12 research outputs found

    Association between Face mask use and Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Cross-sectional study

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    We examined the association between face masks and risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 using cross-sectional data from 3,209 participants in a randomized trial exploring the effectiveness of glasses in reducing the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Face mask use was based on participants’ response to the end-of-follow-up survey. We found that the incidence of self-reported COVID-19 was 33% (aRR 1.33; 95% CI 1.03–1.72) higher in those wearing face masks often or sometimes, and 40% (aRR 1.40; 95% CI 1.08–1.82) higher in those wearing face masks almost always or always, compared to participants who reported wearing face masks never or almost never. We believe the observed increase in the incidence of infection associated with wearing a face mask is likely due to unobservable and hence nonadjustable differences between those wearing and not wearing a mask. Observational studies reporting on the relationship between face mask use and risk of respiratory infections should be interpreted cautiously, and more randomized trials are needed.publishedVersio

    Covid-19. Dør-til-dør-aksjoner, mobile teststasjoner og endring i testandel blant norsk- og utenlandsfødte i bydel Stovner, Oslo

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    Høy testandel er viktig i arbeidet mot spredning av covid-19. Stovner bydel gjennomførte dør-til-dør-aksjoner der innbyggerne ble oppfordret til ü teste seg, i februar-mars 2021. I tilknytning til aksjonene ble det utplassert mobile testanlegg. Vi har undersøkt sammenhengen mellom dør-til-dør-aksjonene og hvor stor andel av befolkningen som har testet seg for covid-19. Tre dør-til-dør-aksjoner ble gjennomført i ulike grunnkretser i bydel Stovner, med to ukers mellomrom. Vi brukte grunnkretsene i bydelen uten dør-til-dør-aksjoner som kontrollgruppe. Vi presenterer testandelene i uka før og i uka etter dør-til-dør-aksjonene, büde der disse foregikk og for kontrollgruppen. Dette gjør vi for hele bydelsbefolkningen og for henholdsvis norsk- og utenlandsfødte. Vi har utført analyser (forskjeller-i-forskjeller) for ü anslü i hvor stor grad dør-til-dør-aksjonene innvirket pü testandelene. Testandelen økte dagen etter dør-til-dør-aksjon sammenliknet med kontrollgruppen, og dette gjaldt büde norsk- og utenlandsfødte. De statistiske analysene viser at det var en økning i testingen de første tre dagene etter dør-til-dør-aksjonene pü 45 %, men det er for stor statistisk usikkerhet til at vi kan trekke en sikker konklusjon om effekten av dør-til-dør-aksjonene

    Covid-19. Dør-til-dør-aksjoner, mobile teststasjoner og endring i testandel blant norsk- og utenlandsfødte i bydel Stovner, Oslo

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    Høy testandel er viktig i arbeidet mot spredning av covid-19. Stovner bydel gjennomførte dør-til-dør-aksjoner der innbyggerne ble oppfordret til ü teste seg, i februar-mars 2021. I tilknytning til aksjonene ble det utplassert mobile testanlegg. Vi har undersøkt sammenhengen mellom dør-til-dør-aksjonene og hvor stor andel av befolkningen som har testet seg for covid-19. Tre dør-til-dør-aksjoner ble gjennomført i ulike grunnkretser i bydel Stovner, med to ukers mellomrom. Vi brukte grunnkretsene i bydelen uten dør-til-dør-aksjoner som kontrollgruppe. Vi presenterer testandelene i uka før og i uka etter dør-til-dør-aksjonene, büde der disse foregikk og for kontrollgruppen. Dette gjør vi for hele bydelsbefolkningen og for henholdsvis norsk- og utenlandsfødte. Vi har utført analyser (forskjeller-i-forskjeller) for ü anslü i hvor stor grad dør-til-døraksjonene innvirket pü testandelene. Testandelen økte dagen etter dør-til-dør-aksjon sammenliknet med kontrollgruppen, og dette gjaldt büde norsk- og utenlandsfødte. De statistiske analysene viser at det var en økning i testingen de første tre dagene etter dør-til-dør-aksjonene pü 45 %, men det er for stor statistisk usikkerhet til at vi kan trekke en sikker konklusjon om effekten av dør-tildør-aksjonene

    Increased COVID-19 testing rates following combined door-to-door and mobile testing facility campaigns in Oslo, Norway, a difference-in-difference analysis

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    High testing rates limit COVID-19 transmission. Attempting to increase testing rates, Stovner District in Oslo, Norway, combined door-to-door campaigns with easy access testing facilities. We studied the intervention’s impact on COVID-19 testing rates. The Stovner District administration executed three door-to-door campaigns promoting COVID-19 testing accompanied by drop-in mobile COVID-19 testing facilities in different areas at 2-week intervals. We calculated testing rates pre-and post-campaigns using data from the Norwegian emergency preparedness register for COVID-19 (Beredt C19). We applied a difference-in-difference approach using ordinary least square regression models and robust standard errors to estimate changes in COVID-19 testing rates. Door-to-door visits reached around one of three households. Intervention and comparison areas had identical testing rates before the intervention, and we observed an increase in intervention areas after the campaigns. We estimate a 43% increase in testing rates over the first three days following the door-to-door campaigns (p = 0.28), corresponding to an additional 79 (95% confidence interval, −54 to 175) people tested. Considering the shape of the time series curves and the large effect estimate, we find it highly likely that the campaigns had a substantial positive impact on COVID-19 testing rates, despite a p-value above the conventional levels for statistical significance. The results and the feasibility of the intervention suggest that it may be worth implementing in similar settings

    Ein genderpezifischer Ressourcenfluch? : Eigentumsrechte im Bergbau, weibliche Arbeitslosigkeit und häusliche Gewalt in Subsahara-Afrika

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    Several studies suggest that the extractive industry has negative consequences for gender equality despite the often positive growth impact of natural resources. We re-examine this claim at the sub-state level in sub-Saharan Africa and argue that we need to differentiate between ownership arrangements in the extractive industry. To test our argument on the gender dimension of the resource curse, this article employs unique data on the control rights of minerals within sub-Saharan countries as well as data from Afrobarometer and Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). Our quantitative analyses explore how international vs. domestic ownership of copper, diamond and gold mines affects the labor market integration of females and intimate partner violence. The regression results suggest in line with our theoretical expectations that gender-specific structural labor market shifts within extractive industries are contingent on mineral control rights. Our models show that within mining areas, only domestic ownership reduces male unemployment. While domestic mining seems to reinforce the traditional male breadwinner model, internationally owned mineral extraction induces structural labor market changes: women abandon subsistence farming activities and migrate to the service sector. Our results further indicate that this shift of traditional gender roles within rural mining areas is associated with less intimate partner violence.publishe

    The Evaluation of a Social Media Campaign to Increase COVID-19 Testing in Migrant Groups: Cluster Randomized Trial

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    Background: A low test positivity rate is key to keeping the COVID-19 pandemic under control. Throughout the pandemic, several migrant groups in Norway have seen higher rates of confirmed COVID-19 and related hospitalizations, while test positivity has remained high in the same groups. The Norwegian government has used several platforms for communication, and targeted social media advertisements have in particular been an important part of the communication strategy to reach these groups. Objective: In this study, we aimed to investigate whether such a targeted Facebook campaign increased the rate of COVID-19 tests performed in certain migrant groups. Methods: We randomly assigned 386 Norwegian municipalities and city districts to intervention or control groups. Individuals born in Eritrea, Iraq, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Somalia, Syria, and Turkey residing in intervention areas were targeted with a social media campaign aiming at increasing the COVID-19 test rate. The campaign message was in a simple language and conveyed in the users’ main language or in English. Results: During the 2-week follow-up period, the predicted probability of having a COVID-19 test taken was 4.82% (95% CI 4.47%-5.18%) in the control group, and 5.58% (95% CI 5.20%-5.99%) in the intervention group (P=.004). Conclusions: Our targeted social media intervention led to a modest increase in test rates among certain migrant groups in Norway

    The Evaluation of a Social Media Campaign to Increase COVID-19 Testing in Migrant Groups: Cluster Randomized Trial

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    BACKGROUND: A low test positivity rate is key to keeping the COVID-19 pandemic under control. Throughout the pandemic, several migrant groups in Norway have seen higher rates of confirmed COVID-19 and related hospitalizations, while test positivity has remained high in the same groups. The Norwegian government has used several platforms for communication, and targeted social media advertisements have in particular been an important part of the communication strategy to reach these groups. OBJECTIVE: In this study, we aimed to investigate whether such a targeted Facebook campaign increased the rate of COVID-19 tests performed in certain migrant groups. METHODS: We randomly assigned 386 Norwegian municipalities and city districts to intervention or control groups. Individuals born in Eritrea, Iraq, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Somalia, Syria, and Turkey residing in intervention areas were targeted with a social media campaign aiming at increasing the COVID-19 test rate. The campaign message was in a simple language and conveyed in the users’ main language or in English. RESULTS: During the 2-week follow-up period, the predicted probability of having a COVID-19 test taken was 4.82% (95% CI 4.47%-5.18%) in the control group, and 5.58% (95% CI 5.20%-5.99%) in the intervention group (P=.004). CONCLUSIONS: Our targeted social media intervention led to a modest increase in test rates among certain migrant groups in Norway. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04866589; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT0486658