4 research outputs found

    Comparison of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of unipolar and bipolar geriatric inpatients

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    Amaç: Bipolar bozukluk, toplumda %1 oranında görülen kronik bir hastalık olmakla beraber, yaşlılardaki yaygınlık oranı % 0.1 kadar düşüktür. Major depresyonun ise 70-85 yaşından sonra prevalans ve insidansı iki kat artmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı, yatarak tedavi gören bipolar bozukluk(BB) ve unipolar depresyon(UD) tanılarıyla izlenen geriyatrik hastaların sosyodemografik ve klinik özelliklerinin araştırılmasıdır.Yöntem: Çalışmada Bakırköy Ruh ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanesi’nde yatmış olan, 65 yaş ve üzeri BB ve UD hastalarının sosyodemografik ve klinik özellikleri tıbbi kayıtları üzerinden karşılaştırılmıştır. Madde/ilaç, başka bir sağlık durumuna bağlı duygudurum bozukluğu tanısı olanlar ya da demans, deliryum tanısı olan hastalar çalışmaya dahil edilmemiştir. Bulgular: Tüm hastaların yaş ortalaması 69,3’tür. Çalışmaya dahil edilen 93 hastanın 51 tanesinde (%54,8) BB, 42 tanesinde(%45,2) UD tanısı bulunmaktadır. Hastalığın başlangıç yaşı BB için 41,33 iken UD için 59,21 bulunmuştur(p=0,000). UD hasta grubunun yatışındaki intihar fikri oranı %78,6 olup BB hasta grubununki %17,6’dır(p=0,000). UD grubundan 20(%47.6) kişi daha önce en az bir kere intihar girişiminde bulunmuşken bu sayı bipolar hasta grubunda 12(%23.5) olarak saptanmıştır(p=0,03). BB hastalarının ilaç uyumsuzluğu %51,0 iken UD hastalarında (%26,2) anlamlı derecede düşüktür (p=0,000). BB grubunun tedavisinde antipsikotikler (%100), depresyon hastalarına (%76,2) oranla daha sık kullanılmıştır(p=0,000). Sonuçlar: Yatarak tedavi görmüş unipolar ve bipolar geriyatrik hastalarda önemli klinik farklar saptanmıştır.Objective: Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic disease of 1% in the population although the prevalence in the elderly is low as 0.1%. The prevalence and incidence of major depression doubled after the age of 70-85. The aim of this study was to investigate sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of geriatric inpatients with bipolar disorder and unipolar depression (UD). Methods: In the study, demographic and clinical characteristics of 65 years and older patients with BD and UD who hospitalized in Bakirkoy Research and Training Hospital for Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery were compared through medical records. Patients diagnosed with substance/medication-induced mood disorders, mood disorders due to another medical condition or dementia, delirium were excluded from the study. Results: The average age of patients is 69.3 years. The study included 93 patients; 51 patients (54.8%) are diagnosed BD, 42 of them (45.2%) are diagnosed UD. The age of onset was found 59.21 years for UD and 41.33 years for BD (p=0.000). Hospitalization ratio in the patients with suicidal ideation was 78.6% (n=33) in UD and 17.6% (n=9) in BD (p=0.000). While 20 of UD patients (47.6%) had suicide attempt at least once, 12 of BD patients (23.5%) attempted suicide before (p=0.03). The drug inadherence ratio in BB patients was found 51.0% (n=26), while it was significantly lower in UD patients (26.2%; n=11) (p=0.000). Antipsychotics were used in the treatment with 100% in BB group (n= 51) and 76.2% (n=32) in UD group (p=0.000). Conclusions: Important clinical differences were detected between geriatric unipolar and bipolar inpatients.Publisher's Versio

    Effects of Natural Products on Neuromuscular Junction

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    Neuromuscular junction (NMJ) disorders result from damage, malfunction or absence of one or more key proteins involved in neuromuscular transmission, comprising a wide range of disorders. The most common pathology is antibody-mediated or downregulation of ion channels or receptors, resulting in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, myasthenia gravis, and acquired neuromyotonia (Isaac’s syndrome), and rarely congenital myasthenic syndromes caused by mutations in NMJ proteins. A wide range of symptomatic treatments, immunomodulating therapies, or immunosuppressive drugs have been used to treat NMJ diseases. Future research must be directed at a better understanding of the pathogenesis of these diseases, and developing novel disease-specific treatments. Numerous secondary metabolites, especially alkaloids isolated from plants, have been used to treat NMJ diseases in traditional and clinical practices. An ethnopharmacological approach has provided leads for identifying new treatments for NMJ diseases. In this review, we performed a literature survey in Pubmed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar to gather information on drug discovery from plant sources for NMJ disease treatments. To date, most research has focused on the effects of herbal remedies on cholinesterase inhibitory and antioxidant activities. This review provides leads for identifying potential new drugs from plant sources for the treatment of NMJ diseases

    Oral Research Presentations

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