6 research outputs found

    C-Terminal Region of EBNA-2 Determines the Superior Transforming Ability of Type 1 Epstein-Barr Virus by Enhanced Gene Regulation of LMP-1 and CXCR7

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    Type 1 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) strains immortalize B lymphocytes in vitro much more efficiently than type 2 EBV, a difference previously mapped to the EBNA-2 locus. Here we demonstrate that the greater transforming activity of type 1 EBV correlates with a stronger and more rapid induction of the viral oncogene LMP-1 and the cell gene CXCR7 (which are both required for proliferation of EBV-LCLs) during infection of primary B cells with recombinant viruses. Surprisingly, although the major sequence differences between type 1 and type 2 EBNA-2 lie in N-terminal parts of the protein, the superior ability of type 1 EBNA-2 to induce proliferation of EBV-infected lymphoblasts is mostly determined by the C-terminus of EBNA-2. Substitution of the C-terminus of type 1 EBNA-2 into the type 2 protein is sufficient to confer a type 1 growth phenotype and type 1 expression levels of LMP-1 and CXCR7 in an EREB2.5 cell growth assay. Within this region, the RG, CR7 and TAD domains are the minimum type 1 sequences required. Sequencing the C-terminus of EBNA-2 from additional EBV isolates showed high sequence identity within type 1 isolates or within type 2 isolates, indicating that the functional differences mapped are typical of EBV type sequences. The results indicate that the C-terminus of EBNA-2 accounts for the greater ability of type 1 EBV to promote B cell proliferation, through mechanisms that include higher induction of genes (LMP-1 and CXCR7) required for proliferation and survival of EBV-LCLs

    Transcriptional cross-regulation of RUNX1 by RUNX3 in human B cells

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    RUNX transcription factors are important in development and in numerous types of human cancer. They act as either transcriptional activators or repressors and can be proto-oncogenes or tumour suppressors. Understanding their regulation and interaction may explain how RUNX factors contribute to such different and often opposing biological processes. We show that RUNX3 regulates RUNX1 expression, contributing to the mutually exclusive expression of RUNX3 and RUNX1 in human B lymphoid cell lines. RUNX3 repressed the RUNX1 P1 promoter by binding specifically to conserved RUNX sites near the transcription start of the promoter. siRNA inhibition of RUNX3 in lymphoblastoid cells resulted in increased RUNX1 expression, indicating that continuous expression of physiological levels of RUNX3 is required to maintain repression. Furthermore, expression of RUNX3 was required for efficient proliferation of B cells immortalized by Epstein-Barr virus. Cross-regulation between different RUNX family members is therefore a means of controlling RUNX protein expression and must now be considered in the interpretation of pathological changes due to loss of RUNX3 tumour suppressor function or following gene duplication or translocation events

    Natural variation of Epstein-Barr virus genes, proteins and pri-microRNA

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    Viral gene sequences from an enlarged set of about 200 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) strains including many primary isolates have been used to investigate variation in key viral genetic regions, particularly LMP1, Zp, gp350, EBNA1 and the BART miRNA cluster 2. Determination of type 1 and type 2 EBV in saliva samples from people from a wide range of geographic and ethnic backgrounds demonstrates a small percentage of healthy white Caucasian British people carrying predominantly type 2 EBV. Linkage of Zp and gp350 variants to type 2 EBV is likely to be due to their genes being adjacent to the EBNA3 locus, which is one of the major determinants of the type 1/type 2 distinction. A novel classification of EBNA1 DNA binding domains named QCIGP results from phylogeny analysis of their protein sequences but is not linked to the type 1/type 2 classification. The BART cluster 2 miRNA region is classified into three major variants through SNPs in the pri-miRNA outside of the mature miRNA sequences. These SNPs can result in altered levels of expression of some miRNAs from the BART variant frequently present in Chinese and Indonesian nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) samples. The EBV genetic variants identified here provide a basis for future more directed analysis of association of specific EBV variation with EBV biology and EBV associated diseases.IMPORTANCE Incidence of diseases associated with EBV varies greatly in different parts of the world. Relationships between EBV genome sequence variation and health, disease, geography and ethnicity of the host may thus be important for understanding the role of EBV in diseases and for development of an effective EBV vaccine. This paper provides the most comprehensive analysis so far of variation in specific EBV genes relevant to these diseases and proposed EBV vaccines. By focussing on variation in LMP1, Zp, gp350, EBNA1 and the BART miRNA cluster 2, new relationships to the known type 1/type 2 strains are demonstrated and novel classification of EBNA1 and the BART miRNAs is proposed

    Epstein-Barr virus genome deletions in Epstein-Barr virus-positive T/NK cell lymphoproliferative diseases

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    The main target cells for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection and persistence are B lymphocytes, although T and NK cells can also become infected. In this paper we characterise the EBV present in 21 pediatric and adult patients treated in France for a range of diseases that involve infection of T or NK cells. Of these 21 cases, 5 pediatric patients (21%) and 11 adult patients (52%) are of Caucasian origin. In about 30% of the cases, some of the EBV genomes contain a large deletion. The deletions are different in every patient but tend to cluster near the BART region of the viral genome. Detailed investigation of a family, in which several members have persistent T or NK cell infection by EBV, indicates that the virus genome deletions arise or are selected independently in each individual patient. Genome sequence polymorphisms in the EBV in these T or NK cell diseases reflect the geographic origin of the patient, not a distinct type of EBV (the 21 cases studied included examples of both type 1 and type 2 EBV infection). Using virus produced from type 1 or type 2 EBV genomes cloned in bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vectors, we demonstrate infection of T cells in cord blood from healthy donors. Our results are consistent with transient infection of some T cells being part of normal asymptomatic infection by EBV in young children