3 research outputs found

    Chest computed tomography of suspected COVID-19 pneumonia in the Emergency Department : comparative analysis between patients with different vaccination status

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    Purpose: To identify differences in chest computed tomography (CT) of the symptomatic coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) population according to the patients' severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccination status (non-vaccinated, vaccinated with incomplete or complete vaccination cycle). Material and methods: CT examinations performed in the Emergency Department (ED) in May-November 2021 for suspected COVID-19 pneumonia with a positive SARS-CoV-2 test were retrospectively included. Personal data were compared for vaccination status. One 13-year experienced radiologist and two 4th-year radiology residents independently evaluated chest CT scans according to CO-RADS and ACR COVID classifications. In possible COVID-19 pneumonia cases, defined as CO-RADS 3 to 5 (ACR indeterminate and typical) by each reader, high involvement CT score (≥ 25%) and CT patterns (presence of ground glass opacities, consolidations, crazy paving areas) were compared for vaccination status. Results: 184 patients with known vaccination status were included in the analysis: 111 non-vaccinated (60%) for SARS-CoV-2 infection, 21 (11%) with an incomplete vaccination cycle, and 52 (28%) with a complete vaccination cycle (6 different vaccine types). Multivariate logistic regression showed that the only factor predicting the absence of pneumonia (CO-RADS 1 and ACR negative cases) for the 3 readers was a complete vaccination cycle (OR = 12.8-13.1 compared to non-vaccinated patients, p ≤ 0.032). Neither CT score nor CT patterns of possible COVID-19 pneumonia showed any statistically significant correlation with vaccination status for the 3 readers. Conclusions: Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2-infected patients with a complete vaccination cycle had much higher odds of showing a negative CT chest examination in ED compared to non-vaccinated patients. Neither CT involvement nor CT patterns of interstitial pneumonia showed differences across different vaccination status

    Radiomics of Musculoskeletal Sarcomas: A Narrative Review

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    Bone and soft-tissue primary malignant tumors or sarcomas are a large, diverse group of mesenchymal-derived malignancies. They represent a model for intra- and intertumoral heterogeneities, making them particularly suitable for radiomics analyses. Radiomic features offer information on cancer phenotype as well as the tumor microenvironment which, combined with other pertinent data such as genomics and proteomics and correlated with outcomes data, can produce accurate, robust, evidence-based, clinical-decision support systems. Our purpose in this narrative review is to offer an overview of radiomics studies dealing with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-based radiomics models of bone and soft-tissue sarcomas that could help distinguish different histotypes, low-grade from high-grade sarcomas, predict response to multimodality therapy, and thus better tailor patients’ treatments and finally improve their survivals. Although showing promising results, interobserver segmentation variability, feature reproducibility, and model validation are three main challenges of radiomics that need to be addressed in order to translate radiomics studies to clinical applications. These efforts, together with a better knowledge and application of the “Radiomics Quality Score” and Image Biomarker Standardization Initiative reporting guidelines, could improve the quality of sarcoma radiomics studies and facilitate radiomics towards clinical translation

    How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Attendance at a Tertiary Orthopedic Center Emergency Department: A Comparison between the First and Second Waves

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    Italy was the first European country to face the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) pandemic in 2020. The country quickly implemented strategies to contain contagions and re-organize medical resources. We evaluated the COVID-19 effects on the activity of a tertiary-level orthopedic emergency department (ED) during the first and second pandemic waves. We retrospectively collected and compared clinical radiological data of ED admissions during four periods: period A, first pandemic wave; period B, second pandemic wave; period C, three months before the COVID-19 outbreak; period D, same timeframe of the first wave but in 2019. During period A, we found a reduction in ED admissions (−68.2% and −59.9% compared with periods D and C) and a decrease in white codes (non-urgent) (−7.5%) compared with pre-pandemic periods, with a slight increase for all other codes: +6.3% green (urgent, not critical), +0.8% yellow (moderately critical) and +0.3% red (highly urgent, risk of death). We observed an increased rate of fracture diagnosis in period A: +14.9% and +13.3% compared with periods D and C. Our study shows that the COVID-19 pandemic caused a drastic change in the ED patient flow and clinical radiological activity, with a marked reduction in admissions and an increased rate of more severe triage codes and diagnosed fractures