11 research outputs found

    Timeline of the Malay Jawi Works: A Revisit to the Oldest Known Malay Manuscript

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    The paper examines the dating of writings on Islam originating in the Malay world in the form of either treatise (risālah) or book (kitāb) as there are disagreements on the date of the advent of Islam in the region. The researchers revisit the polemic of the topic of the oldest known Malay manuscript between the „Aqā‟id al-Nasafī by anonymous author dated 1590 A.D and the Baḥr alLāhūt of Shaykh ʿAbdullah ʿArif which was said to have been written in 12th century A.D., is 400 years older than the former. In order to lit light on this issue, the researchers employ the qualitative methodology in which the linguistic, textual and comparative analysis are applied on the manuscripts and material related to both treatises. Finding reveals that there are some methodological issues that need to be resolved in comparing both treatises

    Buku panduan amalan pendidikan berimpak tinggi (High-Impact Educational Practices-HIEPs) dalam matapelajaran pengajian umum

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    Dokumen ini disediakan sebagai rujukan pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran kursus Matapelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) berasaskan Amalan Pendidikan Berimpak Tinggi atau High-Impact Educational Practices (HIEPs) untuk semua tenaga pengajar MPU di Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi. Dokumen ini juga adalah merupakan hasil Bengkel Master Trainer HIEPs kursus MPU yang telah diadakan bersama wakil Universiti Awam dan Institut Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta di dalam dua siri bengkel iaitu pada Mac dan April 2018 di Kuala Lumpur dan Puchong, Selangor. Penggunaaan amalan HIEPs di dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran adalah selari dengan hasrat Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2015-2025 (Pendidikan Tinggi), Lonjakan 1 berkaitan pemantapan kurikulum di mana penekanan perlu diberikan oleh IPT di dalam merekabentuk kurikulum yang holistik, bersepadu dan dijajarkan secara konstruktif dengan menekankan penggunaan Amalan Pendidikan Berimpak Tinggi (HIEPs) yang merangkumi kejelasan kognitif dan konsep, kemahiran keusahawanan serta pembelajaran melalui pengalaman dan inovasi. Sehubungan dengan itu, pelaksanaan HIEPs di dalam kursus-kursus umum di IPT khususnya dapat menyokong usaha Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (Pendidikan Tinggi) untuk membangunkan graduan yang holistik, berciri keusahawanan dan seimbang sejajar dengan Falsafah Pendidikan Tinggi Kebangsaan. Graduan tersebut akan mempunyai ilmu yang relevan dan bersesuaian, berakhlak, serta dilengkapi penetapan minda, tingkah laku dan beradab. Terima kasih diucapkan kepada Fasilitator Bengkel Master Trainer HIEPs kursus MPU dan semua peserta bengkel ini yang telah memberikan kerjasama sewajarnya di dalam penerbitan bahan rujukan ini

    The role of mosque committee in empowering mosque’s educational programmes: case study of mosques in Gombak district, Malaysia (peranan ahli jawatankuasa masjid dalam penambahbaikan program pendidikan masjid: kajian kes bagi masjid-masjid di daerah Gombak)

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    This article analyses the roles of the mosque committee in enhancing the mosque’s educational programmes in Gombak, Selangor. Gombak as an administrative district that is located inside the hectic and modernized area of Klang Valley is prone to foreign ideologies and socio-cultural issues. This study aims to broaden the understanding of how the mosque committee in Gombak could empower the mosque’s educational programmes in addressing these issues. This study also aims to discover creative improvision that the committee could make in making the mosque’s educational programmes attractive to the surrounding community. This study focuses on the role of the mosque committee in improving their mosque’s educational programmes with a specific case study on selected mosques in the Gombak district. It is a qualitative study that utilizes the deductive and inductive methods derived from surveys collected from Focus-group Discussion (FGD) and literature studies. Recordings from the FGD survey and recent literature studies related to this topic are examined and analysed according to its appropriation. The result indicates the importance of the mosque committee and their significant roles in enhancing the mosque’s educational programmes such as adjusting the curriculum to cater the diversity of people and continuously improvising the lesson through feedback taken from the surrounding community

    The Qur'an, true report and the cause of knowledge in the Islamic intellectual tradition

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    Al-Qur'an as a true report and source of knowledge in the early Malay intellectual tradition

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    This paper aims to highlight the scholarly discussion in a few early Malay kitab on one of the most allusive epistemological issues of ‘how do we know what we know” and to expound its paramount importance and bearing in our contemporary life. It attempts to analyze the holistic approach towards the Qur’an as a source of knowledge by firstly addressing, rather than avoiding, the more fundamental and prior issue of the causes or means of knowledge and establishing it as being the most indubitable true report. By so doing, the paper hopes to be able to suggest and insist that this approach be revived in order to equip Muslims with the right defensive knowledge and boost their confidence in facing the growing confused and skeptical world of today

    Timeline of the Malay jawi works: a revisit to the oldest known Malay manuscript

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    The paper examines the dating of writings on Islam originating in the Malay world in the form of either treatise (risālah) or book (kitāb) as there are disagreements on the date of the advent of Islam in the region. The researchers revisit the polemic of the topic of the oldest known Malay manuscript between the ‘Aqā’id al-Nasafī by anonymous author dated 1590 A.D and the Baḥr al-Lāhūt of Shaykh ʿAbdullah ʿArif which was said to have been written in 12th century A.D., is 400 years older than the former. In order to lit light on this issue, the researchers employ the qualitative methodology in which the linguistic, textual and comparative analysis are applied on the manuscripts and material related to both treatises. Finding reveals that there are some methodological issues that need to be resolved in comparing both treatises

    Kajian projek pembinaan modul pengajian masjid berstruktur negeri Selangor

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    Masalah sosial yang berkaitan dengan agama dan masyarakat seperti tiada penghujungnya. Setiap hari masyarakat kita dihidangkan dengan pelbagai kes daripada perpecahan institusi keluarga hinggalah keruntuhan akidah. Kes-kes begini memerlukan perhatian serius daripada pihak-pihak berwajib. Masjid sebagai salah satu institusi terpenting mesyarakat Islam perlu terus memainkan peranan mendidik masyarakat. Salah satu program pendidikan yang penting untuk masyarakat adalah melalui kelas-kelas pengajian di masjid. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kuantitatif yang menumpukan kepada tahap pemahaman dan penerimaan mesyarakat dan seterusnya cadangan pengukuhan program pengajian di masjid-masjid negeri Selangor. Data kajian diperolehi melalui kaedah pensampelan tidak kebarangkalian, secara khususnya teknik “pensampelan bersasar”di dua daerah di dalam negeri Selangor iaitu Sabak Bernam dan Petaling. Daerah-daerah ini dipilih bagi mewakili kawasan luar bandar dan bandar di dalam negeri Selangor. Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa masyarakat Islam di negeri Selangor bersetuju untuk memperkasakan lagi kelas-kelas pengajian ini dengan melihat kepada kandungan ilmu yang disampaikan serta cara penyampaian itu sendiri. Jika ia dapat dilaksanakan, ilmu-ilmu Islam dapat disampaikan kepada masyarakat di dalam keadaan yang teratur. Seterusnya, ia dapat menambahkan lagi kefahaman masyarakat terhadap ajaran-ajaran Islam dan dilaksanakan di dalam kehidupan seharian

    Exploring the views of mosque committee members on mosque religious education programs in Gombak

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    There is a multitude of social problems characterized by the growth of crime rate of violence, religious disintegration, hatred, religious disunity, and tension. Such problems have raised serious attention from various parties as they lead to social disintegration and eventually harm social security. The phenomena could be attributed to, inter alia, the lack of religious understanding; a critical factor in constructing the moral behavior of human beings. A study has been conducted to obtain feedback from mosque committee members in Malaysia on the nature of the mosque religious education curriculum. Focus Group Discussions had been conducted by engaging relevant stakeholders of mosques to identify the views of mosque committee members on the mosque religious education curriculum in the district of Gombak, a district in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. The findings have been analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings show that mosque committee members highlighted several issues which concern mosque religious education structure, education resources, participants’ content of curriculum, teaching and learning approaches, and their expected outcomes. The findings increase the understanding of the roles of mosque as strategic center for community members to acquire knowledge, important for the community sustainable development. The information can be used as basis for the development of the Mosque Religious Education Curriculum