22 research outputs found

    Eye-Tracking-Based Classification of Information Search Behavior Using Machine Learning: Evidence from Experiments in Physical Shops and Virtual Reality Shopping Environments

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    Classifying information search behavior helps tailor recommender systems to individual customers’ shopping motives. But how can we identify these motives without requiring users to exert too much effort? Our research goal is to demonstrate that eye tracking can be used at the point of sale to do so. We focus on two frequently investigated shopping motives: goal-directed and exploratory search. To train and test a prediction model, we conducted two eye-tracking experiments in front of supermarket shelves. The first experiment was carried out in immersive virtual reality; the second, in physical reality—in other words, as a field study in a real supermarket. We conducted a virtual reality study, because recently launched virtual shopping environments suggest that there is great interest in using this technology as a retail channel. Our empirical results show that support vector machines allow the correct classification of search motives with 80% accuracy in virtual reality and 85% accuracy in physical reality. Our findings also imply that eye movements allow shopping motives to be identified relatively early in the search process: our models achieve 70% prediction accuracy after only 15 seconds in virtual reality and 75% in physical reality. Applying an ensemble method increases the prediction accuracy substantially, to about 90%. Consequently, the approach that we propose could be used for the satisfiable classification of consumers in practice. Furthermore, both environments’ best predictor variables overlap substantially. This finding provides evidence that in virtual reality, information search behavior might be similar to the one used in physical reality. Finally, we also discuss managerial implications for retailers and companies that are planning to use our technology to personalize a consumer assistance system

    Akteure und ihre Rolle für die Energiewende im Quartier

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    Quartierskonzepte bieten für den Klimaschutz vielerlei Chancen. Die Entwicklung und Umsetzung von klimaneutralen Quartieren bedarf allerdings der Kooperation  unterschiedlichster Akteure, was zugleich eines der größten Hemmnisse bei der Umsetzung ist. Wer kann und sollte welche Aufgaben übernehmen

    Bedeutung regional-ökonomischer Faktoren für die Entscheidung von Eigenheimbesitzern

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    Der Gebäudezustand in zwei brandenburgischen Regionen unterscheidet sich trotz unterschiedlicher Wachstumsdynamik und Nutzungsperspektiven kaum. Für die Sanierungsentscheidung spielen regionalökonomische Faktoren bei selbstnutzenden Eigentümer/innen gegenüber individuellen Motiven nur eine untergeordnete Rolle

    Einführung in das Schwerpunktthema

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    Einführung in das Schwerpunktthem

    Klimaschutz durch energetische Gebäudesanierung

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    Einführung in das Schwerpunktthem

    Energieeinsparpotenziale bei Ein- und Zweifamilienhäusern

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    Ein- und Zweifamilienhäuser weisen hohe Energieeinsparpotenziale auf. Die energetischen Sanierungsraten sind jedoch bisher zu gering, umkurzfristig einen relevanten Beitrag zum Klimaschutz zu leisten. Wie können die vorhandenen Potenziale durch eine Optimierung der politischen Instrumente ausgeschöpft werden

    Resiliente und klimaneutrale Wärmeversorgung

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    Die Klimaschutzziele und die aktuellen sowie langfristigen Entwicklungen am Energiemarkt werfen die Frage auf, wie eine zukünftige klimaneutrale und gleichzeitig möglichst sichere und resiliente Wärmeversorgung aussehen kann

    Klimaneutral heizen statt Erdgas verbrennen – Wärmewende in der Krise?

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    The current crises and dynamics are hitting the heating market with great force. The rise in gas prices, primarily as a result of the war, will lead to significantly higher spending on heating by the affected households and companies this year. It is uncertain how prices will develop in the medium term, but a permanently higher price level seems likely. The uncertainty regarding a reliable price and availability projection means that the role of natural gas as a key transitional solution towards a climate-neutral heating market has to be reconsidered. The goal must therefore be an even faster switch to locally available heat sources and a significant acceleration in the reduction of heat consumption through energy-related renovations. The federal government of Germany has already announced important measures in its coalition agreement, such as the obligation to use renewable energies when changing the heating system and a higher minimum standard for energy-related renovations, and has tightened these even further as part of the “Easter package”. These measures will only have a broader impact over the course of the next few years. The prerequisites for their implementation must already be created at all political levels with bundles of measures and important obstacles must be addressed