17 research outputs found

    Performans Produksi Anak Hasil Persilangan Kambing Boer dan Kacang

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui performans produksi anak hasil persilangan antara kambing Boer dengan Kacang telah dilaksanakan di stasiun percobaan Loka Penelitian Kambing Potong Sungei Putih. Penelitian menggunakan materi ternak rumpun induk kambing Kacang, Boer dan Boerka yang ada pada UPT tersebut. Parameter yang diamati adalah: bobot lahir, bobot sapih (umur tiga bulan), bobot umur enam bulan dan bobot umur satu tahun. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan model linier umum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata bobot lahir, sapih, umur enam bulan dan setahun anak kambing persilangan secara nyata (

    Beberapa Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Produksi Induk Kambing

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja produksi induk kambing telah dilaksanakan di stasiun percobaan Loka Penelitian Kambing Potong, Sungei Putih dengan menggunakan ternak rumpun induk kambing Kacang, Boer dan Boerka yang ada pada UPT tersebut. Peubah yang diamati adalah total bobot lahir dan sapih anak, jenis kelamin anak, jumlah anak sekelahiran dan sapih, paritas induk, bulan beranak dan bobot badan induk saat beranak. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dan apabila ada perbedaan nyata dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan uji Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata bobot lahir dan sapih anak rumpun kambing Boer secara nyata (


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi nilai parameter genetik dankomponen ragam pada kambing Kacang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan diBalai PenelitianKambing Potong Sei Putih, Galang pada bulan Juni 2015 sampai Agustus 2015. Materipenelitian terdiri dari catatan produksi kambing Kacang selama satu generasi sebanyak 20ekor (9 ekor pejantan dan 11 ekor betina).Variabel yang diamati adalah bobot lahir, bobot3, 6, 9 dan 12 bulan. Heritabilitas dan korelasi genetik diestimasi menggunakan polatersarang (Nested disegn) model unbalanced dan nilai pemuliaan dihitung menggunakanpengukuran tunggal dirinya sendiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai koefisienkeragaman dari sifat bobot lahir, 3, 6, 9 dan 12 bulan berturut – turut-adalah 33%; 26%;21%; 26% dan 30%. Nilai heritabilitas sifat bobot lahir,3 dan 6 bulan berturut – turutadalah 0,05; 0,03 dan 0,04. Nilai korelasi genetik bobot lahir – bobot 3,6 dan 12 bulan(0,55%; 0,34%; 0,28%; 0,25%), bobot 3 bulan - 6, 9 dan 12 bulan (0,41%; 0,54%;0,56%), bobot 6 – 9 dan 12 bulan (0,84%; 0,64%) dan bobot 9 – 12 bulan (0,83%).Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai koefisien keragaman yang tinggi, nilaiheritabilitas termasuk kategori rendah dan nilai korelasi genetik termasuk kategori sedang– tinggi

    Reproductive performances of Boe, Kacang and Boerka does

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    Does reproduction performance could be expressed by her ability to give birth and to give milk to their kids during the pre-weaning period. This study was aimed to evaluate the reproductive performance of Boer, Kacang and Boerka does; and was carried out for two years at Research Institute for Goat Production, Sungei Putih. The materials used were goats owned by the institute. The parameters observed were: litter size, parity of does, preweaning mortality, kidding interval and sex ratio of kids. The rate of reproduction of the does was estimated using Amir and Knipscheer methods and were statistically analyzed using General linear model. Results showed that litter size and kidding interval of Boer goats were higher (P < 0.05) then that of Kacang goats, while the Boerka goats was in between. The mortality at preweaning of Boer goats was lower (P < 0.05) then that of Kacang goats, while the Boerka goats was in between. The percentage of kid sex ratio of three breeds were fluctuated. Parity of does had significant effect on all reproduction traits (P < 0.05) except for sex ratio of kids. The does reproduction was smallest at the first parity, and increased with the increase of parity from one to four, and then decreased in subsequent parities. The highest does reproduction rate was found in the Boerka (1.82), followed by Boer (1.80) and Kacang (1.80). It is concluded that the reproductive performance of the three breed female goat was relatively the same

    Study of BMP15 gene polymorphism in Boer, Kacang, and Boerka goats

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    The bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) gene or commonly called FecX (fecundity chromosome X) is a gene that controls the prolific properties. This study aims to identify the mutation of BMP15 gene and to analyze its polymorphism in Boer, Kacang, and Boerka goats. The total of 50 female goat bloods were identified using PCR-Sequencing method, 17 Boer, 16 Kacang and 17 Boerka respectively. BMP15 gene amplification resulted fragment with the length of 141 bp. Genotyping of BMP15 gene produced three genotypes. The result showed that BMP15 gene found two polymorphic SNP were analyzed by genotype frequency, allele frequency, heterozygosis and equilibrium of genotype in all population was detected by the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test (χ2). Sequence analysis results of BMP15 gene showed that there were two mutation between adenine (A) and guanine (G) bases and determination of genotype BMP15 gene produces three genotypes showed that there were GG, GA and AA. In conclusion, there was found the mutation of BMP15 gene in Boer, Kacang and Boerka goats and genetic polymorphism were identified using PCR-Sequencing method


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    This study aimed to evaluate 3T the3T 3T performance3T 3T of3T 3T a cross between Boer3T and Kacang 3T goat3T was carried out for 2 years at Research Institute for Goat Production, Sungei Putih. The materials used were goats owned by the institute. The parameters observed were : 0T rate of re0T production and productivity of the dam, kids productivity, genetic parameters, karkas quality and resistance in goats infected with Haemonchus contortus.0T The rate of re0T production and productivity of the dam were estimated using Amir and Knipscheer methods and were statistically analyzed using General linear model.0T 0T The results showed that the Dam reproduction rate of Boerka goats (1.71) was not much different to Kacang (1.74), while productivity of Boerka goat (22.98) was higher than that of Kacang (18.03). The body weight of crosses increased with increasing blood composition of Boer goats in the off spring. Heterosis coefficient indicates a negative value in all phases of life and the breed goats. Value of heritability, genetic coorelations Kacang goats and Boer belong to the category of moderate to high. Value repitabilitas Kacang goats, Boerka and Boer also includes the category of moderate to high. At the age of 1 year of the cuts, the percentage of meat were lower with the blood composition of the Boer goat by increasing but fat and bone percentage conversely increased. Crosses with Boer goats increased levels of resistance to infection worm Haemonchus contortus. Based on the description can be drawn a conclusion that the productivity of goats hybrid increased compared with the offspring of a Kacang goat. Increased Productivity highest found in the offspring of Boer goats with Boerka (BC Boer = 75% Boer: 25% Kacang) is best used for formation composite goat

    Polymorphism study of BMP15 gene in Indonesian Goats

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    Bone Moprogenetic Protein 15 (BMP15) is the family of Transforming Growth Factor β (TGFβ) superfamily which essential for early ovarian folliculogenesis. The aim of this study was to detect the genetic variation within BMP15 gene in four Indonesian goat breeds. A total of 27 blood samples of Gembrong, Kosta, Samosir, and Kacang goats reared in Indonesia Goat Research Center Sei Putih, North Sumatera were collected. Sequence alignment using of 4 samples represent each breed has revealed one synonymous mutation in position g.735A>G (position number refer to GenBank JQ320890), which did not induce the change of lysine in position 135. Genotyping based on SNP g.735A>G was accomplished using BbsI restriction enzyme with PCR-RFLP method. All three genotype (AA, GG, and AG) showed in Gembrong, while in Samosir and Kacang goat the GG genotype was absent. Interestingly, Kosta goat only has AA genotype. The A allele (83%) was higher than G allele (17%), followed with AA (70%, n=19), AG (26%, n=7), and GG (4%, n=1) genotypes in all sample breeds. The hardyweinberg equilibrium analysis resulted the sample population was not deviated (X2<5.59). It can be suggested the SNP g.735A>G might be used for further study in association the gene with reproductive traits in goat

    LD and Haplotype Block Analysis of SNPs on CAST Gene in Boerka Goat

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    The pattern of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in genome is a powerful signal in the association gene study. Calpastatin (CAST) gene plays a pivotal role in encoding meat quality (tenderization). In order to define the SNPs, twenty one of Boerka (Boer x Kacang) goats reared under control condition in Goat Research Institute, were used for blood sample collection. Five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of CAST gene located in chromosome 7 were found using direct sequencing. The SNPs are namely g.146C>A (SNP- 1), g.224A>G (SNP-2), g.281G>A (SNP-3), g.373C>T (SNP-4) and g.431G>A (SNP-5). Those SNPs were analysed for LD and haplotype block analysis using haploview software. Four types of haplotype block have been performed to indicate the D’prime, LD, r-square (r2) and haplotype frequency. As a result, all block had high D’prime (=1.0). Each block had different SNPs combination. Block A, B, C and D formed 10, 3, 2 and 1 SNPs combination, respectively. The highest LD (1.75) and r2 (1.00) shown in block A with SNP1&2, SNP1&5, SNP2&5 combinations. The highest (97.6%) haplotype frequencies are defined in combination CA, CG and AG haplotypes located in SNP1&2, SNP1&5, SNP2&5, respectively. The lowest LD (0.01) and r2 (0.0010) found in SNP1&4, SNP2&4 and SNP4&5 combinations. In block B, three types of SNPs combination were made and indicated having medium of haplotype frequency (57.1%). For block C and D, two and one SNP combination were observed with similar haplotype frequency (57.1%). In conclusion, these information of LD and characterization of haplotype block structure may be useful parameter for guiding the CAST gene association study with economic traits especially for meat quality in Boerka goat population in the future study

    Study of growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) gene polymorphism in Indonesian goats

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    A member of growth factor and a member of the transforming growth factor β superfamily, growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) has a critical role in prolificacy of sheep and goat. The aim of this study was to analyze the exon 1 of GDF9 gene in Indonesian goats. For this purpose, 78 blood samples representing ten Indonesian goat breeds: Gembrong (GB), Senduro (SD), Peranakan Etawah (PE), Boerawa (BR), Boerka (BK), Kosta (KT), Muara (MR), Boer (BO), Samosir (SM) and Kacang (KC) were collected. An exonic region of GDF9 gene, 462 bp was amplified using specific primers. Two SNPs were identified based on reference and direct sequencing, SNP 306G>A and SNP 239C>A, respectively. SNP 306G>A was used to genotype all animals using RFLP method with HhaI restriction enzyme. The results revealed an absence of polymorphism of GDF9 gene at SNP 306G>A in all animals investigated. Hence, a further attempt should be addressed to investigate this SNP 239C>A of GDF9 gene which may influence the prolificacy of goats