4 research outputs found

    Beberapa Teknik Monitoring dan Evaluasi (MONEV)

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    Artikel ini berupaya mengupas berbagai tahapan Monitoring dan evaluasi, yang sering dilakukan oleh berbagai peneliti. Namun banyak pula yang kurang paham, apa perbedaan dan kegunaannya. Dilanjutkan dengan memahami bagaimana data dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan monev, ukuran yang ingin dipahami. Beberapa penelitian yang pernah penulis lakukan disarikan sebelum rangkuman hasil dari artikel ini

    Effect of Diversification of Business and Economic Value on Poverty in Batubara Regency

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    The purpose of the research to find the most consistent factor of economic diversification in increasing economic value and reduce poverty in Batubara Regency. How fishing households performs and having better in livelihood strategy. The 260 sample of fishing household in Batubara Regency were used to investigate the research, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) model is used to estimate interaction related to fishing and non-fishing activities to economic value and poverty. Diversification on fishing is significant difference compared to non-fishing diversification, these results indicate that coastal communities are still heavily dependent on the businesses involved in fishing or coastal related activities. Wives work are more significantly than premises wife does not work in maintaining household which are not deeply falling down to poverty situation. Wives are still needed to increase husband's income. We recommend that the wife is looking for alternatives beyond fishing activities. Wife does not work and child work fishing more significant compared with his wife is not working and child work non fishing. These results indicate that the work of children who performed very profitable if working outside of non fishing activities. Networking is insignificant compared to networking poverty. These results indicate that the networking activities undertaken by coastal communities are not very effective in increasing income or reducing poverty. Networking should be done with empowerment between fishermen and non-fishermen who support each other.     Keywords: diversification of business, economic value, networking and povert

    Penyebab dan Dampak Pernikahan Dini di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kabun Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Tahun 2019

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      Early marriage to adolescents will cause problems both in reproductive health, economics and domestic violence. The impact of marriage at a young age is more evident in adolescent girls than in adolescent boys. Data from the Office of the Ministry of Religion in Rokan Hulu Regency the number of premature marriages under the age of 20 years in Kabun District is 49 0 people (36.8%). The purpose of this study was to determine the causes and effects of early marriage in the Work Area Of ​​The Kabun Health Center In Rokan Hulu Regency, based on the causes and impacts. This type of research is mixed methods. Samples / key informants 46 respondents were taken in total sampling, informants supporting midwives 1 person, village head 6 people, religious leaders 6 people. Data were analyzed univariately and using source, method and data triangulation. Quantitative research results showed 18 respondents (39.1%) had junior high school education, 22 respondents lack knowledge (47.8%), economic parents 22 respondents lack (47.8%), premarital sex 27 respondents (58.7%). Not pregnant out of wedlock 37 respondents (80.4%). The results of qualitative research, the impact of early marriage there were 3 cases of bleeding, 7 cases of cesarean section and premature labor, 1 case of abortion. The average husband's work is a palm harvest worker with a monthly income of Rp 1.5 million to Rp 2.5 million and the income received is not enough for daily needs. The majority of women (wife) have never experienced domestic violence either physically or verbally. Suggestions for Kabun healt center to collaborates with cross-sectors such as BKKBN, PKK and community leaders to empower the community about early marriage and activate PIK KRR in schools to provide counseling about early marriage and as peer counselors. The Office of Religious Affairs can facilitate the formation of Legal Awareness Community Groups that are fostered by various sectoral parties such as the police, community leaders so that the community understands that domestic violence is a criminal act that can be snared by the law.   Keywords     : Early Marriage, Causes, Impac

    Innovation and Knowledge Management System in Creative Industry: A Systematic Literature Review Using Metaanalysis

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    The aims of this study is mapping current literature regarding innovation that directly or indirectly influences knowledge management system in the organization. This paper uses meta-analysis as the tool of analysis to identify and classify literatures that have been used as sthe foundation of overview regarding innovation and knowedge management system in creative industry. Traditional companies have goals orientations in the form of labor, buildings, land, and financial capital nowadays has changed with the rapidity of competition, competitive intensity, information intensity, market uncertainty, and the use of technology. Knowledge has become an important organizational strategic asset. Creative industry is an industry that empowers innovation to added value that comes from creative people. The existence of creative people in creative industry emphasizes the fact that companies can not build innovative concepts without considering the purpose and motivation of creative people in generating innovative work. Without such considerations The literatures viewed that creative industries can not last long and at risk of losing creative people. The benefit of this research is to understood the concept of innovation as a potencial that affects the implementation of knowledge management system in creative industry.     Keywords: Creative Industry, Innovation, Knowledge Management System, Metaanalysi