14 research outputs found

    A Cut Finite Element Method for the Bernoulli Free Boundary Value Problem

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    We develop a cut finite element method for the Bernoulli free boundary problem. The free boundary, represented by an approximate signed distance function on a fixed background mesh, is allowed to intersect elements in an arbitrary fashion. This leads to so called cut elements in the vicinity of the boundary. To obtain a stable method, stabilization terms is added in the vicinity of the cut elements penalizing the gradient jumps across element sides. The stabilization also ensures good conditioning of the resulting discrete system. We develop a method for shape optimization based on moving the distance function along a velocity field which is computed as the H1H^1 Riesz representation of the shape derivative. We show that the velocity field is the solution to an interface problem and we prove an a priori error estimate of optimal order, given the limited regularity of the velocity field across the interface, for the the velocity field in the H1H^1 norm. Finally, we present illustrating numerical results

    A Cut Finite Element Method for the Bernoulli Free Boundary Value Problem

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    We develop a cut finite element method for the Bernoulli free boundary problem. The free boundary, represented by an approximate signed distance function on a fixed background mesh, is allowed to intersect elements in an arbitrary fashion. This leads to so called cut elements in the vicinity of the boundary. To obtain a stable method, stabilization terms is added in the vicinity of the cut elements penalizing the gradient jumps across element sides. The stabilization also ensures good conditioning of the resulting discrete system. We develop a method for shape optimization based on moving the distance function along a velocity field which is computed as the H1H^1 Riesz representation of the shape derivative. We show that the velocity field is the solution to an interface problem and we prove an a priori error estimate of optimal order, given the limited regularity of the velocity field across the interface, for the the velocity field in the H1H^1 norm. Finally, we present illustrating numerical results

    Variational Multiscale Stabilization and the Exponential Decay of Fine-scale Correctors

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    This paper addresses the variational multiscale stabilization of standard finite element methods for linear partial differential equations that exhibit multiscale features. The stabilization is of Petrov-Galerkin type with a standard finite element trial space and a problem-dependent test space based on pre-computed fine-scale correctors. The exponential decay of these correctors and their localisation to local cell problems is rigorously justified. The stabilization eliminates scale-dependent pre-asymptotic effects as they appear for standard finite element discretizations of highly oscillatory problems, e.g., the poor L2L^2 approximation in homogenization problems or the pollution effect in high-frequency acoustic scattering

    Shape optimization using the cut finite element method

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    We present a cut finite element method for shape optimization in the case of linear elasticity. The elastic domain is defined by a level-set function, and the evolution of the domain is obtained by moving the level-set along a velocity field using a transport equation. The velocity field is the largest decreasing direction of the shape derivative that satisfies a certain regularity requirement and the computation of the shape derivative is based on a volume formulation. Using the cut finite element method no re-meshing is required when updating the domain and we may also use higher order finite element approximations. To obtain a stable method, stabilization terms are added in the vicinity of the cut elements at the boundary, which provides control of the variation of the solution in the vicinity of the boundary. We implement and illustrate the performance of the method in the two-dimensional case, considering both triangular and quadrilateral meshes as well as finite element spaces of different order

    A Multilevel Monte Carlo Method for Computing Failure Probabilities

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    We propose and analyze a method for computing failure probabilities of systems modeled as numerical deterministic models (e.g., PDEs) with uncertain input data. A failure occurs when a functional of the solution to the model is below (or above) some critical value. By combining recent results on quantile estimation and the multilevel Monte Carlo method, we develop a method that reduces computational cost without loss of accuracy. We show how the computational cost of the method relates to error tolerance of the failure probability. For a wide and common class of problems, the computational cost is asymptotically proportional to solving a single accurate realization of the numerical model, i.e., independent of the number of samples. Significant reductions in computational cost are also observed in numerical experiments

    Cut topology optimization for linear elasticity with coupling to parametric nondesign domain regions

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    We develop a density based topology optimization method for linear elasticity based on the cut finite element method. More precisely, the design domain is discretized using cut finite elements which allow complicated geometry to be represented on a structured fixed background mesh. The geometry of the design domain is allowed to cut through the background mesh in an arbitrary way and certain stabilization terms are added in the vicinity of the cut boundary, which guarantee stability of the method. Furthermore, in addition to standard Dirichlet and Neumann conditions we consider interface conditions enabling coupling of the design domain to parts of the structure for which the design is already given. These given parts of the structure, called the nondesign domain regions, typically represent parts of the geometry provided by the designer. The nondesign domain regions may be discretized independently from the design domains using for example parametric meshed finite elements or isogeometric analysis. The interface and Dirichlet conditions are based on Nitsche's method and are stable for the full range of density parameters. In particular we obtain a traction-free Neumann condition in the limit when the density tends to zero