36 research outputs found

    Nontrivial rheological exponents in sheared yield stress fluids

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    In this work we discuss possible physical origins for non-trivial exponents in the athermal rheology of soft materials at low but finite driving rates. A key ingredient in our scenario is the presence of a self-consistent mechanical noise that stems from the spatial superposition of long-range elastic responses to localized plastically deforming regions. We study analytically a mean-field model, in which this mechanical noise is accounted for by a stress diffusion term coupled to the plastic activity. Within this description we show how a dependence of the shear modulus and/or the local relaxation time on the shear rate introduces corrections to the usual mean-field prediction, concerning the Herschel-Bulkley-type rheological response of exponent 1/2. This feature of the mean-field picture is then shown to be robust with respect to structural disorder and partial relaxation of the local stress. We test this prediction numerically on a mesoscopic lattice model that implements explicitly the long-range elastic response to localized shear transformations, and we conclude on how our scenario might be tested in rheological experiments

    Out-of-equilibrium dynamical equations of infinite-dimensional particle systems. I. The isotropic case

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    We consider the Langevin dynamics of a many-body system of interacting particles in dd dimensions, in a very general setting suitable to model several out-of-equilibrium situations, such as liquid and glass rheology, active self-propelled particles, and glassy aging dynamics. The pair interaction potential is generic, and can be chosen to model colloids, atomic liquids, and granular materials. In the limit d→∞{d\to\infty}, we show that the dynamics can be exactly reduced to a single one-dimensional effective stochastic equation, with an effective thermal bath described by kernels that have to be determined self-consistently. We present two complementary derivations, via a dynamical cavity method and via a path-integral approach. From the effective stochastic equation, one can compute dynamical observables such as pressure, shear stress, particle mean-square displacement, and the associated response function. As an application of our results, we derive dynamically the `state-following' equations that describe the response of a glass to quasistatic perturbations, thus bypassing the use of replicas. The article is written in a modular way, that allows the reader to skip the details of the derivations and focus on the physical setting and the main results

    Static fluctuations of a thick 1D interface in the 1+1 Directed Polymer formulation

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    Experimental realizations of a 1D interface always exhibit a finite microscopic width Ο>0\xi>0; its influence is erased by thermal fluctuations at sufficiently high temperatures, but turns out to be a crucial ingredient for the description of the interface fluctuations below a characteristic temperature Tc(Ο)T_c(\xi). Exploiting the exact mapping between the static 1D interface and a 1+1 Directed Polymer (DP) growing in a continuous space, we study analytically both the free-energy and geometrical fluctuations of a DP, at finite temperature TT, with a short-range elasticity and submitted to a quenched random-bond Gaussian disorder of finite correlation length Ο\xi. We derive the exact `time'-evolution equations of the disorder free-energy Fˉ(t,y)\bar{F}(t,y), its derivative η(t,y)\eta (t,y), and their respective two-point correlators Cˉ(t,y)\bar{C}(t,y) and Rˉ(t,y)\bar{R}(t,y). We compute the exact solution of its linearized evolution Rˉlin(t,y)\bar{R}^{lin}(t,y), and we combine its qualitative behavior and the asymptotic properties known for an uncorrelated disorder (Ο=0\xi=0), to construct a `toymodel' leading to a simple description of the DP. This model is characterized by Brownian-like free-energy fluctuations, correlated at small ∣y∣<Ο|y|<\xi, of amplitude D~∞(T,Ο)\tilde{D}_{\infty}(T,\xi). We present an extended scaling analysis of the roughness predicting D~∞∌1/T\tilde{D}_{\infty} \sim 1/T at high-temperatures and D~∞∌1/Tc(Ο)\tilde{D}_{\infty} \sim 1/T_c(\xi) at low-temperatures. We identify the connection between the temperature-induced crossover and the full replica-symmetry breaking in previous Gaussian Variational Method computations. Finally we discuss the consequences of the low-temperature regime for two experimental realizations of KPZ interfaces, namely the static and quasistatic behavior of magnetic domain walls and the high-velocity steady-state dynamics of interfaces in liquid crystals.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures. The initial preprint arXiv:1209.0567v1 has been split into two parts upon refereeing process. The first part gathers the analytical results and is published (see reference below). It corresponds to the current version of arXiv:1209.0567. The second part gathers the numerical results and corresponds the other arXiv preprint arXiv:1305.236

    On the relevance of disorder in athermal amorphous materials under shear

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    We show that, at least at a mean-field level, the effect of structural disorder in sheared amorphous media is very dissimilar depending on the thermal or athermal nature of their underlying dynamics. We first introduce a toy model, including explicitly two types of noise (thermal versus athermal). Within this interpretation framework, we argue that mean-field athermal dynamics can be accounted for by the so-called H{\'e}braud-Lequeux (HL) model, in which the mechanical noise stems explicitly from the plastic activity in the sheared medium. Then, we show that the inclusion of structural disorder, by means of a distribution of yield energy barriers, has no qualitative effect in the HL model, while such a disorder is known to be one of the key ingredients leading kinematically to a finite macroscopic yield stress in other mean-field descriptions, such as the Soft-Glassy-Rheology model. We conclude that the statistical mechanisms at play in the emergence of a macroscopic yield stress, and a complex stationary dynamics at low shear rate, are different in thermal and athermal amorphous systems

    Mean-field dynamics of infinite-dimensional particle systems: global shear versus random local forcing

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    In infinite dimension, many-body systems of pairwise interacting particles provide exact analytical benchmarks for features of amorphous materials, such as the stress-strain curve of glasses under quasistatic shear. Here, instead of a global shear, we consider an alternative driving protocol as recently introduced in Ref. [1], which consists of randomly assigning a constant local displacement on each particle, with a finite spatial correlation length. We show that, in the infinite-dimension limit, the mean-field dynamics under such a random forcing is strictly equivalent to that under global shear, upon a simple rescaling of the accumulated strain. Moreover, the scaling factor is essentially given by the variance of the relative local displacements on interacting pairs of particles, which encodes the presence of a finite spatial correlation. In this framework, global shear is simply a special case of a much broader family of local forcing, that can be explored by tuning its spatial correlations. We discuss specifically the implications on the quasistatic driving of glasses -- initially prepared at a replica-symmetric equilibrium -- and how the corresponding 'stress-strain'-like curves and the elastic moduli can be rescaled onto their quasistatic-shear counterparts. These results hint at a unifying framework for establishing rigourous analogies, at the mean-field level, between different driven disordered systems

    Out-of-equilibrium dynamical equations of infinite-dimensional particle systems. II. The anisotropic case under shear strain

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    As an extension of the isotropic setting presented in the companion paper [J. Phys. A 52, 144002 (2019)], we consider the Langevin dynamics of a many-body system of pairwise interacting particles in dd dimensions, submitted to an external shear strain. We show that the anisotropy introduced by the shear strain can be simply addressed by moving into the co-shearing frame, leading to simple dynamical mean field equations in the limit d→∞{d\to\infty}. The dynamics is then controlled by a single one-dimensional effective stochastic process which depends on three distinct strain-dependent kernels - self-consistently determined by the process itself - encoding the effective restoring force, friction and noise terms due to the particle interactions. From there one can compute dynamical observables such as particle mean-square displacements and shear stress fluctuations, and eventually aim at providing an exact d→∞{d \to \infty} benchmark for liquid and glass rheology. As an application of our results, we derive dynamically the 'state-following' equations that describe the static response of a glass to a finite shear strain until it yields.Comment: Typo corrected in Eq. (47

    Explaining the effects of non-convergent sampling in the training of Energy-Based Models

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    In this paper, we quantify the impact of using non-convergent Markov chains to train Energy-Based models (EBMs). In particular, we show analytically that EBMs trained with non-persistent short runs to estimate the gradient can perfectly reproduce a set of empirical statistics of the data, not at the level of the equilibrium measure, but through a precise dynamical process. Our results provide a first-principles explanation for the observations of recent works proposing the strategy of using short runs starting from random initial conditions as an efficient way to generate high-quality samples in EBMs, and lay the groundwork for using EBMs as diffusion models. After explaining this effect in generic EBMs, we analyze two solvable models in which the effect of the non-convergent sampling in the trained parameters can be described in detail. Finally, we test these predictions numerically on the Boltzmann machine.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    From bulk descriptions to emergent interfaces: connecting the Ginzburg-Landau and elastic line models

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    Controlling interfaces is highly relevant from a technological point of view. However, their rich and complex behavior makes them very difficult to describe theoretically, and hence to predict. In this work, we establish a procedure to connect two levels of descriptions of interfaces: for a bulk description, we consider a two-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau model evolving with a Langevin equation, and boundary conditions imposing the formation of a rectilinear domain wall. At this level of description no assumptions need to be done over the interface, but analytical calculations are almost impossible to handle. On a different level of description, we consider a one-dimensional elastic line model evolving according to the Edwards-Wilkinson equation, which only allows one to study continuous and univalued interfaces, but which was up to now one of the most successful tools to treat interfaces analytically. To establish the connection between the bulk description and the interface description, we propose a simple method that applies both to clean and disordered systems. We probe the connection by numerical simulations at both levels, and our simulations, in addition to making contact with experiments, allow us to test and provide insight to develop new analytical approaches to treat interfaces

    Driven interfaces: from flow to creep through model reduction

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    Accepted for publication in the Journal of Statistical Physics.The response of spatially extended systems to a force leading their steady state out of equilibrium is strongly affected by the presence of disorder. We focus on the mean velocity induced by a constant force applied on one-dimensional interfaces. In the absence of disorder, the velocity is linear in the force. In the presence of disorder, it is widely admitted, as well as experimentally and numerically verified, that the velocity presents a stretched exponential dependence in the force (the so-called 'creep law'), which is out of reach of linear response, or more generically of direct perturbative expansions at small force. In dimension one, there is no exact analytical derivation of such a law, even from a theoretical physical point of view. We propose an effective model with two degrees of freedom, constructed from the full spatially extended model, that captures many aspects of the creep phe-nomenology. It provides a justification of the creep law form of the velocity-force characteristics, in a quasistatic approximation. It allows, moreover, to capture the non-trivial effects of short-range correlations in the disorder, which govern the low-temperature asymptotics. It enables us to establish a phase diagram where the creep law manifests itself in the vicinity of the origin in the force – system-size – temperature coordinates. Conjointly, we characterise the crossover between the creep regime and a linear-response regime that arises due to finite system size