32 research outputs found

    Holographic curvature perturbations in a cosmology with a space-like singularity

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    We study the evolution of cosmological perturbations in an anti-de-Sitter (AdS) bulk through a cosmological singularity by mapping the dynamics onto the boundary conformal fields theory by means of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We consider a deformed AdS space-time obtained by considering a time-dependent dilaton which induces a curvature singularity in the bulk at a time which we call t=0t = 0, and which asymptotically approaches AdS both for large positive and negative times. The boundary field theory becomes free when the bulk curvature goes to infinity. Hence, the evolution of the fluctuations is under better controle on the boundary than in the bulk. To avoid unbounded particle production across the bounce it is necessary to smooth out the curvature singularity at very high curvatures. We show how the bulk cosmological perturbations can be mapped onto boundary gauge field fluctuations. We evolve the latter and compare the spectrum of fluctuations on the infrared scales relevant for cosmological observations before and after the bounce point. We find that the index of the power spectrum of fluctuations is the same before and after the bounce.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Holographic curvature perturbations in a cosmology with a space-like singularity

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    We study the evolution of cosmological perturbations in an anti-de-Sitter (AdS) bulk through a cosmological singularity by mapping the dynamics onto the boundary conformal fields theory by means of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We consider a deformed AdS space-time obtained by considering a time-dependent dilaton which induces a curvature singularity in the bulk at a time which we call t = 0, and which asymptotically approaches AdS both for large positive and negative times. The boundary field theory becomes free when the bulk curvature goes to infinity. Hence, the evolution of the fluctuations is under better controle on the boundary than in the bulk. To avoid unbounded particle production across the bounce it is necessary to smooth out the curvature singularity at very high curvatures. We show how the bulk cosmological perturbations can be mapped onto boundary gauge field fluctuations. We evolve the latter and compare the spectrum of fluctuations on the infrared scales relevant for cosmological observations before and after the bounce point. We find that the index of the power spectrum of fluctuations is the same before and after the bounce.ISSN:1475-751

    Bayesian and frequentist investigation of prior effects in EFTofLSS analyses of full-shape BOSS and eBOSS data

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    International audiencePrevious studies based on Bayesian methods have shown that the constraints on cosmological parameters from the Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) full-shape data using the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure (EFTofLSS) depend on the choice of prior on the EFT nuisance parameters. In this work, we explore this prior dependence by adopting a frequentist approach based on the profile likelihood method, which is inherently independent of priors, considering data from BOSS, eBOSS and Planck. We find that the priors on the EFT parameters in the Bayesian inference are informative and that prior volume effects are important. This is reflected in shifts of the posterior mean compared to the maximum likelihood estimate by up to 1.0 σ (1.6 σ) and in a widening of intervals informed from frequentist compared to Bayesian intervals by factors of up to 1.9 (1.6) for BOSS (eBOSS) in the baseline configuration, while the constraints from Planck are unchanged. Our frequentist confidence intervals give no indication of a tension between BOSS/eBOSS and Planck. However, we find that the profile likelihood prefers extreme values of the EFT parameters, highlighting the importance of combining Bayesian and frequentist approaches for a fully nuanced cosmological inference. We show that the improved statistical power of future data will reconcile the constraints from frequentist and Bayesian inference using the EFTofLSS

    Testing synchrotron models and frequency resolution in BINGO 21 cm simulated maps using GNILC

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    To recover the 21 cm hydrogen line, it is essential to separate the cosmological signal from the much stronger foreground contributions at radio frequencies. The BINGO radio telescope is designed to measure the 21 cm line and detect BAOs using the intensity mapping technique. This work analyses the performance of the GNILC method, combined with a power spectrum debiasing procedure. The method was applied to a simulated BINGO mission, building upon previous work from the collaboration. It compares two different synchrotron emission models and different instrumental configurations, in addition to the combination with ancillary data to optimize both the foreground removal and recovery of the 21 cm signal across the full BINGO frequency band, as well as to determine an optimal number of frequency bands for the signal recovery. We have produced foreground emissions maps using the Planck Sky Model, the cosmological Hi emission maps are generated using the FLASK package and thermal noise maps are created according to the instrumental setup. We apply the GNILC method to the simulated sky maps to separate the Hi plus thermal noise contribution and, through a debiasing procedure, recover an estimate of the noiseless 21 cm power spectrum. We found a near optimal reconstruction of the Hi signal using a 80 bins configuration, which resulted in a power spectrum reconstruction average error over all frequencies of 3%. Furthermore, our tests showed that GNILC is robust against different synchrotron emission models. Finally, adding an extra channel with CBASS foregrounds information, we reduced the estimation error of the 21 cm signal. The optimisation of our previous work, producing a configuration with an optimal number of channels for binning the data, impacts greatly the decisions regarding BINGO hardware configuration before commissioning

    Testing synchrotron models and frequency resolution in BINGO 21 cm simulated maps using GNILC

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    To recover the 21 cm hydrogen line, it is essential to separate the cosmological signal from the much stronger foreground contributions at radio frequencies. The BINGO radio telescope is designed to measure the 21 cm line and detect BAOs using the intensity mapping technique. This work analyses the performance of the GNILC method, combined with a power spectrum debiasing procedure. The method was applied to a simulated BINGO mission, building upon previous work from the collaboration. It compares two different synchrotron emission models and different instrumental configurations, in addition to the combination with ancillary data to optimize both the foreground removal and recovery of the 21 cm signal across the full BINGO frequency band, as well as to determine an optimal number of frequency bands for the signal recovery. We have produced foreground emissions maps using the Planck Sky Model, the cosmological Hi emission maps are generated using the FLASK package and thermal noise maps are created according to the instrumental setup. We apply the GNILC method to the simulated sky maps to separate the Hi plus thermal noise contribution and, through a debiasing procedure, recover an estimate of the noiseless 21 cm power spectrum. We found a near optimal reconstruction of the Hi signal using a 80 bins configuration, which resulted in a power spectrum reconstruction average error over all frequencies of 3%. Furthermore, our tests showed that GNILC is robust against different synchrotron emission models. Finally, adding an extra channel with CBASS foregrounds information, we reduced the estimation error of the 21 cm signal. The optimisation of our previous work, producing a configuration with an optimal number of channels for binning the data, impacts greatly the decisions regarding BINGO hardware configuration before commissioning

    Testing synchrotron models and frequency resolution in BINGO 21 cm simulated maps using GNILC

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    To recover the 21 cm hydrogen line, it is essential to separate the cosmological signal from the much stronger foreground contributions at radio frequencies. The BINGO radio telescope is designed to measure the 21 cm line and detect BAOs using the intensity mapping technique. This work analyses the performance of the GNILC method, combined with a power spectrum debiasing procedure. The method was applied to a simulated BINGO mission, building upon previous work from the collaboration. It compares two different synchrotron emission models and different instrumental configurations, in addition to the combination with ancillary data to optimize both the foreground removal and recovery of the 21 cm signal across the full BINGO frequency band, as well as to determine an optimal number of frequency bands for the signal recovery. We have produced foreground emissions maps using the Planck Sky Model, the cosmological Hi emission maps are generated using the FLASK package and thermal noise maps are created according to the instrumental setup. We apply the GNILC method to the simulated sky maps to separate the Hi plus thermal noise contribution and, through a debiasing procedure, recover an estimate of the noiseless 21 cm power spectrum. We found a near optimal reconstruction of the Hi signal using a 80 bins configuration, which resulted in a power spectrum reconstruction average error over all frequencies of 3%. Furthermore, our tests showed that GNILC is robust against different synchrotron emission models. Finally, adding an extra channel with CBASS foregrounds information, we reduced the estimation error of the 21 cm signal. The optimisation of our previous work, producing a configuration with an optimal number of channels for binning the data, impacts greatly the decisions regarding BINGO hardware configuration before commissioning

    Testing synchrotron models and frequency resolution in BINGO 21 cm simulated maps using GNILC

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    To recover the 21 cm hydrogen line, it is essential to separate the cosmological signal from the much stronger foreground contributions at radio frequencies. The BINGO radio telescope is designed to measure the 21 cm line and detect BAOs using the intensity mapping technique. This work analyses the performance of the GNILC method, combined with a power spectrum debiasing procedure. The method was applied to a simulated BINGO mission, building upon previous work from the collaboration. It compares two different synchrotron emission models and different instrumental configurations, in addition to the combination with ancillary data to optimize both the foreground removal and recovery of the 21 cm signal across the full BINGO frequency band, as well as to determine an optimal number of frequency bands for the signal recovery. We have produced foreground emissions maps using the Planck Sky Model, the cosmological Hi emission maps are generated using the FLASK package and thermal noise maps are created according to the instrumental setup. We apply the GNILC method to the simulated sky maps to separate the Hi plus thermal noise contribution and, through a debiasing procedure, recover an estimate of the noiseless 21 cm power spectrum. We found a near optimal reconstruction of the Hi signal using a 80 bins configuration, which resulted in a power spectrum reconstruction average error over all frequencies of 3%. Furthermore, our tests showed that GNILC is robust against different synchrotron emission models. Finally, adding an extra channel with CBASS foregrounds information, we reduced the estimation error of the 21 cm signal. The optimisation of our previous work, producing a configuration with an optimal number of channels for binning the data, impacts greatly the decisions regarding BINGO hardware configuration before commissioning

    The BINGO project VIII: On the recoverability of the BAO signal on HI intensity mapping simulations

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    A new and promising technique for observing the Universe and study the dark sector is the intensity mapping of the redshifted 21cm line of neutral hydrogen (HI). The BINGO radio telescope will use the 21cm line to map the Universe in the redshift range 0.127z0.4490.127 \le z \le 0.449, in a tomographic approach, with the main goal of probing BAO. This work presents the forecasts of measuring the transversal BAO signal during the BINGO Phase 1 operation. We use two clustering estimators, the two-point angular correlation function (ACF) and the angular power spectrum (APS), and a template-based method to model the ACF and APS estimated from simulations of the BINGO region and extract the BAO information. The tomographic approach allows the combination of redshift bins to improve the template fitting performance. We find that each clustering estimator shows different sensitivities to specific redshift ranges, although both of them perform better at higher redshifts. In general, the APS estimator provides slightly better estimates, with smaller uncertainties and larger probability of detection of the BAO signal, achieving 90\gtrsim 90% at higher redshifts. We investigate the contribution from instrumental noise and residual foreground signals and find that the former has the greater impact, getting more significant as the redshift increases, in particular the APS estimator. Indeed, including noise in the analysis increases the uncertainty up to a factor of 2.2\sim 2.2 at higher redshifts. Foreground residuals, in contrast, do not significantly affect our final uncertainties. In summary, our results show that, even including semi-realistic systematic effects, BINGO has the potential to successfully measure the BAO scale in radio frequencies. (Abridged

    The BINGO project VIII: On the recoverability of the BAO signal on HI intensity mapping simulations

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    A new and promising technique for observing the Universe and study the dark sector is the intensity mapping of the redshifted 21cm line of neutral hydrogen (HI). The BINGO radio telescope will use the 21cm line to map the Universe in the redshift range 0.127z0.4490.127 \le z \le 0.449, in a tomographic approach, with the main goal of probing BAO. This work presents the forecasts of measuring the transversal BAO signal during the BINGO Phase 1 operation. We use two clustering estimators, the two-point angular correlation function (ACF) and the angular power spectrum (APS), and a template-based method to model the ACF and APS estimated from simulations of the BINGO region and extract the BAO information. The tomographic approach allows the combination of redshift bins to improve the template fitting performance. We find that each clustering estimator shows different sensitivities to specific redshift ranges, although both of them perform better at higher redshifts. In general, the APS estimator provides slightly better estimates, with smaller uncertainties and larger probability of detection of the BAO signal, achieving 90\gtrsim 90% at higher redshifts. We investigate the contribution from instrumental noise and residual foreground signals and find that the former has the greater impact, getting more significant as the redshift increases, in particular the APS estimator. Indeed, including noise in the analysis increases the uncertainty up to a factor of 2.2\sim 2.2 at higher redshifts. Foreground residuals, in contrast, do not significantly affect our final uncertainties. In summary, our results show that, even including semi-realistic systematic effects, BINGO has the potential to successfully measure the BAO scale in radio frequencies. (Abridged

    The BINGO project VIII: On the recoverability of the BAO signal on HI intensity mapping simulations

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    A new and promising technique for observing the Universe and study the dark sector is the intensity mapping of the redshifted 21cm line of neutral hydrogen (HI). The BINGO radio telescope will use the 21cm line to map the Universe in the redshift range 0.127z0.4490.127 \le z \le 0.449, in a tomographic approach, with the main goal of probing BAO. This work presents the forecasts of measuring the transversal BAO signal during the BINGO Phase 1 operation. We use two clustering estimators, the two-point angular correlation function (ACF) and the angular power spectrum (APS), and a template-based method to model the ACF and APS estimated from simulations of the BINGO region and extract the BAO information. The tomographic approach allows the combination of redshift bins to improve the template fitting performance. We find that each clustering estimator shows different sensitivities to specific redshift ranges, although both of them perform better at higher redshifts. In general, the APS estimator provides slightly better estimates, with smaller uncertainties and larger probability of detection of the BAO signal, achieving 90\gtrsim 90% at higher redshifts. We investigate the contribution from instrumental noise and residual foreground signals and find that the former has the greater impact, getting more significant as the redshift increases, in particular the APS estimator. Indeed, including noise in the analysis increases the uncertainty up to a factor of 2.2\sim 2.2 at higher redshifts. Foreground residuals, in contrast, do not significantly affect our final uncertainties. In summary, our results show that, even including semi-realistic systematic effects, BINGO has the potential to successfully measure the BAO scale in radio frequencies. (Abridged