450 research outputs found

    Система высшего образования Тайваня глазами иностранных студентов на современном этапе

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    Объект:система высшего образования Тайваня.Предмет:отношение иностранных студентов к высшему образованию Тайваня. В процессе исследования проводились сбор теоретической информации о системе Высшего образования Тайваня,интервью и опрос среди студентов,обучавшихся на Тайване,анализ полученных данных. Область применения:положения и выводы,содержащиеся в работе,могут быть использованы для дальнейшей разработки вопроса глобализации образования,при создании моделей образовательной интеграции,при проведении исследований,касающихся образования Тайваня,при ведении статистистической сводкиObject:system of higher education in Taiwan.Subject:attitude of foreign students towards the higher education in Taiwan. In the course of this research paper was gathered theoretical information about the higher education system in Taiwan,were conducted polls and interviews among the students who were studying in Taiwan,the obtained data was analyzed. The basic thesis and conclusions of this paper can be applied in further research of the problem of globalization in education, in development of models of educational integration,in research concerning the educational system of Taiwan,in data collation,results of this research can be used in designing educational programs for foreign students

    Molecular Aspects of Secretory Granule Exocytosis by Neurons and Endocrine Cells

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    Neuronal communication and endocrine signaling are fundamental for integrating the function of tissues and cells in the body. Hormones released by endocrine cells are transported to the target cells through the circulation. By contrast, transmitter release from neurons occurs at specialized intercellular junctions, the synapses. Nevertheless, the mechanisms by which signal molecules are synthesized, stored, and eventually secreted by neurons and endocrine cells are very similar. Neurons and endocrine cells have in common two different types of secretory organelles, indicating the presence of two distinct secretory pathways. The synaptic vesicles of neurons contain excitatory or inhibitory neurotransmitters, whereas the secretory granules (also referred to as dense core vesicles, because of their electron dense content) are filled with neuropeptides and amines. In endocrine cells, peptide hormones and amines predominate in secretory granules. The function and content of vesicles, which share antigens with synaptic vesicles, are unknown for most endocrine cells. However, in B cells of the pancreatic islet, these vesicles contain GABA, which may be involved in intrainsular signaling.' Exocytosis of both synaptic vesicles and secretory granules is controlled by cytoplasmic calcium. However, the precise mechanisms of the subsequent steps, such as docking of vesicles and fusion of their membranes with the plasma membrane, are still incompletely understood. This contribution summarizes recent observations that elucidate components in neurons and endocrine cells involved in exocytosis. Emphasis is put on the intracellular aspects of the release of secretory granules that recently have been analyzed in detail

    Developing win-win solutions for virtual placements in informatics: The VALS case

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    The placements and internships are one of the main paths to get professional background and some skills for students, especially in areas like informatics and computer sciences. The European-funded VALS project tries to promote the virtual placements and establish a new initiative in virtual placements called Semester of Code. This initiative binds higher education institutions, students, companies, foundations and Open Source projects in order to create virtual placements and solve needs that they have in relation with those placements. This paper introduces some projects about virtual placements that other institutions and companies perform, also the paper describes the needs, opinions and considerations about the virtual placements for each stakeholder involved in the placements, to finally explain the design decisions and actions behind the Semester of Code, and how they are intended to get better virtual placements and successful results

    Impact of colorectal cancer screening on survival after metachronous metastasis

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    Background: An increasing proportion of colorectal cancer (CRC) cases in Europe are detected by screening with faecal immunochemical testing (FIT). Previous studies showed that population screening with FIT leads to a decrease in CRC incidence and to detection at an earlier stage. However, approximately twenty percent of patients with CRC without metastases at initial diagnosis still develop metachronous metastases. We investigated the association between detection mode of the primary tumor and overall survival (OS) after metachronous metastasis in patients with CRC. Methods: Nationwide registry-based data was obtained of 794 patients who developed metachronous metastases after being diagnosed with stage I-III CRC between January and June 2015. With multivariable Cox PH regression modelling, we analyzed the (causal) association between detection mode of the primary tumor (FIT screen-detected versus non-screen-detected) and OS after metachronous metastasis while adjusting for potential confounders. Results: Median OS and five-year OS after metachronous metastasis were significantly higher for patients with screen-detected (n = 152) vs. non-screen-detected primary tumors (n = 642): 38.3 vs. 19.2 months, and 35.4% vs. 18.8%, respectively, p < 0.0001). After adjustment for potential confounders, the association between detection mode and OS after metachronous metastasis remained significant (HR 0.70 [95% CI 0.56–0.89]). Conclusions: Screen-detection of the primary tumor was independently associated with longer OS after metachronous metastasis. This may support the clinical utility of the population screening program and it shows the prognostic value of detection mode of the primary tumor once metachronous metastasis is diagnosed

    Low phospholipid associated cholelithiasis: association with mutation in the MDR3/ABCB4 gene

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    Low phospholipid-associated cholelithiasis (LPAC) is characterized by the association of ABCB4 mutations and low biliary phospholipid concentration with symptomatic and recurring cholelithiasis. This syndrome is infrequent and corresponds to a peculiar small subgroup of patients with symptomatic gallstone disease. The patients with the LPAC syndrome present typically with the following main features: age less than 40 years at onset of symptoms, recurrence of biliary symptoms after cholecystectomy, intrahepatic hyperechoic foci or sludge or microlithiasis along the biliary tree. Defect in ABCB4 function causes the production of bile with low phospholipid content, increased lithogenicity and high detergent properties leading to bile duct luminal membrane injuries and resulting in cholestasis with increased serum gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) activity. Intrahepatic gallstones may be evidenced by ultrasonography (US), computing tomography (CT) abdominal scan or magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, intrahepatic hyperechogenic foci along the biliary tree may be evidenced by US, and hepatic bile composition (phospholipids) may be determined by duodenoscopy. In all cases where the ABCB4 genotyping confirms the diagnosis of LPAC syndrome in young adults, long-term curative or prophylactic therapy with ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) should be initiated early to prevent the occurrence or recurrence of the syndrome and its complications. Cholecystectomy is indicated in the case of symptomatic gallstones. Biliary drainage or partial hepatectomy may be indicated in the case of symptomatic intrahepatic bile duct dilatations filled with gallstones. Patients with end-stage liver disease may be candidates for liver transplantation

    Stabilization of glucosyl dioxolenium Ions by "dual participation" of the 2,2-dimethyl-2-(ortho-nitrophenyl)acetyl (DMNPA) protection group for 1,2-cis-glucosylation

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    The stereoselective introduction of glycosidic bonds is of paramount importance to oligosaccharide synthesis. Among the various chemical strategies to steer stereoselectivity, participation by either neighboring or distal acyl groups is used particularly often. Recently, the use of the 2,2-dimethyl-2-(ortho-nitrophenyl)acetyl (DMNPA) protection group was shown to offer enhanced stereoselective steering compared to other acyl groups. Here, we investigate the origin of the stereoselectivity induced by the DMNPA group through systematic glycosylation reactions and infrared ion spectroscopy (IRIS) combined with techniques such as isotopic labeling of the anomeric center and isomer population analysis. Our study indicates that the origin of the DMNPA stereoselectivity does not lie in the direct participation of the nitro moiety but in the formation of a dioxolenium ion that is strongly stabilized by the nitro group.NWONWO-VICI grant VI.C.182.020Bio-organic Synthesi

    Comparative analysis of the human hepatic and adipose tissue transcriptomes during LPS-induced inflammation leads to the identification of differential biological pathways and candidate biomarkers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insulin resistance (IR) is accompanied by chronic low grade systemic inflammation, obesity, and deregulation of total body energy homeostasis. We induced inflammation in adipose and liver tissues <it>in vitro </it>in order to mimic inflammation <it>in vivo </it>with the aim to identify tissue-specific processes implicated in IR and to find biomarkers indicative for tissue-specific IR.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Human adipose and liver tissues were cultured in the absence or presence of LPS and DNA Microarray Technology was applied for their transcriptome analysis. Gene Ontology (GO), gene functional analysis, and prediction of genes encoding for secretome were performed using publicly available bioinformatics tools (DAVID, STRING, SecretomeP). The transcriptome data were validated by proteomics analysis of the inflamed adipose tissue secretome.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>LPS treatment significantly affected 667 and 483 genes in adipose and liver tissues respectively. The GO analysis revealed that during inflammation adipose tissue, compared to liver tissue, had more significantly upregulated genes, GO terms, and functional clusters related to inflammation and angiogenesis. The secretome prediction led to identification of 399 and 236 genes in adipose and liver tissue respectively. The secretomes of both tissues shared 66 genes and the remaining genes were the differential candidate biomarkers indicative for inflamed adipose or liver tissue. The transcriptome data of the inflamed adipose tissue secretome showed excellent correlation with the proteomics data.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The higher number of altered proinflammatory genes, GO processes, and genes encoding for secretome during inflammation in adipose tissue compared to liver tissue, suggests that adipose tissue is the major organ contributing to the development of systemic inflammation observed in IR. The identified tissue-specific functional clusters and biomarkers might be used in a strategy for the development of tissue-targeted treatment of insulin resistance in patients.</p

    Neonatal jaundice and stool production in breast- or formula-fed term infants

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    It has remained unclear whether the amount of fecal fat excreted in the stool and stool production influences the severity of neonatal jaundice. We determined the relationship between stool production, fecal fat excretion and jaundice in healthy breast-fed (BF) or formula-fed (FF) (near-)term neonates. From postnatal day 1–4, we quantitatively collected stools from 27 FF and 33 BF infants in daily fractions. Stool production and fecal fat contents were related to unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) levels, as determined by transcutaneous bilirubinometry (TcB). Bilirubin concentrations and stool production did not differ between FF and BF neonates during the study period. Neonatal bilirubin levels were not inversely correlated with stool production. FF and BF infants had similar fecal fat excretion rates. The stool production of FF infants was profoundly lower in the present study than in a 1985 study by De Carvalho et al. [J Pediatr (1985) 107:786–790]. We conclude that increased jaundice during the first postnatal days in healthy term neonates can no longer be attributed to breast-feeding and speculate that improved absorbability of formulas since 1985 has contributed to similar fat excretion and stool production in FF and BF neonates in 2007

    Improvements in population-based survival of patients presenting with metastatic rectal cancer in the south of the Netherlands, 1992–2008

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    We analysed population-based treatment and survival data of patients who presented with metastatic rectal cancer. All patients diagnosed with primary synchronous metastatic rectal cancer between 1992 and 2008 in the Eindhoven Cancer Registry area were included. Date of diagnosis was divided into three periods (1992–1999, 2000–2004, 2005–2008) according to the availability of chemotherapy type. We assessed treatment patterns and overall survival according to period of diagnosis. The proportion of patients diagnosed with stage IV disease increased from 16% in 1992–1999 to 20% in 2005–2008 (P < 0.0001). Chemotherapy use increased from 5% in 1992 to 61% in 2008 (P < 0.0001). Resection rates of the primary tumour decreased from 65% in 1992 to 27% in 2008 (P < 0.0001), while metastasectomy rates remained constant since 1999 (9%). Median survival increased from 38 weeks (95% confidence interval (CI) 32–44) in 1992–1999 to 53 weeks (95% CI 48–61) in 2005–2008. Among patients not receiving chemotherapy median survival remained approximately 30 weeks. Multivariable analysis confirmed the lower risk of death among patients diagnosed in more recent years. Increased use of chemotherapy went together with improved median survival among patients with metastatic rectal cancer in the last two decades. Stage migration as an effect of more effective imaging procedures is likely to be partly responsible for this improved survival