31 research outputs found

    Local and global processing. Observations from a remote culture

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    In Experiment 1, a normal adult population drawn from a remote culture (Himba) in northern Namibia made similarity matches to [Navon, D. (1977). Forest before trees: The precedence of global features in visual perception. Cognitive Psychology, 9, 353–383] hierarchical figures. The Himba showed a local bias stronger than that has been previously observed in any other non-clinical human population. However, in Experiment 2, their recognition of normal or distorted (“Thatcherized”) faces did not appear to have been affected by their attention to detail as has been suggested for autistic populations. The data are consistent with a cultural/experiential origin for population differences in local processing and suggest that attention to the local and global properties of stimuli may differ for hierarchical figures and faces

    Brain Network Connectivity During Language Comprehension: Interacting Linguistic and Perceptual Subsystems.

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    The dynamic neural processes underlying spoken language comprehension require the real-time integration of general perceptual and specialized linguistic information. We recorded combined electro- and magnetoencephalographic measurements of participants listening to spoken words varying in perceptual and linguistic complexity. Combinatorial linguistic complexity processing was consistently localized to left perisylvian cortices, whereas competition-based perceptual complexity triggered distributed activity over both hemispheres. Functional connectivity showed that linguistically complex words engaged a distributed network of oscillations in the gamma band (20-60 Hz), which only partially overlapped with the network supporting perceptual analysis. Both processes enhanced cross-talk between left temporal regions and bilateral pars orbitalis (BA47). The left-lateralized synchrony between temporal regions and pars opercularis (BA44) was specific to the linguistically complex words, suggesting a specific role of left frontotemporal cross-cortical interactions in morphosyntactic computations. Synchronizations in oscillatory dynamics reveal the transient coupling of functional networks that support specific computational processes in language comprehension.This work was supported by an EPSRC grant to W.M.-W. (EP/F030061/1), an ERC Advanced Grant (Neurolex) to W.M.-W., and by MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (CBU) funding to W.M.-W. (U.1055.04.002.00001.01). Computing resources were provided by the MRC-CBU. Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by the Advanced Investigator Grant (Neurolex) to W.D.M.-W.This is the final published version which appears at http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhu28

    Grammatical analysis as a distributed neurobiological function.

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from [publisher] via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hbm.22696Language processing engages large-scale functional networks in both hemispheres. Although it is widely accepted that left perisylvian regions have a key role in supporting complex grammatical computations, patient data suggest that some aspects of grammatical processing could be supported bilaterally. We investigated the distribution and the nature of grammatical computations across language processing networks by comparing two types of combinatorial grammatical sequences--inflectionally complex words and minimal phrases--and contrasting them with grammatically simple words. Novel multivariate analyses revealed that they engage a coalition of separable subsystems: inflected forms triggered left-lateralized activation, dissociable into dorsal processes supporting morphophonological parsing and ventral, lexically driven morphosyntactic processes. In contrast, simple phrases activated a consistently bilateral pattern of temporal regions, overlapping with inflectional activations in L middle temporal gyrus. These data confirm the role of the left-lateralized frontotemporal network in supporting complex grammatical computations. Critically, they also point to the capacity of bilateral temporal regions to support simple, linear grammatical computations. This is consistent with a dual neurobiological framework where phylogenetically older bihemispheric systems form part of the network that supports language function in the modern human, and where significant capacities for language comprehension remain intact even following severe left hemisphere damage.Computing resources were provided by the MRC-CBU. Li Su was partly supported by the Cambridge Dementia Biomedical Research Unit

    Cultural Differences in Perception: Observations from a Remote Culture

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    Perceptual similarity was examined in a remote culture (Himba) and compared to that of Western observers. Similarity was assessed in a relative size judgement task and in an odd-one-out detection task. Thus, we examined the effects of culture on what might be considered low-level visual abilities. For both tasks, we found that performance was affected by stimuli that were culturally relevant to the tasks. In Experiment 1, we showed that the use of cow stimuli instead of the standard circles increased illusory strength for the Himba. In Experiment 2, only the Himba showed more accurate detection based on category differences in the displays. It is argued that that Categorical Perception in Experiment 2, based on its presumed Whorfian origins, was the more reliable procedure for examining the effects of culture on perception

    Tracking cortical entrainment in neural activity: auditory processes in human temporal cortex.

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    A primary objective for cognitive neuroscience is to identify how features of the sensory environment are encoded in neural activity. Current auditory models of loudness perception can be used to make detailed predictions about the neural activity of the cortex as an individual listens to speech. We used two such models (loudness-sones and loudness-phons), varying in their psychophysiological realism, to predict the instantaneous loudness contours produced by 480 isolated words. These two sets of 480 contours were used to search for electrophysiological evidence of loudness processing in whole-brain recordings of electro- and magneto-encephalographic (EMEG) activity, recorded while subjects listened to the words. The technique identified a bilateral sequence of loudness processes, predicted by the more realistic loudness-sones model, that begin in auditory cortex at ~80 ms and subsequently reappear, tracking progressively down the superior temporal sulcus (STS) at lags from 230 to 330 ms. The technique was then extended to search for regions sensitive to the fundamental frequency (F0) of the voiced parts of the speech. It identified a bilateral F0 process in auditory cortex at a lag of ~90 ms, which was not followed by activity in STS. The results suggest that loudness information is being used to guide the analysis of the speech stream as it proceeds beyond auditory cortex down STS toward the temporal pole.This work was supported by an EPSRC grant to William D. Marslen-Wilson and Paula Buttery (EP/F030061/1), an ERC Advanced Grant (Neurolex) to William D. Marslen-Wilson, and by MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (CBU) funding to William D. Marslen-Wilson (U.1055.04.002.00001.01). Computing resources were provided by the MRC-CBU and the University of Cambridge High Performance Computing Service (http://www.hpc.cam.ac.uk/). Andrew Liu and Phil Woodland helped with the HTK speech recogniser and Russell Thompson with the Matlab code. We thank Asaf Bachrach, Cai Wingfield, Isma Zulfiqar, Alex Woolgar, Jonathan Peelle, Li Su, Caroline Whiting, Olaf Hauk, Matt Davis, Niko Kriegeskorte, Paul Wright, Lorraine Tyler, Rhodri Cusack, Brian Moore, Brian Glasberg, Rik Henson, Howard Bowman, Hideki Kawahara, and Matti Stenroos for invaluable support and suggestions.This is the final published version. The article was originally published in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 10 February 2015 | doi: 10.3389/fncom.2015.0000

    Neural correlates of colour categories

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    This study used an electrophysiological marker of visual detection to investigate adults' processing of colour difference. Event-related potentials were collected from the identical colour (green: G0) presented as the frequent or infrequent stimulus within different colour contexts. Critically, we compared differences within the same colour category (G0 vs. green: G1) to differences between colour categories (G0 vs. blue and G0 vs. red). All differences showed a change-related positivity with similar scalp distribution. It was, however, not simply the magnitude of colour difference that reduced the latencies of the change-related positivity. A change in colour category without a magnitude difference also reduced latency of the event-related potential. Thus, for the first time we report an independent neural correlate of a colour category

    Electrical Brain Responses in Language-Impaired Children Reveal Grammar-Specific Deficits

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    Background: Scientific and public fascination with human language have included intensive scrutiny of language disorders as a new window onto the biological foundations of language and its evolutionary origins. Specific language impairment (SLI), which affects over 7% of children, is one such disorder. SLI has received robust scientific attention, in part because of its recent linkage to a specific gene and loci on chromosomes and in part because of the prevailing question regarding the scope of its language impairment: Does the disorder impact the general ability to segment and process language or a specific ability to compute grammar? Here we provide novel electrophysiological data showing a domain-specific deficit within the grammar of language that has been hitherto undetectable through behavioural data alone. Methods and Findings: We presented participants with Grammatical(G)-SLI, age-matched controls, and younger child and adult controls, with questions containing syntactic violations and sentences containing semantic violations. Electrophysiological brain responses revealed a selective impairment to only neural circuitry that is specific to grammatical processing in G-SLI. Furthermore, the participants with G-SLI appeared to be partially compensating for their syntactic deficit by using neural circuitry associated with semantic processing and all non-grammar-specific and low-level auditory neural responses were normal. Conclusions: The findings indicate that grammatical neural circuitry underlying language is a developmentally unique system in the functional architecture of the brain, and this complex higher cognitive system can be selectively impaired. The findings advance fundamental understanding about how cognitive systems develop and all human language is represented and processed in the brain

    An Investigation to Validate the Grammar and Phonology Screening (GAPS) Test to Identify Children with Specific Language Impairment

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    The extraordinarily high incidence of grammatical language impairments in developmental disorders suggests that this uniquely human cognitive function is "fragile". Yet our understanding of the neurobiology of grammatical impairments is limited. Furthermore, there is no "gold-standard" to identify grammatical impairments and routine screening is not undertaken. An accurate screening test to identify grammatical abilities would serve the research, health and education communities, further our understanding of developmental disorders, and identify children who need remediation, many of whom are currently un-diagnosed. A potential realistic screening tool that could be widely administered is the Grammar and Phonology Screening (GAPS) test--a 10 minute test that can be administered by professionals and non-professionals alike. Here we provide a further step in evaluating the validity and accuracy (sensitivity and specificity) of the GAPS test in identifying children who have Specific Language Impairment (SLI)

    On the contribution of ERPs to the study of language comprehension

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    La compréhension du langage nécessite l’intégration de nombreuses informations à différents niveaux linguistiques. Grâce à une des technique d’imagerie cérébrale, les potentiels évoqués (ou ERPs, pour Event-related potentials) il est possible d’évaluer comment et quand les lecteurs utilisent les informations linguistiques lors de l’interprétation d’une phrase. Après une introduction à la technique des ERPs et une revue de la littérature sur les composantes sensibles au processus linguistique (la N400, la ELAN et la P600) nous discutons d’un point de vue méthodologique les analyses réalisées sur ce type de données, analyses en terme de composantes et analyses en terme de topographie. Pour finir nous présentons une analyse préliminaire sur la compréhension du langage lors de la présentation de violation sémantique et syntaxique. Les résultats sont analysés a l’aide de la méthode de segmentation en micro- état des ERPs et sont visualisés en terme de carte topographique des composantes