114 research outputs found

    Quantifying signal changes in nano-wire based biosensors

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    In this work, we present a computational methodology for predicting the change in signal (conductance sensitivity) of a nano-BioFET sensor (a sensor based on a biomolecule binding another biomolecule attached to a nano-wire field effect transistor) upon binding its target molecule. The methodology is a combination of the screening model of surface charge sensors in liquids developed by Brandbyge and co-workers [Sørensen et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 2007, 91, 102105], with the PROPKA method for predicting the pH-dependent charge of proteins and protein-ligand complexes, developed by Jensen and co-workers [Li et al., Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf., 2005, 61, 704-721, Bas et al., Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf., 2008, 73, 765-783]. The predicted change in conductance sensitivity based on this methodology is compared to previously published data on nano-BioFET sensors obtained by other groups. In addition, the conductance sensitivity dependence from various parameters is explored for a standard wire, representative of a typical experimental setup. In general, the experimental data can be reproduced with sufficient accuracy to help interpret them. The method has the potential for even more quantitative predictions when key experimental parameters (such as the charge carrier density of the nano-wire or receptor density on the device surface) can be determined (and reported) more accurately. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    High-Temperature Stable Operation of Nanoribbon Field-Effect Transistors

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    We experimentally demonstrated that nanoribbon field-effect transistors can be used for stable high-temperature applications. The on-current level of the nanoribbon FETs decreases at elevated temperatures due to the degradation of the electron mobility. We propose two methods of compensating for the variation of the current level with the temperature in the range of 25–150°C, involving the application of a suitable (1) positive or (2) negative substrate bias. These two methods were compared by two-dimensional numerical simulations. Although both approaches show constant on-state current saturation characteristics over the proposed temperature range, the latter shows an improvement in the off-state control of up to five orders of magnitude (−5.2 × 10−6)

    Human shields mediate sexual conflict in a top predator

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    Selecting the right habitat in a risky landscape is crucial for an individual's survival and reproduction. In predator–prey systems, prey often can anticipate the habitat use of their main predator and may use protective associates (i.e. typically an apex predator) as shields against predation. Although never tested, such mechanisms should also evolve in systems in which sexual conflict affects offspring survival. Here, we assessed the relationship between offspring survival and habitat selection, as well as the use of protective associates, in a system in which sexually selected infanticide (SSI), rather than interspecific predation, affects offspring survival. We used the Scandinavian brown bear (Ursus arctos) population with SSI in a human-dominated landscape as our model system. Bears, especially adult males, generally avoid humans in our study system. We used resource selection functions to contrast habitat selection of GPS-collared mothers that were successful (i.e. surviving litters, n = 19) and unsuccessful (i.e. complete litter loss, n = 11) in keeping their young during the mating season (2005–2012). Habitat selection was indeed a predictor of litter survival. Successful mothers were more likely to use humans as protective associates, whereas unsuccessful mothers avoided humans. Our results suggest that principles of predator–prey and fear ecology theory (e.g. non-consumptive and cascading effects) can also be applied to the context of sexual conflict