindo anak perusahaan dari PT Sona Topas Tourism Industry Tbk. Perusahaan ini merupakan perusahaan yang cukup besar, yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan eceran atau retail. Sedangkan kegiatan utama perusahaan adalah menjual produk-produk yang berasal dari dalam dan luar negeri. Perusahaan ini juga dikenal sebagai toko bebas bea atau duty free shop. Permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi perusahaan saat ini adalah menilai efektivitas internal audit ditinjau dari segi kompetensi dan pelaksanaan, terhadap pengendalian internal penjualan, karena volume penjualan yang sangat banyak. Oleh karena itu, penulis merasa perlu untuk melakukan analisis terhadap pengaruh variabel kompetensi auditor dan pelaksanaan audit terhadap efektifitas pengendalian internal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi auditor internal memiliki pengaruh yang rendah (koefisien determinasi 22.7%) namun bersifat signifikan terhadap efektifitas pengendalian internal penjualan, sedangkan pelaksanaan audit internal memiliki pengaruh yang rendah (koefisien determinasi 36,8%) terhadap efektifitas pengendalian internal penjualan. Sedangkan Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linier berganda, diketahui koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,474 atau 47,4%, angka ini menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi dan pelaksanaan audit internal secara simultan berpengaruh cukup kuat dalam menunjang efektifitas pengendalian internal penjualan

    Index to Bruce Stewart Interview

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    This index provides a time-stamped overview of the subjects discussed during an oral history interview with Bruce Stewart, Linfield College class of 1949

    "‘A Peculiar Gift of Providence": The Power-Imbalance Caused by Gift-Giving in Millenium Hall

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    Sarah Scott's eighteenth-century novel Millenium Hall canvasses the role of gift-giving in the dynamics heteronormative-domestic, economic, and spiritual relationships. The pharmakon of the gift plays a central role in Scott's understanding of philanthropy, and the construction of her female-inhabited, female-run utopia. This article's principle occupation is to show that all instances of gift-giving in Millenium Hall create power-imbalances between the superior giver and the inferior receiver; however, Sarah Scott's female utopia constructs the most preferable type of subservience

    Investigating Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Mild Phenotype In Friedreich Ataxia Patients With G130v Missense Mutation

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    Friedreich’s Ataxia (FRDA) is an incurable neurodegenerative disease caused by mutations in the frataxin (FXN) gene, resulting in decreased expression of the mitochondrial protein FXN. 2-3% of FRDA patients carry a GAA expansion on one FXN allele, and a missense mutation on the other. The mechanism behind the disease‐causing features remains elusive. The phenotype associated with patients carrying point mutations cannot be predicted with certainty; these patients can have a mild or severe clinical outcome, creating a unique platform to understand clinical heterogeneity. FXN is important for proper mitochondrial function, and is involved in Fe-S cluster biogenesis, metabolism, and ATP production. Defining how missense mutations influence FXN’s processing and role in energy production and cellular metabolism will help identify pathways that are affected during disease progression, begin to explain the varying phenotypes, and establish a biochemical genotype-phenotype correlation. Of all disease-associated mutations, patients carrying the G130V missense mutation are of most interest because they have less than 5 % of control mature FXN levels but evolve to a milder phenotype with slower disease progression and significantly lower occurrence of cardiomyopathy, scoliosis, and diabetes. In this thesis, I identified impaired protein processing from FXN42-210 to FXN81-210 as the mechanism by which FXN missense mutations result in lower mature FXN81-210 levels in mutation-selective ways by overexpression studies and subcellular fractionation. This was also true for a novel FXN W168R missense mutation associated with severely low FXN levels and phenotype. Multiple features of mitochondrial dysfunction associated with severe phenotype in typical FRDA, and compared them to G130V patients were also assessed in order to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the milder phenotype. Fibroblasts from G130V patients have increased mitochondrial ferritin immunoreactivity by immunocytochemistry, increased mitochondrial aconitase activity measured by enzymatic conversion of citrate to isocitrate, and increased Krebs cycle metabolic activity measured by LC-MS isotopologue tracer studies, compared to typical FRDA fibroblasts. Overall, fibroblasts from G130V patients appear to have improved mitochondrial function compared to typical FRDA patients, thus providing a rationale linking G130V functional capacity with milder phenotype

    Gender Roles and Female Leaders

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    Though the idea of feminism has been advocated since the eighteenth century, women still face subordination because of their supposed gender roles. This study focuses on the effects of widely accepted gender roles and stereotypes on the ability of women in attaining positions of leadership, specifically in the fields of politics and business. A qualitative research method was employed in order to gain more abstract and personal data. Women in the spheres of business and politics were interviewed. Interviewees were required to sign a participant consent form before participation in accordance with the proceedings of the Institutional Review Board. Three women in the field of business and two in the field of politics were interviewed. The solicited information would outline these women’s experiences in attaining positions of leadership and reflections on present difficulties due to gender-related discrepancies. The interviews were conducted over the phone (with the exception of one that was done via email) for the convenience of the interviewees and to allow for immediate responses. These interviews were recorded, with the consent of the participants, and transcribed. It was assumed that the participants possessed knowledge regarding the glass ceiling and gender roles, and had experienced a difference in treatment because of their gender. Limitations of the research were that the interviewees’ workplaces were exposed to similar cultural values and, if more time were allotted, a wider pool of participants could have been interviewed. The participants generally expressed that while the impact of gender roles in the workplace did not seem too extreme, they did tend to face negative influences of gender roles and stereotypes. These women emphasized that there is a need for reform in the workplace because of differing treatment in the workplace centered around gender. This research took approximately eight months to complete. I was the sole researcher for this study, as it was done for my AP Capstone Research course. There was a facilitator in the classroom and I did have a consultant who was competent in the field of social sciences


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    Cruising The Borderlands: Queer Latinx Creating Space in Lowrider Culture

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    This ethnographic and interview-based study explores how queer Latinx lowriders create community through art, such as The Q Sides, an exhibition of photographs by Vero Majano, Kari Orvik, and DJ Brown Amy. Both lowrider culture and the queer Latinx community are marginalized communities that are often silenced, ignored, and not included in historical preservation or well documented. Lowrider culture and the queer Latinx community have largely been explored separately, such as ethnographer Ben Chappell and interdisciplinary scholar Michael Hames-GarcĂ­a. My Senior Independent Study project examines the unique intersection of the queer Latinx experience in lowrider culture in the context of women of color feminist theory. My study employs activist scholarship and collaborative ethnographic methods to document the experience of the queer Latinx lowrider participants in The Q-Sides. My study highlights the ways that queer Latinx lowriders create space for their narrative through community dialogues and claiming their narrative in lowrider culture through The Q-Sides photography series
