462 research outputs found

    The Effects of Mild Dehydration on Cycling Performance in the Heat

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    Abstract Introduction: Hypohydration exceeding 2% of body mass (bm), affected by heat and thirst level, leads to decreased athletic performance. Both physiological and psychological factors of dehydration have an impact on an athlete’s perceived performance. However, it is unclear whether the effects of psychological, physiological, or both have a negative impact on athletic performance caused by mild hypohydration. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine if mild hypohydration affects exercise performance in trained cyclists while blinding their hydration state. Methodology: Eleven competitive male cyclists participated in two blinded experimental trials, hypohydrated and euhydrated states by intra-venous infusions. The experimental criterium simulation test includes cycling through 3 sets of 20-minute steady state followed by a 5km race. Results: During the 5km time trial, the hypohydrated trial (39.0±0.5°C) resulted in significantly higher core temperatures compared to the euhydrated trial (38.5±0.2°C; P\u3c0.05). Cycling speed was significantly faster in the euhydrated vs. the hypohydrated trial (27.3±0.1 vs. 26.2±0.7 km×h-1; P\u3c0.05) due to greater cycling power output (304±6 vs. 286±10 W; P\u3c0.05). Conclusion: Overall, the study found that mild hypohydration led to impairment in exercise performance in the heat compared to euhydration, when subjects were unaware of their hydration state. These responses might have been a response of great heat strain and/or cardiovascular impairment

    Word Learning in 6-16 Month Old Infants

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    Understanding words requires infants to not only isolate words from the speech around them and delineate concepts from their world experience, but also to establish which words signify which concepts, in all and only the right set of circumstances. Previous research places the onset of this ability around infants\u27 first birthdays, at which point they have begun to solidify their native language phonology, and have learned a good deal about categories, objects, and people. In this dissertation, I present research that alters this accepted timeline. In Study 1, I find that by 6 months of age, infants demonstrate understanding of around a dozen words for foods and body parts. Around 13-14 months of age, performance increases significantly. In Study 2, I find that for a set of early non-nouns, e.g. `uh-oh\u27 and `eat\u27, infants do not show understanding until 10 months, but again show a big comprehension boost around 13-14 months. I discuss possible reasons for the onset of noun-comprehension at 6 months, the relative delay in non-noun comprehension, and the performance boost for both word-types around 13-14 months. In Study 3, I replicate and extend Study 1\u27s findings, showing that around 6 months infants also understand food and body-part words when these words are spoken by a new person, but conversely, by 12 months, show poor word comprehension if a single vowel in the word is changed, even when the speaker is highly familiar. Taken together, these results suggest that word learning begins before infants have fully solidified their native language phonology, that certain generalizations about words are available to infants at the outset of word comprehension, and that infants are able to learn words for complex object and event categories before their first birthday. Implications for language acquisition and cognitive development more broadly are discussed

    Third-Party Standing and Abortion Providers: The Hidden Dangers of June Medical Services

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    Standing is a long held, judicially-created doctrine intended to establish the proper role of courts by identifying who may bring a case in federal court. While standing usually requires that a party asserts his or her own rights, the Supreme Court has created certain exceptions that allow litigants to bring suit on behalf of third parties when they suffer a concrete injury, they have a “close relation” to the third party, and there are obstacles to the third party\u27s ability to protect his or her own interests. June Medical Services, heard by the Supreme Court on June 29, 2020, involves the Unsafe Abortion Protection Act, a Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) law which requires abortion providers in Louisiana to have admitting privileges at a hospital within thirty miles of where the providers perform abortions. This law decreased the number of abortion clinics in Louisiana from six to three. In addition to the admitting privileges issue in the case, Louisiana challenged the entitlement of the plaintiff-providers to third-party standing in bringing suit, arguing that abortion providers do not meet the requirements of third-party standing. Louisiana’s arguments pose a grave danger to reproductive rights across the country, as the abolishment of third-party standing for abortion providers would severely restrict the number of cases brought forth challenging abortion restrictions. Louisiana’s arguments ignore a long line of precedent that recognizes third-party standing of abortion providers challenging health and safety regulations, as well as the well-documented dangers of TRAP laws to women’s health. In addition, Louisiana’s rationale rests on inaccurate assumptions about the dynamic between abortion providers and their patients, and disregards the very real and dangerous hindrance in the path of women seeking to file lawsuits on their own behalf in cases involving abortion restrictions

    Complex transportation project management: An in-depth look at process integration, alternative financing, and sustainability

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    The United States depends on surface transportation for personal mobility, commerce, and shipping. Therefore, an efficient surface transportation system enhances a nation\u27s livability and economic competitiveness. In recent years, projects have become more complex and uncertain due to increases in the number of effective project elements and interactions that can influence the project. Therefore, traditional project management that track and controls time, cost, and technical issues through the project development process cannot manage the higher risk and uncertainty associated with complex projects. Shane et al. developed five dimensions of project management for complex projects through a case study research on national and international complex projects. The research group found that finance and context are two extra dimensions that highly affect project\u27s complexity. The present transportation financing methods consist of a complex set of federal, state, and local revenue sources which cannot answer the present and future growing need. Therefore, introducing alternative new and innovative financing methods is important to assist states in practicing them to fulfill their growing transportation infrastructure need. In addition, with consideration to tight resources and limitations that financing issues can put on the project (e.g. long delays), project management and finance management become more vital through complex projects. Context as a fifth complexity dimension covers a broad pool of subjects (e.g., environmental, political, social aspects). Sustainable approach, defined as an approach to satisfy current need without compromising future generations\u27 ability to fulfil their need, is one of the nation\u27s priorities. This priority was addressed with leadership in energy and environment design sustainability rating system for buildings in 1997, and has continued with several sustainability rating systems developed for highway infrastructures through the last decade. This research studies complex project management strategies implementation through U.S. states\u27 department of transportation project development process, in addition to studying two extra project complexity dimensions of finance and context (sustainability) in more detail

    Valence or Volume? Maximizing Online Review Influence Across Consumers, Products, and Marketing

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    Evidence shows that products with online reviews have a higher chance to stay in the consideration set of consumers than products with no online reviews do. Online reviews, as consumer-generated content, affect consumers’ purchase decision-making process. Most of the studies in this area have looked at valence and volume of online reviews. Generally, valence and volume of online reviews are considered to positively influence sales; however, the findings in the literature are inconclusive. While some studies have reported a positive relationship between valence/volume and sales, others have failed to find any significant relationship. Using both lab experiments and real-world data, this dissertation addresses the conflicting findings from previous studies by introducing the role of the individual, the product, and firm-generated promotional message. In the first essay of the dissertation, I attempt to explain the inconsistencies in the literature by examining the moderating effect of regulatory focus on the relative role of valence versus volume of online reviews in consumer purchase decisions. Regulatory focus theory suggests that people tend to have either a promotion or a prevention orientation in approaching their desired goals. The current research argues that depending on consumers’ regulatory orientation, the effect of either review valence or review volume on consumers’ likelihood to purchase the product will become more salient. Moreover, specific products also activate a certain regulatory orientation. Therefore, depending on the products’ regulatory orientation, valence or volume of online reviews (i.e. valence and volume) will become more or less influential across different product categories. The second essay of the dissertation investigates the use of firm-generated promotional message to maximize online review volume versus valence effects. Specifically, it examines how a common online retail-marketing tactic, scarcity appeal, can be used to accentuate the effect of online review volume and valence on consumers’ purchase decisions. I argue that the mere presence of a scarcity appeal and the specific type of scarcity appeal used can influence the extent to which consumers weigh valence versus volume information. The integrative approach developed in this research advocates the simultaneous consideration of firm marketing tactics and consumer-generated content. It argues that firm-level actions can interact with online review components (i.e. volume and valence) to affect sales

    The Effect of the Project-Based Learning Model with the STEAM Approach on Learning Outcomes of High School Students the Subject of Material Elasticity

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    Applying the right learning model is very much needed in learning physics, because there is still a lot of physics learning that is applied using classical methods, such as lectures and direct instruction, so that it affects student learning outcomes. The material elasticity of materials is not only dominated by theory but also real practice (practicum). This requires a more effective learning model so as to improve student learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are achievements achieved by students academically through exams or tests. Current developments have brought progress in education, one of which is project-based learning (PjBL) and learning that collaborates multi-disciplines, namely science, technology, arts, engineering, and mathematics (STEAM). The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of using the project based learning model with the STEAM approach on high school student learning outcomes on the subject of material elasticity. The type of research used is true experiment with the Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The research subjects were 2 classes at XI MIPA at SMAN 3 Bondowoso. Research data on learning outcomes were obtained from students' pretest and posttest scores. The data obtained was processed using the SPSS 23.0 program. The PjBL model with the STEAM approach stated that there was a significant influence on the learning outcomes of high school students on the subject of material elasticityPenerpan model pembelajaran yang tepat sangat diperlukan dalam pembelajaran fisika, karena masih banyak pembelajaran fisika yang terapkan dengan metode klasik, seperti ceramah maupun direct instruction, sehingga mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa. Materi elastisitas bahan bukan hanya didominasi oleh teori melainkan juga ada praktik nyata (praktikum). Hal ini memerlukan suatu model pembelajaran yang lebih efektif sehingga dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Hasil belajar adalah prestasi yang dicapai siswa secara akademis melalui ujian atau tes. Perkembangan jaman saat ini membawa kemajuan dalam pendidikan, salah satunya adalah pembelajaran berbasis proyek (PjBL) dan pembelajaran yang mengkolaborasikan multi disiplin ilmu, yaitu ilmu sains, teknologi, seni, teknik, dan matematika (STEAM). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh penerapan model project based learning dengan pendekatan STEAM terhadap hasil belajar siswa SMA pokok bahasan elastisitas bahan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan true eksperiment dengan desain Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Subjek penelitian 2 kelas di XI MIPA SMAN 3 Bondowoso. Data penelitian hasil belajar diperoleh dari nilai pretest dan posttest siswa. Data yang diperoleh tersebut diolah menggunakan bantuan program SPSS 23.0. Model PjBL dengan pendekatan STEAM dinyatakan terdapat pengaruh yang dignifikan terhadap hasil belajar siswa SMA pokok bahasan elastisitas bahan


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apakah yang menjadi penyebab meningkatnya kasus-kasus revenge porn atau pornografi balas dendam dan bagaimana upaya hukum dalam memberikan perlindungan bagi perempuan korban revenge porn serta upaya pencegahan terjadinya revenge porn, yang dengan metode penelitiann hukum normartif disimpulkan: 1. Revenge porn adalah balas dendam porno yang dilakukan oleh seseorang terhadap orang lain dengan cara menyebarluaskan konten porno milik seseorang tersebut melalui media sosial yang bertujuan untuk menjatuhkan citra korban. Revenge porn merupakan suatu tindakan melanggar HAM dan  umumnya yang jadi korban adalah perempuan. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang  menyebabkan meningkatnya pornografi balas dendam (revenge porn) ini. Faktor-faktor tersebut antara lain; belum efektifnya payung hukum yang ada serta undang-undang yang berlaku dalam menangani tindakan     pornografi balas dendam atau fenomena revenge porn ini, Kurangnya     pemahaman gender dari Penegak Hukum, Budaya      patriarki  yang masih melekat kuat bagi asyarakat Indonesia, Penanganan yang sering     mengakibatkan boomerang bagi sang korban, serta rendahnya  pemahaman masyarakat akan hukum. 2. Upaya untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap perempuan korban pornografi     balas dendam (revenge porn) saat ini terdapat dalam Undang-undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 Tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik, Undang-Undang Nomor 44 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pornografi, namun bentuk perlindungan ini     belum efektif dan tidak memberikan perlindungan sepenuhnya atas kerugian     yang di alami sang korban. Beberapa bentuk Perlindungan  dapat diberikan     kepada korban, yakni secara teoritis berupa Restitusi, Ganti Rugi, Kompensasi,     Bantuan Medis dan Bantuan  Hukum atau memberikan perlindungan secara     Represif yakni salah satunya dengan  mengesahkan RUU  PKS, serta      pencegahan secara Preventif yakni memberikan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi     tentang cara menggunakan internet yang baik dan    benar serta mencegah untuk     tidak memberikan konten berbentuk pornografi kepada orang  lain.Kata kunci: pornografi balas dendam

    Selvitys teollisuusympäristöjen historiasta ja käyttötarkoituksen muutoksista

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena ovat teollisuusrakennukset, niiden historia Kymenlaakson alueella ja selvitys teollisuuden rakennussuojelusta, arvoista sekä rakennuksen käyttötarkoituksen muutoksista yleisellä tasolla. Työssä käydään myös läpi teollisuusrakennusten arkkitehtuuria yleisesti Suomessa viitaten Kymenlaaksoon ja selvitämme käyttötarkoituksen muutosten ongelmia, menetelmiä ja toteutusta. Tavoitteena on kartoittaa ja saada kokonaisvaltainen kuva edellä mainitun alueen tehdasrakennuksista ja perehtyä uusiokäytön nykytilanteeseen. Yhteiskunnan kehityksen myötä teollisuusalueita on jouduttu siirtämään ja jopa purkamaan ihmisten tarpeiden mukaan. Huomattavasti merkittäviä, niin arkkitehtonisesti kuin myös kansalle tunnearvoja herättäviä rakennuksia on suojeltu ja keskeisillä alueilla niitä on myös otettu uudiskäyttöön. Tutkimus perustuu kirjallisiin ja elektronisiin lähteisiin ja siihen on kerätty oleellisimmat seikat teollisuusperinnöstämme.The theme of this thesis is industrial buildings, its history in Kymenlaakso territory and to inquest the protection of the buildings, the values and the changes in the use of buildings, all in a general way. The research will also take place through the industrial architecture and it will examine the problems, methods and rehabilitation in a newly-way-transformed old building. This thesis aims to identify and obtain a comprehensive picture of factory buildings in Kymenlaakso and to learn about reuse of the existing buildings. Because of the social development industrial districts have been relocated and some have even been demolished to correspond into people's needs. Some buildings that are significantly important, having an architectural and inspiring values, have been pro- tected and in well located areas they have also gotten a new use. The study is based on the written and electronic sources and it consists of the most essential elements of our industry heritage

    A Survey on Recent Named Entity Recognition and Relation Classification Methods with Focus on Few-Shot Learning Approaches

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    Named entity recognition and relation classification are key stages for extracting information from unstructured text. Several natural language processing applications utilize the two tasks, such as information retrieval, knowledge graph construction and completion, question answering and other domain-specific applications, such as biomedical data mining. We present a survey of recent approaches in the two tasks with focus on few-shot learning approaches. Our work compares the main approaches followed in the two paradigms. Additionally, we report the latest metric scores in the two tasks with a structured analysis that considers the results in the few-shot learning scope
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