22 research outputs found

    A Bayesian analysis of neutron spin echo data on polymer coated gold nanoparticles in aqueous solutions

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    We present a neutron spin echo study (NSE) of the nanosecond dynamics of polyethylene glycol (PEG) functionalised nanosized gold particles dissolved in D2_2O at two temperatures and two different PEG molecular weights. The analysis of the NSE data was performed by applying a Bayesian approach to the description of time correlation function decays in terms of exponential terms, recently proved to be theoretically rigorous. This approach, which addresses in a direct way the fundamental issue of model choice in any dynamical analysis, provides here a guide to the most statistically supported way to follow the decay of the Intermediate Scattering Functions I(Q, t) by basing on statistical grounds the choice of the number of terms required for the description of the nanosecond dynamics of the studied systems. Then, the presented analysis avoids from the start resorting to a pre-selected framework and can be considered as model free. By comparing the results of PEG coated nanoparticles with those obtained in PEG2000 solutions, we were able to disentangle the translational diffusion of the nanoparticles from the internal dynamics of the polymer grafted to them, and to show that the polymer corona relaxation follows a pure exponential decay in agreement with the behavior predicted by coarse grained molecular dynamics simulations and theoretical models. This methodology has one further advantage: in the presence of a complex dynamical scenario I(Q,t) is often described in terms of the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts function that can implicitly represent a distribution of relaxation times. By choosing to describe the I(Q,t) as a sum of exponential functions and with the support of the Bayesian approach, we can explicitly determine when a finer-structure analysis of the dynamical complexity of the system exists according to the available data without the risk of overparametrisation

    Oral plaque from Type 2 diabetic patients reduces the clonogenic capacity of dental pulp-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a major metabolic disease and a key epigenetic risk factor for the development of additional clinical complications. Among them, periodontitis (PD), a severe inflammatory disease ascribable to a dysregulated physiology and composition of the oral microbiota, represents one of the most relevant complications. Periodontitis can impact the structure of the tooth and likely the stem and progenitor cell pool, which actively contributes to the periodontal microenvironment and homeostasis. Modifications of the oral plaque play a key role in the etiopathogenesis of PD caused by T2D. However, to what extent the biology of the progenitor pool is affected has still to be elucidated. In this short report, we aimed to explore the biological effects of oral plaque derived from T2D patients with PD in comparison to non-diabetic patients with PD. Oral plaque samples were isolated from T2D and non-diabetic subjects with PD. Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs), derived from the premolar tooth, were conditioned for 21 days with oral plaque samples and tested for their clonogenic ability. Cultures were also induced to differentiate towards the osteogenic lineage, and ALP and osteocalcin gene expression levels were evaluated by real-time qPCR. Results have shown that the number of clones generated by DPSCs exposed to T2D oral plaque was significantly lower compared to controls (ctl). The multivariate analysis confirmed that the decreased clonogenesis was significantly correlated only with T2D diagnosis. Moreover, the effect of T2D oral plaque was specific to DPSCs. Indicators of osteogenic differentiation were not significantly affected. This study provides a new biological insight into the effects ascribable to T2D in PD

    Interpreting the Terahertz Spectrum of Complex Materials: The Unique Contribution of the Bayesian Analysis

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    In the last few decades, experimental studies of the terahertz spectrum of density fluctuations have considerably improved our knowledge of the mesoscopic dynamics of disordered materials, which also have imposed new demands on the data modelling and interpretation. Indeed, lineshape analyses are no longer limited to the phenomenological observation of inelastic features, as in the pioneering stage of Neutron or X-ray spectroscopy, rather aiming at the extraction from their shape of physically relevant quantities, as sound velocity and damping, relaxation times, or other transport coefficients. In this effort, researchers need to face both inherent and practical obstacles, respectively stemming from the highly damped nature of terahertz modes and the limited energy resolution, accessible kinematic region and statistical accuracy of the typical experimental outcome. To properly address these challenges, a global reconsideration of the lineshape modelling and the enforcement of evidence-based probabilistic inference is becoming crucial. Particularly compelling is the possibility of implementing Bayesian inference methods, which we illustrated here through an in-depth discussion of some results recently obtained in the analysis of Neutron and X-ray scattering results

    Platelet lysate-derived neuropeptide y influences migration and angiogenesis of human adipose tissue-derived stromal cells

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    Neuropeptide Y (NPY), a powerful neurotransmitter of the central nervous system, is a key regulator of angiogenesis and biology of adipose depots. Intriguingly, its peripheral vascular and angiogenic powerful activity is strictly associated to platelets, which are source of clinical hemoderivates, such as platelet lysate (PL), routinely employed in several clinical applications as wound healing, and to preserve ex vivo the progenitor properties of the adipose stromal cells pool. So far, the presence of NPY in PL and its biological effects on the adipose stromal cell fraction (ASCs) have never been investigated. Here, we aimed to identify endogenous sources of NPY such as PL-based preparations and to investigate which biological properties PL-derived NPY is able to exert on ASCs. The results show that PL contains a high amount of NPY, which is in part also excreted by ASCs when stimulated with PL. The protein levels of the three main NPY subtype receptors (Y1, Y2, Y5) are unaltered by stimulation of ASCs with PL, but their inhibition through selective pharmacological antagonists, considerably enhances migration, and a parallel reduction of angiogenic features of ASCs including decrease in VEGF mRNA and intracellular calcium levels, both downstream targets of NPY. The expression of VEGF and NPY is enhanced within the sites of neovascularisation of difficult wounds in patients after treatment with leuco-platelet concentrates. Our data highlight the presence of NPY in PL preparations and its peripheral effects on adipose progenitors

    Ice phonon spectra and Bayes inference: a gateway to a new understanding of terahertz sound propagation in water

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    Understanding how molecules engage in collective motions in a liquid where a network of bonds exists has both fundamental and applied relevance. On the one hand, it can elucidate the ``ordering" role of long-range correlations in an otherwise strongly dissipative system; on the other hand, it can inspire new avenues to control such order to implement sound manipulation. Water represents an ideal investigation case to unfold these general aspects and, across the decades, it has been the focus of thorough scrutiny. Despite this investigative effort, the spectrum of terahertz density fluctuations of water largely remains a puzzle for Condensed Matter physicists. To unravel it, we compare previous scattering measurements of water spectra with new ones on ice. Thanks to the unique asset of Bayesian inference, we draw a more detailed portrayal of the phonon response of ice. The comparison with the one of liquid water challenges the current understanding of density fluctuations in water, or more in general, of any networked liquid.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figure

    The damping of terahertz acoustic modes in aqueous nanoparticle suspensions

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    In this work, we investigate the possibility of controlling the acoustic damping in a liquid when nanoparticles are suspended in it. To shed light on this topic, we performed Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (IXS) measurements of the terahertz collective dynamics of aqueous suspensions of nanospheres of various materials, size, and relative concentration, either charged or neutral. A Bayesian analysis of measured spectra indicates that the damping of the two acoustic modes of water increases upon nanoparticle immersion. This effect seems particularly pronounced for the longitudinal acoustic mode, which, whenever visible at all, rapidly damps off when increasing the exchanged wavevector. Results also indicate that the observed effect strongly depends on the material the immersed nanoparticles are made of

    The Effect of Embedded Nanoparticles on the Phonon Spectrum of Ice: An Inelastic X-ray Scattering Study

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    As a contribution to the ongoing effort toward high-frequency sound manipulation in composite materials, we use Inelastic X-ray Scattering to probe the phonon spectrum of ice, either in a pure form or with a sparse amount of nanoparticles embedded in it. The study aims at elucidating the ability of nanocolloids to condition the collective atomic vibrations of the surrounding environment. We observe that a nanoparticle concentration of about 1 % in volume is sufficient to visibly affect the phonon spectrum of the icy substrate, mainly canceling its optical modes and adding nanoparticle phonon excitations to it. We highlight this phenomenon thanks to the lineshape modeling based on a Bayesian inference, which enables us to capture the finest detail of the scattering signal. The results of this study can empower new routes toward the shaping of sound propagation in materials through the control of their structural heterogeneity

    Multicentre comparison of biological and functional properties of mesenchymal stromal cells from different sources cultivated using a harmonised manufacturing workflow

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    AbstractBackgroundMesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), commonly sourced from adipose tissue, bone marrow and umbilical cord, have been widely used in many medical conditions due to their therapeutic potential. Yet, the still limited understanding of the underlying mechanisms of action hampers clinical translation. Clinical potency can vary considerably depending on tissue source, donor attributes, but importantly, also culture conditions. Lack of standard procedures hinders inter-study comparability and delays the progression of the field. The aim of this study was A-to assess the impact on MSC characteristics when different laboratories performed analysis on the same MSC material using harmonised culture conditions and B-to understand source-specific differences.MethodsThree independent institutions performed a head-to-head comparison of human-derived adipose (A-), bone marrow (BM-), and umbilical cord (UC-) MSCs using harmonised culture conditions. In each centre, cells from one specific tissue source were isolated and later distributed across the network to assess their biological properties, including cell expansion, immune phenotype, and tri-lineage differentiation (part A). To assess tissue specific function, angiogenic and immunomodulatory properties and the in vivo biodistribution were compared in one expert lab (part B).ResultsBy implementing a harmonised manufacturing workflow, we obtained largely reproducible results across three independent laboratories in part A of our study. Unique growth patterns and differentiation potential were observed for each tissue source, with similar trends observed between centres. Immune phenotyping verified expression of typical MSC surface markers and absence of contaminating surface markers. Depending on the established protocols in the different laboratories, quantitative data varied slightly. Functional experiments in part B concluded that conditioned media from BM-MSCs significantly enhanced tubulogenesis and endothelial migration in vitro. In contrast, immunomodulatory studies reported superior immunosuppressive abilities for A-MSCs. Biodistribution studies in healthy mice showed lung entrapment after administration of all three types of MSCs, with a significantly faster clearance of BM-MSCs.ConclusionThese results show the heterogeneous behaviour and regenerative properties of MSCs as a reflection of intrinsic tissue-origin properties while providing evidence that the use of standardised culture procedures can reduce but not eliminate inter-lab and operator differences.HighlightsIn this study, we have:-Provided a harmonised manufacturing workflow that has demonstrated reproducible results across three independent laboratories when expanding MSCs.-Defined a multi-assay matrix capable of identifying functional differences in terms of angiogenesis, wound healing abilities and immunosuppressive properties.-Demonstrated similar in vivo biodistribution properties regardless of cell origin.</jats:sec