782 research outputs found

    Chromosome location and characterization of genes for grain protein content in Triticum dicoccoides

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em História, apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra.No início do século XX, com a instalação da República portuguesa, surgiu a oportunidade de se construir um lar judaico num território português de além-mar. Angola foi uma forte possibilidade. Vários fatores contribuíram para que tal oportunidade fosse possível. Os constantes massacres feitos ao povo judaico em variadíssimos países europeus, nomeadamente nos países de leste, e as dificuldades encontradas por Theodor Herzl, fundador do movimento sionista, para a edificação do desejado Estado judaico na Palestina, levou a que alguns líderes judaicos começassem a estudar outras hipóteses para o estabelecimento da comunidade judaica para além da Palestina. Era urgente encontrar uma solução para que o sofrimento dos judeus terminasse. Por outro lado, é preciso não esquecer que Portugal se debatia com uma grande questão, a necessidade de ocupar efetivamente as suas colónias, a fim de contrariar as pretensões alemãs e inglesas. A hipótese de criar uma colónia judaica em Angola, como forma de enfrentar as aspirações alheias, e a necessidade de valorizar aquele território, faziam da colonização judaica uma boa solução para Portugal. Tendo em conta as dificuldades de um povoamento de Angola com elementos naturais da metrópole, devido à fraca capacidade financeira do Estado português e a razões sociais e mentais, a colonização judaica aparecia como uma alternativa viável. No entanto, este projeto não se concretizaria. Serão identificados os fatores internos e externos que levaram a que este projeto não fosse posto em prática e tratar-se-á da posterior criação do Estado de Israel na Palestina, depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial.In the early XXth century, with the establishment of Portuguese Republic, arises an opportunity of setting a jewish home in a portuguese land overseas. Angola was a strong possibility. Several factors contributed for the possibility of such opportunity. The constant massacres the Jewish people suffered in numerous different European countries, mainly in Eastern countries, and the difficulties encountered by Theodor Herlz, founder of the Zionist movement, in order to build the desired Jewish State in Palestine, drove some of jewish leaders to study other options to establish the home of Jewish people beyond Palestine. It was urgent to find a solution for the suffering of the Jews to end. On the other hand, it’s important not to forget that Portugal was struggling with a big question, the necessity of effectively settling its colonies, in order to fight back the German and English pretensions. The possibility of creating a jewish colony in Angola as a way to prevent third-parties aspirations and the need of increase the value of Angola land turned the jewish settlement into a good solution to Portugal. As the colonization of Angola with natives from the metropolis appeared hard to reach, due to a poor financial capacity of the portuguese State as well as social and mental factors, the Jewish colonization appeared as a viable alternative. However, this project wasn’t meant to achieve the goal. We’ll describe the internal and external factors that caused the failure of this project and we’ll talk about the creation, later on, of the Jewish State in Palestine, after Second World Wa

    CD1a expression in psoriatic skin following treatment with propylthiouracil, an antithyroid thioureylene

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    BACKGROUND: The antithyroid thioureylenes, propylthiouracil (PTU) and methimazole (MMI), are effective in the treatment of patients with plaque psoriasis. The mechanism of action of the drugs in psoriasis is unknown. Since the drugs reduce circulating IL-12 levels in patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism, the effect of propylthiouracil on CD1a expression in psoriatic lesions was examined in biopsy samples of patients with plaque psoriasis. CD1a is a marker of differentiated skin antigen presenting cells (APC, Langerhans cells). Langerhans cells and skin monocyte/macrophages are the source of IL-12, a key cytokine involved in the events that lead to formation of the psoriatic plaque. METHODS: Biopsy specimens were obtained from six patients with plaque psoriasis who were treated with 300 mg propylthiouracil (PTU) daily for three months. Clinical response to PTU as assessed by PASI scores, histological changes after treatment, and CD1a expression in lesional skin before and after treatment were studied. RESULTS: Despite significant improvement in clinical and histological parameters the expression of CD1a staining cells in the epidermis did not decline with propylthiouracil treatment. CONCLUSIONS: It appears that the beneficial effect of propylthiouracil in psoriasis is mediated by mechanisms other than by depletion of skin antigen-presenting cells

    Dosimetry during intramedullary nailing of the tibia: Patient and occupational exposure

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    Background Intramedullary nailing under fluoroscopic guidance is a common operation. We studied the intraoperative radiation dose received by both the patient and the personnel

    Do Synesthetes Have a General Advantage in Visual Search and Episodic Memory? A Case for Group Studies

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    BACKGROUND: Some studies, most of them case-reports, suggest that synesthetes have an advantage in visual search and episodic memory tasks. The goal of this study was to examine this hypothesis in a group study. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In the present study, we tested thirteen grapheme-color synesthetes and we compared their performance on a visual search task and a memory test to an age-, handedness-, education-, and gender-matched control group. The results showed no significant group differences (all relevant ps>.50). For the visual search task effect sizes indicated a small advantage for synesthetes (Cohen's d between .19 and .32). No such advantage was found for episodic memory (Cohen's d<.05). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results indicate that synesthesia per se does not seem to lead to a strong performance advantage. Rather, the superior performance of synesthetes observed in some case-report studies may be due to individual differences, to a selection bias or to a strategic use of synesthesia as a mnemonic. In order to establish universal effects of synesthesia on cognition single-case studies must be complemented by group studies

    On the gauge boson's properties in a candidate technicolor theory

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    The technicolor scenario replaces the Higgs sector of the standard model with a strongly interacting sector. One candidate for a realization of such a sector is two-technicolor Yang-Mills theory coupled to two degenerate flavors of adjoint, massless techniquarks. Using lattice gauge theory the properties of the technigluons in this scenario are investigated as a function of the techniquark mass towards the massless limit. For that purpose the minimal Landau gauge two-point and three-point correlation functions are determined, including a detailed systematic error analysis. The results are, within the relatively large systematic uncertainties, compatible with a behavior very similar to QCD at finite techniquark mass. However, the limit of massless techniquarks exhibits features which could be compatible with a (quasi-)conformal behavior.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures, 1 table; v2: persistent notational error corrected, some minor modification
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