20 research outputs found


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    The Economic Feasibility of Sweet Potatos Farming by Using Selected N Fertilization

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    Sweet potato is normally cultivated in wet land after rice or in dry land during rainy season. N fertilization is commonly applied to increase sweet potato yield. Therefore, the economic feasibility of using selected N fertilizer in sweet potato farming in dry land was studied. Three improved varieties, namely Jago (white-fleshed), Beta 2 (orange-fleshed), and Antin 2 (purple-fleshed) were grown at the Experimental Station of Muneng, East Java and treated with six N fertilization as follows: F1= 0 N fertilization as a check; F2= 50 kg/ha of Urea; F3= 100 kg/ha of Urea; F4= 100 kg/ha of ZA; F5= 200 kg/ha of ZA; and F6= 5,000 kg/ha of manure. The treatment is assumed to be economically viable if the value of Marginal Benefit Cost Ratio (MBCR) is greater than 1. The results showed that the combination of  F2 with Beta 2, F3 with Antin 2, and F5 with Beta 2 were viable with the MBCR value of 17.13, 25.85, and 11.61, respectively. Although the data was limited, the study tentatively concludes that profitable N fertilization for sweet potato farming considerably depends on differences in yield, N fertilizer source and dose, as well as selling price of particular variety.JEL Classification: C93, D24, Q1


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    ABSTRACT Response of Tempe SMEs Into Soybean Improved Varieties Introduction for Tempe Production. Intensive socialization and introduction of improved soybean varieties has been conducted along with the extension of soybean cropping area so that improved soybean varieties will be available abundantly in market. Therefore, socialization to soybean small and medium enterprises (SMEs) involving tempe producers particularly who live outside of soybean production center should be done due to they used to use imported soybean for the tempe processing. Study aimed to depict the introduction of Iletri’s soybean improved varieties for tempe production and to observe the producers’ responses on substitution of imported soybean. Study was conducted on September 2015 involving 122 respondents consisted of 39 tempe producers, 67 tempe chip producers, and 16 other soybean product producers. Primary data was obtained through interview method with semi-opened questionaire involving data of SME’s general characteristics, tempe sensory test result, and response of respondents. Data was equipped with physicochemical analysis of raw tempe made from improved soybean varieties with imported one as a comparison. The result showed that tempe made from Argomulyo, Anjasmoro, and Burangrang varieties had higher protein content than tempe form imported soybean. Tempe from Grobogan variety had no significantly different of weight and volume with imported one. For sensory atributes, the producers gave a positive response with standard of like to very like for tempe made from Anjasmorro variety. Information on physicochemical and sensory atributes of tempe showing that the qualities of tempe from improved soybean varieties were similar even better than imported soybean one depicted to the producers there is an opportunity for substitution of imported soybean. It is expected that the awareness will improve into adoption with the support of stakeholders including related local offices.  improved soybean varieties, imported soybean, substitution, tempe producers ABSTRAK Sosialisasi dan introduksi varietas unggul telah dilakukan secara intensif seiring dengan upaya perluasan areal tanam kedelai sehingga kedelai dari varietas unggul akan banyak tersedia di pasaran. Oleh karena itu, sosialisasi kepada industri pengolahan kedelai, terutama yang berdomisili di luar daerah sentra produksi kedelai termasuk Kota dan Kabupaten Malang perlu dilakukan karena selama ini mereka masih terbiasa menggunakan kedelai impor. Studi bertujuan memberikan gambaran mengenai hasil pembinaan berupa introduksi penggunaan varietas unggul kedelai Balitbangtan untuk produksi tempe dan melihat respon pengrajin. Studi dilaksanakan pada September 2015, melibatkan 122 orang responden, terdiri dari 39 pengrajin tempe, 67 pengrajin keripik tempe, dan 16 pengrajin olahan kedelai lain. Data primer didapatkan melalui metode wawancara dengan kuesioner semi-terbuka, meliputi data karakteristik umum usaha industri kecil menengah (IKM), uji sensoris tempe, dan respon pengrajin. Data dilengkapi dengan analisis fisik dan kimia tempe dari kedelai varietas unggul dan kedelai impor sebagai pembanding. Hasil menunjukkan tempe dari kedelai varietas Argomulyo, Anjasmoro, dan Burangrang memiliki kadar protein yang lebih tinggi dari tempe kedelai impor. Bobot dan volume tempe dari varietas Grobogan tidak berbeda nyata dengan tempe kedelai impor. Dari segi sensoris, pengrajin memberikan respon positif dengan tingkatan suka sampai sangat suka untuk tempe dari varietas Anjasmoro. Informasi mengenai mutu fisik, kimia, dan sensoris tempe yang menunjukkan bahwa mutu tempe yang dibuat dari kedelai varietas unggul tidak kalah bahkan melebihi mutu tempe dari kedelai impor memberikan gambaran pada pengrajin bahwa kedelai impor berpeluang disubstitusi oleh kedelai varietas unggul untuk produksi tempe. Kesadaran ini diharapkan dapat meningkat menjadi adopsi dengan dukungan berbagai pihak (stakeholders). kedelai varietas unggul, kedelai impor, substitusi, pengrajin temp

    Kesesuaian Varietas, Jenis Pupuk Organik dan Pupuk Hayati untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas Kedelai di Lahan Pasang Surut

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    Lahan pasang surut merupakan kawasan potensial untuk perluasan areal tanam kedelai namun kemasaman dan kejenuhan Al tanah yang tinggi, serta ketersediaan unsur hara yang rendah merupakan masalah yang harus dihadapi. Oleh karena itu perlu pengelolaan kesuburan tanah yang memadukan ameliorasi, pemupukan, pemanfaatan mikroorganisme, dan varietas yang adaptif. Tujuan penelitian adalah menguji kesesuaian varietas, pupuk organik, dan pupuk hayati untuk peningkatan produktivitas kedelai di lahan pasang surut. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan pasang surut tipe C di Jambi pada musim kemarau (Juni-Oktober) 2017 seluas 5 ha. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan percobaan petak terbagi, empat ulangan (petani kooperator sebagai ulangan). Petak utama adalah empat varietas kedelai  (Anjasmoro, Dena 1, Deja 2, dan Devon 1), dan anak petak adalah tiga kombinasi pupuk organik dengan pupuk hayati Agrisoy (1.500 kg/ha pupuk kandang, 1.500 kg/ha pupuk kandang + Agrisoy, dan  1.500 kg/ha pupuk organik Santap M + Agrisoy). Pupuk dasar 200 kg/ha Phonska dan 100 kg/ha SP36 diaplikasikan pada semua perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa kedelai varietas Anjasmoro, Dena 1, Deja 2, dan Devon 1 dapat dikembangkan dengan baik pada lahan pasang surut tipe C dengan pH tanah 4,5 dan kejenuhan Al  32,35%, dengan menggunakan amelioran dolomit 1,5 t/ha dan pupuk kandang 1,5 t/ha. Empat varietas tersebut mampu menghasilkan biji kedelai >2 t/ha dengan penambahan  200 kg Phonska + 100 kg SP36/ha. Pada lahan pasang surut yang sudah biasa ditanami kedelai, tidak diperlukan tambahan pupuk hayati berbahan baku rhizobium.  Penggunaan pupuk kandang untuk budi daya kedelai di lahan pasang surut, dari aspek ekonomi dan teknis (kemudahan mendapatkannya) lebih layak daripada penggunaan pupuk organik Santap M

    The feasibility of large-seeded soybean cultivation

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    National soybean production needs to be increased for meeting domestic soybean demand and suppress soybean import, through improving cultivation techniques including using improved varieties. Study aims to evaluate the feasibility of improved large-seeded soybean cultivation. The study was carried out in 2021 in Tegaldlimo Sub-district, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, Indonesia. Data were collected through survey and field observation on the application of existing and recommended technologies. The results showed that 5 new improved large-seeded soybean varieties introduced, namely Dega 1, Devon 1, Denasa 1, Denasa 2, and Detap 1 resulted in higher production than local Martoloyo. The recommended technology was more profitable than the existing as indicated by B/C ratio >1. The introduction of new varieties that are different from Martoloyo attracted 100% of farmers to adopt. In terms of crop and seed physical appearances, farmers prefer to Devon 1 due to its similarity appearance to Martoloyo, except the seed size. In term of economic feasibility, Devon 1 is profitable to be cultivated with B/C ratio of 1.5

    Prospects of Cassava Development in Indonesia in Supporting Global Food Availability in Future

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    Climate change is a major factor endangering sustainable food production. Various efforts have been made to prevent potential food shortages in future. Meanwhile, access to adequate food is an important part of human rights. In Indonesia, the opportunity for cassava development is still widely open and has potential to provide for the world’s needs in future. Cassava is well-known by farmers in Indonesia and can be easily cultivated in all areas of Indonesia, even though the soil fertility is low. The current problems are that cassava is still considered as an inferior commodity and is only used for direct consumption. Indonesia is able to meet the world\u27s cassava needs only by utilizing 54% of the total available land, which is suitable for planting cassava. Cassava utilization is actually large and has potential as raw material for many strategic industries. The map of cassava development in Indonesia is in the phase of growth and product expansion (diversification). Thus, the efforts in preparing cassava in Indonesia to meet the world’s needs in future, including (1) increasing cassava productivity, (2) improving cassava added value by-product diversification, and (3) enhancing cassava bio-economy by implementing a bio-industry system integrating cassava and livestock farming

    Impact of Globalization on Sustainable Land Use and Farming System in the Rural Development

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    Globalization can accelerate development while, at the same time, negatively impacting nations that are not ready. Globalization benefits rural communities organizing the citizens’ life order systematically. Exploiting land use to fulfill human needs is a result of globalization’s effects on economic activity. Agricultural and industrial sectors must increase production reasonably and suitably. There is a gray area of needs due to the dependency on the land resources use, which causes rivalry in procuring production inputs for each sector and has a significant effect on the agricultural industry. Transformation of human, environmental, financial, and institutional resources for rural agriculture by implementing effective and efficient agricultural modernization will reduce globalization’s negative effects. Smart farming applies modern technology to agriculture in order to achieve more productive and sustainable agricultural production. Agricultural land intensifi¬cation initiatives must be improved through the best use of technological innovation and agricultural infrastructure. Competition for resource utilization causes changes or decreases in land resources quality, which can be anticipated by technological capacities and capabilities, and adaptive capacity to innovations. Unhealthy competition must be eliminated, even these sectors will help each other because of government policy instruments so that the goal of rural sustainable agricultural growth will be achieved

    The dynamics of soybean seed production and cost structure at farmer level in Konawe and South Konawe Districts, Southeast Sulawesi Province

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    Research aimed to obtain information on the dynamics of soybean seedling in Southeast Sulawesi Province and its income structure at farmer level. The research was conducted in Landano Sub-district, Konawe Selatan Regency and Pondidaha Sub-district, Konawe Regency which were selected purposively as soybean centers in Southeast Sulawesi. Data collected through interview, observation and documentation studies were analyzed descriptively using cross tabulation, including financial feasibility of soybean seed production. In 2010-2018 there were fluctuations in the planting area and soybean harvest. The highest production and productivity occurred in 2016, experiencing an increase of 21% even though the planting area decreased by 22% from 2015. However in 2016, soybean seed production in Southeast Sulawesi was only able to meet 73.5 % of the need for seeds in the province. Anjasmoro is a preferable variety by farmers because its large seed is suitable for raw material of tofu and tempeh industry. In addition, other characteristics of Anjasmoro interested in are its resistant to falling, leaf rust disease, and pod breaking. Analysis of soybean seed production at breeder farmer level showed that from selling 1,000 kg of seeds, the net profit obtained was IDR 262,100 with an R/C ratio > 1

    Technology improvement strategy of cassava farming to support local food development: case study in Warung Kiara, Sukabumi Regency, West Java

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    The opportunity to increase cassava productivity can be done through cultivation technology improvement. The research aimed to obtain information on the suitability of agroecology, agro-economy, and strategy planning for developing cassava as local food. Research was carried out in 2021 in the form of survey and field experiment in Sukabumi Regency, West Java. Data analysis that was used is Random Block Design for field experiment and SWOT analysis for survey data. The results indicated that fertilization significantly increased the growth of Manggu and Adira 1. Adira 1 can be accepted by farmers as an alternative to Manggu because it has higher starch content. Dominant factors identified as potentials for cassava-based local food development are the suitability of cultivation location and increasing demand. There are four important strategies, i.e.: (1) maxi-maxi strategy, by exploiting strengths and opportunities in cassava development, (2) mini-maxi strategy, by overcoming the weaknesses of cassava resources owned to take advantage of existing opportunities, (3) maxi-mini strategy, by trying to find the strengths of the cassava farming and used to ward off the threats with coordination between parties, and (4) mini-mini strategy, where the threats and weaknesses of cassava farming can be faced by well-targeted and steady policies