20 research outputs found

    The level of air pollution in the impact zone of coal-fired power plant (Karaganda City) using the data of geochemical snow survey (Republic of Kazakhstan)

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    Coal-fired power plants emissions impact the air quality and human health. Of great significance is assessment of solid airborne particles emissions from those plants and distance of their transportation. The article presents the results of air pollution assessment in the zone of coal-fired power plant (Karaganda City) using snow survey. Based on the mass of solid airborne particles deposited in snow, time of their deposition on snow at the distance from 0.5 to 4.5 km a value of dust load has been determined. It is stated that very high level of pollution is observed at the distance from 0.5 to 1 km. there is a trend in decrease of dust burden value with the distance from the stacks of coal-fired power plant that may be conditioned by the particle size and washing out smaller ash particles by ice pellets forming at freezing water vapour in stacks of the coal-fired power plant. Study in composition of solid airborne particles deposited in snow has shown that they mainly contain particulates of underburnt coal, Al-Si- rich spheres, Fe-rich spheres, and coal dust. The content of the particles in samples decreases with the distance from the stacks of the coal-fired power plant

    Baz? Do?al Sediment ve Filizlerin Analize Haz?rlanmas?nda ??z?n?rle?tirme Tekniklerinin Optimizasyonu

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    QZET Bu ?al??mada bir ?rnek ??zun?rle?tirme y?ntemi o- larak ultras onik uyar?l? ?z?tleme tekni?inin uygulan?rl? ?? ve optimizas yo nu ara?t?r?lm??t?r. Irmak ve g?l sediment- leriyle ?e?itli filizlerden ana bile?en (maj?r), ikincil bile?en (min?r) ve eser elementler ultras onik uyar? etki si alt?nda ?z?tlenmi?tir. 20 dakika ultrasonik etkile?im s?resiyle, bu alan lardaki geleneksel y?ntemlerde 5 saatte elde edilen sonu? larla kar ? ula?t?r?labilir verimlere ula??lm??t?r. Y?ntemin tekrarlanabilir li?i (?rmak sedimentinden Sr ?z?tlenmesi durumu d???nda) ba??l standart sapma cinsinden analit ve ?rne?e ba?l? olarak % 8.73 - 11,94 aras?nda de?i?mektedir. Bu, benzer ?al??malar i?in kabul edilebilir bir kesinlik d?zeyidir. Y?ntemin do?rulu?u, a??lanm?? ?rnekler, yapay ?r nekler ve sertifikal? iki standart madde ile denenmi?tir. Analit ve ?rnek matriksine ba?l? olarak a??lanm?? ?rnek lerde % 91-106, yapay ?rneklerde % 93-103 geri kazan?m oranlar?na ula??lm??t?r. Sertifikal? standartlarla yap?lan ?al??malarda yaln?zca sedimentten Cu ?z?tlenmesi + % 4.0 nata g?sterirken, di?er uygulamalar negatif nata sergile mi?tir; Sedimentten Fe = % 9,6, Fb - % 10.5; filizden f e - 6.8, Cu - % 10.0 ve Pb - % 11.5 hatal?. ?z?tlenebil- mi?tir. Ultrasonik ?z?tleme s?resinin 40 dakikaya uzat?l mas?yla geri kazan?m ve tekrarlanabilir likte ?nemli iyi le?meler sa?lanabilece?i sonucuna var?lm??t?r

    Usage of the newly synthesized poly(3-hydroxy butyrate)-b-poly(vinyl benzyl xanthate) block copolymer for vortex-assisted solid-phase microextraction of cobalt (II) and nickel (II) in canned foodstuffs

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    WOS: 000526394400021PubMed ID: 32244139TARAMASCOPUSTARAMAPUBMEDTARAMAWOSThe current research article was reported the synthesis of a novel poly(3-hydroxy butyrate)-b-poly(vinyl benzyl xanthate) block copolymer (PHB-Xa) for vortex-assisted solid-phase microextraction of cobalt(II) and nickel(II) from canned foodstuffs prior to their determinations by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The block copolymer was synthesized and characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Experimental variables affecting the extraction efficiency of the copolymer were optimized. Since the PHB-Xa block copolymers have a high Tc conjugate structure and hydrophobicity, the use of this adsorbent yielded quantitative results for the extraction of Ni(II) and Co(II). After optimization, the linearities for Ni(II) and Co(II) were 0.05-80 ng mL(-1) and 0.2-100 ng mL(-1), respectively. The limits of detection and the limits of quantification were in the range of 0.015-0.06 ng mL(-1) and 0.05-0.2 ng mL(-1), respectively. The method was successfully applied to determination of Ni(II) and Co(II) in canned foodstuffs prepared by microwave digestion.Turkish Academy of SciencesTurkish Academy of SciencesI would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Demirbas for his contributions to the preparation of vegetable sample using microwave digestion system and for the flame AAS analyses. Dr. Mustafa Tuzen thanks to Turkish Academy of Sciences for financial support

    A new analytical approach for preconcentration, separation and determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II) in real samples using a new adsorbent: Synthesis, characterization and application

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    TARAMAWOSWOS:000663770100005TARAMAPUBMEDTARAMASCOPUSA green and efficient analytical approach was reported for simultaneous preconcentration, and separation of Pb (II) and Cd(II) in water, vegetables, and barbecue samples by dispersive solid-phase microextraction prior to their determination using flame atomic absorption spectrometry. A new poly-3-hydroxy butyrate-polyvinyl triethyl ammonium chloride comb-type amphiphilic cationic block copolymer (PHBvbNCl) was synthesized and char acterized. Main variables such as pH, sorbent amount, adsorption time, eluent type, desorption time, and sample volume were optimized. Detection limits and working ranges for Pb(II) and Cd(II) were 0.03 μg L-1, 0.15 μg L-1, 0.1–250 μg L-1 and 0.5–375 μg L-1, respectively. Enhancement factor for Pb (II) and Cd (II) were 114 and 98. The adsorption capacity of PHBvbNCl for Pb(II) and Cd(II) was 175.2 mg g− 1 and 152.9 mg g− 1 . After the accuracy of the method was confirmed by the analysis of certified reference materials, it was successfully applied to real samples. Finally, the analytical performance of the present method was compared with other methods

    Tergitol@SiO2@Fe3O4 magnetic nano-material and experimental design methodology: An effective and selective adsorbent for solid phase microextraction and flame atomic absorption spectrometric analysis of lead in different matrixes

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    In current paper, we synthesized a new and functional magnetic Tergitol@SiO2@Fe3O4. The synthesized magnetic nano-material was characterized in detail using transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectrometer, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and fourier transform infrared spectrometer. Then, the applicability of the synthesized nano-material to the separation and preconcentration of Pb(II) ions was investigated prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination. In order to ensure efficient and selective extraction of Pb(II), major variables such as pH, adsorbent amount, and adsorption time were optimized by multivariate methodology based on Box-Behnken design. Under the optimized conditions, linearity, detection limit, enhancement factor, and relative standard deviation (RSD%) were 0.2-250 mu g L-1, 0.07 mu g L-1, 84, and 1.8%, respectively. Accuracy and precision of the optimized method were investigated by using two certified reference materials (INCT-TL-1-tea leaves and SRM-1643e Trace elements in water), and good recoveries (94.7-103.9%) with low RSDs were achieved. Finally, the optimized method was successfully applied for the determination and separation of lead in different matrixes