16 research outputs found
What is the real role of the equilibrium phase in abdominal computed tomography?
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of the equilibrium phase in abdominal computed tomography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective, cross-sectional, observational study reviewed 219 consecutive contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography images acquired in a three-month period, for different clinical indications. For each study, two reports were issued - one based on the initial analysis of non-contrast-enhanced, arterial and portal phases only (first analysis), and a second reading of these phases added to the equilibrium phase (second analysis). At the end of both readings, differences between primary and secondary diagnoses were pointed out and recorded, in order to measure the impact of suppressing the equilibrium phase on the clinical outcome for each of the patients. The extension of the exact Fisher's test was utilized to evaluate the changes in the primary diagnosis (p 0.999). As regards secondary diagnoses, changes after the second analysis were observed in five cases (2.3%). CONCLUSION: For clinical scenarios such as cancer staging, acute abdomen and investigation for abdominal collections, the equilibrium phase is dispensable and does not offer any significant diagnostic contribution.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a necessidade de realização da fase de equilÃbrio nos exames de tomografia computadorizada de abdome. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo, transversal e observacional, avaliando 219 exames consecutivos de tomografia computadorizada de abdome com contraste intravenoso, realizados num perÃodo de três meses, com diversas indicações clÃnicas. Para cada exame foram emitidos dois pareceres, um avaliando o exame sem a fase de equilÃbrio (primeira análise) e o outro avaliando todas as fases em conjunto (segunda análise). Ao final de cada avaliação, foi estabelecido se houve mudança nos diagnósticos principais e secundários, entre a primeira e a segunda análise. Foi utilizada a extensão do teste exato de Fisher para avaliar a modificação dos diagnósticos principais (p 0,999). Com relação aos diagnósticos secundários, cinco exames (2,3%) foram modificados. CONCLUSÃO: Para indicações clÃnicas como estadiamento tumoral, abdome agudo e pesquisa de coleção abdominal, a fase de equilÃbrio não acrescenta contribuição diagnóstica expressiva, podendo ser suprimida dos protocolos de exame.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Diagnóstico por ImagemHospital São LuizUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Diagnóstico por ImagemSciEL
Is liver perfusion CT reproducible? A study on intra-and interobserver agreement of normal hepatic haemodynamic parameters obtained with two different software packages
Objective: To evaluate the agreement between the measurements of perfusion CT parameters in normal livers by using two different software packages. Methods: This retrospective study was based on 78 liver perfusion CT examinations acquired for detecting suspected liver metastasis. Patients with any morphological or functional hepatic abnormalities were excluded. The final analysis included 37 patients (59.7 +/- 14.9 y). Two readers (1 and 2) independently measured perfusion parameters using different software packages from two major manufacturers (A and B). Arterial perfusion (AP) and portal perfusion (PP) were determined using the dual-input vascular one-compartmental model. Inter-reader agreement for each package and intrareader agreement between both packages were assessed with intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and Bland-Altman statistics. Results: Inter-reader agreement was substantial for AP using software A (ICC = 0.82) and B (ICC = 0.85-0.86), fair for PP using software A (ICC = 0.44) and fair to moderate for PP using software B (ICC = 0.56-0.77). Intrareader agreement between software A and B ranged from slight to moderate (ICC = 0.32-0.62) for readers 1 and 2 considering the AP parameters, and from fair to moderate (ICC = 0.40-0.69) for readers 1 and 2 considering the PP parameters. Conclusion: At best there was only moderate agreement between both software packages, resulting in some uncertainty and suboptimal reproducibility. Advances in knowledge: Software-dependent factors may contribute to variance in perfusion measurements, demanding further technical improvements. AP measurements seem to be the most reproducible parameter to be adopted when evaluating liver perfusion CT.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Imaging, Sao Paulo, BrazilGrp Fleury, Dept Radiol, Sao Paulo, BrazilHosp Beneficencia Portuguesa, Dept Imaging, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Hosp Pisa, Dept Diagnost & Intervent Radiol, Pisa, ItalyUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Imaging, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc