2,545 research outputs found

    Towards Very Large Aperture Massive MIMO: a measurement based study

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    Massive MIMO is a new technique for wireless communications that claims to offer very high system throughput and energy efficiency in multi-user scenarios. The cost is to add a very large number of antennas at the base station. Theoretical research has probed these benefits, but very few measurements have showed the potential of Massive MIMO in practice. We investigate the properties of measured Massive MIMO channels in a large indoor venue. We describe a measurement campaign using 3 arrays having different shape and aperture, with 64 antennas and 8 users with 2 antennas each. We focus on the impact of the array aperture which is the main limiting factor in the degrees of freedom available in the multiple antenna channel. We find that performance is improved as the aperture increases, with an impact mostly visible in crowded scenarios where the users are closely spaced. We also test MIMO capability within a same user device with user proximity effect. We see a good channel resolvability with confirmation of the strong effect of the user hand grip. At last, we highlight that propagation conditions where line-of-sight is dominant can be favorable

    Communicating Law - as practised by the Danish Tax Authorities, SKAT

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    How can we write objectively, correctly and understandably when the issue is complicated tax rules, and how can we make the information suit the needs of the end-users? These are some of the questions which the employees of SKAT have to take into consideration before sending letters, brochures and other information material to different enterprises and to the citizens of Denmark

    Geometry of sets of quantum maps: a generic positive map acting on a high-dimensional system is not completely positive

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    We investigate the set a) of positive, trace preserving maps acting on density matrices of size N, and a sequence of its nested subsets: the sets of maps which are b) decomposable, c) completely positive, d) extended by identity impose positive partial transpose and e) are superpositive. Working with the Hilbert-Schmidt (Euclidean) measure we derive tight explicit two-sided bounds for the volumes of all five sets. A sample consequence is the fact that, as N increases, a generic positive map becomes not decomposable and, a fortiori, not completely positive. Due to the Jamiolkowski isomorphism, the results obtained for quantum maps are closely connected to similar relations between the volume of the set of quantum states and the volumes of its subsets (such as states with positive partial transpose or separable states) or supersets. Our approach depends on systematic use of duality to derive quantitative estimates, and on various tools of classical convexity, high-dimensional probability and geometry of Banach spaces, some of which are not standard.Comment: 34 pages in Latex including 3 figures in eps, ver 2: minor revision

    Improved Pregnancy Outcome in Type 1 Diabetic Women With Microalbuminuria or Diabetic Nephropathy: Effect of intensified antihypertensive therapy?

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    OBJECTIVE—To describe pregnancy outcome in type 1 diabetic women with normoalbuminuria, microalbuminuria, or diabetic nephropathy after implementation of an intensified antihypertensive therapeutic strategy

    The chronology and structure of the Sejlflod cemetery, Northern Jutland, Denmark

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    The Sejlflod cemetery in Northern Jutland, containing almost 300 graves from the Late Roman and Early Germanic Iron Age, occupies a central position in a North European perspective. This arises in particular from the fact that the graves are inhumation burials furnished with a relative abundance of grave goods and that the cemetery represents the entire adult population of a village through time. An understanding of the Sejlflod cemetery is important for investigations of other similar cemeteries and burial grounds, for studies of a range of period-defining artefacts and for analyses of the social circumstances of the time. It is, however, heavily dependent on knowledge of the cemetery’s chronological structure. On the basis of the pottery, it has proved possible to divide the cemetery up into four chronological phases. This division is supported by stylistic and chronological analyses of the fibulas and a few other artefact types from the graves. Surprisingly, the chronological analysis does not reveal a horizontal stratigraphical development. On the contrary, it provides a basis for a new interpretation of the cemetery as a progressive fusion of independent family grave clusters

    FrÄ gata til scenen : identitetsdanning i Bente Clods Englekraft-trilogi

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    Masteroppgave i nordisk sprĂ„k og litteratur- Universitetet i Agder, 2012FormĂ„let med masteroppgĂ„va har vore Ă„ rette merksemda mot identitetsproblematikken i Bente Clods bĂžker Englekraft (2000), I vilden sky (2001) og Himmelfald (2002). Hovudfokuset i oppgĂ„va er identitetsutviklinga til eg-forteljaren Mathilde Jensen, (TaberThilde). Tematikken i romanen handlar om problematikk som er assosiert med ungdomsopprĂžr, lausriving og prosessen med â€Ă„ finne seg sjĂžlv”. I seinmoderniteten blir mange av banda til fortida kutta og sambandet mellom individet og heimen blir svakare. Individet mĂ„ i stĂžrre grad enn fĂžr velje identitet uavhengig av tradisjonelle og kulturelle mĂžnster. Ein vesentleg del av livet til ungdommen er Ă„ skaffe seg erfaringar i samspel med andre. I denne prosessen mĂ„ ungdom finne nye vegar som er normberande for Ă„ skape eit eige livsrom, noko som igjen kan fĂžre dei til sjĂžlvstende og ein avgrensa identitet. Eg har valt Ă„ belyse identitet ut frĂ„ ein sosialkonstruktivistisk stĂ„stad. I denne tradisjonen stĂ„r sosiologane Anthony Giddens og Thomas Ziehe sentralt i nordisk samanheng. Eg har ĂČg valt Ă„ bruke teori frĂ„ sprĂ„kforskaren Brit MĂŠhlum fordi eg synest ho gir eit alternativt syn pĂ„ identitet. Desse forskarane stĂ„r som sentrale teoretikarar i oppgĂ„va mi. For Ă„ vise det sĂŠreigne ved identitetstematikken i Clods romanar har eg valt Ă„ synleggjere tre sjangertradisjonar som eg meiner kan sporast i trilogien: kĂžbenhavnarromanen, kjĂŠrleiksromanen og kunstnarromanen. Kvar av desse sjangertradisjonane gir nokre spesielle moglegheiter til Ă„ behandle identitetsproblematikken kunstnarleg, og det vil eg prĂžve Ă„ vise i analysen. MasteroppgĂ„va bestĂ„r av seks delar. FĂžrst ei innleiing, deretter eit kapittel som tek for seg forholdet mellom ungdom og identitetsdanning. SĂ„ fĂžlgjer tre analysekapittel med vekt pĂ„ dei tre ovannemnde sjangertradisjonane. Kapitel seks tek for seg identitet og nokre karakteristiske trekk ved trilogien. Til slutt kjem ei avslutning som inneheld ei oppsummering og ein konklusjon

    The right to the city : a critical study of public participation in Swedish cityplanning

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    MĂ„let med denna kandidatuppsats Ă€r att kritiskt granska medborgardeltagande inom svensk stadsplanering. Medborgardeltagande studeras i en samhĂ€llelig, ekonomisk och politisk kontext, med kritisk teori som utgĂ„ngspunkt. Uppsatsen bygger pĂ„ en litteraturstudie. Syftet Ă€r att bredda författarens kunskap om och förstĂ„else av medborgardeltagande inför framtida arbetsliv, samt att lĂ€gga en teoretisk grund för fortsatta studier av medborgardeltagande. Den huvudsakliga frĂ„gestĂ€llningen behandlar villkor för medborgardeltagande, med fokus pĂ„ förutsĂ€ttningar och hinder för aktivt deltagande. SekundĂ€ra frĂ„gestĂ€llningar adresserar vad lagar och konventioner uttrycker, samt hur de efterlevs; politiska och ekonomiska faktorer som pĂ„verkar förutsĂ€ttningarna för medborgardeltagande; hur begrepp som rĂ€ttvisa och mĂ„ngfald relaterar till deltagande; samt vilken roll, makt och ansvar planeraren har i medborgardeltagande. Studien visar att formella förutsĂ€ttningar för medborgarens insyn och deltagande i beslutsprocesser har begrĂ€nsats i och med framvĂ€xten av en ny global ekonomisk och politisk geografi. I uppsatsen beskrivs den svenska staden som socialt och geografiskt fragmenterad. Medborgardeltagande förs ofta fram som en ingrediens i social hĂ„llbarhet eftersom det antas generera positiva vĂ€rden, sĂ„som solidaritet, tolerans och rĂ€ttvisa. I uppsatsen problematiseras medborgardeltagande och förestĂ€llningen att deltagande per automatik genererar sociala och demokratiska vĂ€rden. Planerarens roll framtrĂ€der som en central komponent i skapandet av ett meningsfullt och rĂ€ttvist deltagande.This bachelor thesis aims to critically examine public participation in Swedish city planning. Public participation is put in a civic, economic and political context, on the basis of Critical theory, by means of a literary review. The purpose of the thesis is to widen the author’s knowledge and understanding, in preparation for a professional career and further research in the field of public participation. The main question concerns conditions for public participation, especially prerequisites and obstacles for active participation. Secondary questions address laws, conventions and their effects on practice; influence of political and economic factors on conditions for participation; the relevance of the terms justice and diversity in a broadened understanding of participation; and, finally, the role, power and responsibility of the city planner. The study shows that formal support for public transparency and participation in decision-making has been limited by the emergence of a new global economic and political geography. In the thesis, the Swedish city is described as socially and geographically fragmented. Public participation is often presented as an ingredient in social sustainability, since it is supposed to generate positive values, such as solidarity, tolerance and equity. Assumptions about social and democratic values of public participation are shown to be problematic. The role of the planner stands out as a key factor, in making public participation meaningful and equal
