94 research outputs found


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    Purpose. The purpose of the present study is to pinpoint and describe the ways children’s rhymes can be used in Russian as a Foreign Language classes at A1 and A2 levels of reference for languages.Methodology. The research is based on the linguistic and methodological analysis of children’s rhymes by Russian and Soviet writers. The results of the study are summarized as follows.Results. First, we prove that it is necessary that literature be used in foreign language classes.Second, we define a rhyme as a communicative unit that meets such standards of text as its dialogic nature, and ability to transmit information, including information about culture of a target-language country.Third, we underline the didactic characteristics of children’s rhymes that make them irreplaceable in teaching Russian as a Foreign Language at A1 and A2 levels.Practical application. The theoretical issues as well as the conclusions drawn from the research can be used in Russian as a Foreign Language classes, as well as in Russian teacher training courses.Цель. Целью данного исследования является выявление и описание лингводидактических возможностей детской поэзии на занятиях по русскому языку как иностранному на начальных этапах обучения (А1 и А2).Методы исследования. Представленная работа опирается на лингвометодический анализ детских стихов А.Л. и П.Н. Барто, А.А. Усачева, С.Я. Маршака, С.В. Михалкова и других российских и советских детских писателей, на основе которого были сделаны следующие выводы.Результаты. Во-первых, обосновывается целесообразность использования текстов художественной литературы на занятиях по иностранному языку. Во-вторых, выделяются характеристики детского стихотворения как (художественного) текста, в том числе диалогичность и коммуникативность; выявляется его способность выступать в качестве носителя информации о культуре страны изучаемого языка и ресурса для обучения иностранному языку. В-третьих, определяются те особенности детской литературы, которые делают возможным использование детских стихов на начальных этапах обучения РКИ.Область применения результатов. Теоретические положения, как и выводы, сделанные в ходе данного исследования, могут быть использованы на практических занятиях по русскому языку как иностранному, а также в курсе методики преподавания РКИ

    Size of Left Cardiac Chambers Correlates with Cerebral Microembolic Load in Open Heart Operations

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    Background. Microemboli are a widely recognized etiological factor of cerebral complications in cardiac surgery patients. The present study was aimed to determine if size of left cardiac chambers relates to cerebral microembolic load in open heart operations. Methods. Thirty patients participated in the study. Echocardiography was performed in 2-3 days before surgery. A transcranial Doppler system was used for registering intraoperative microemboli. Results. Preoperative left atrium and left ventricular end-systolic and end-diastolic sizes significantly correlated with intraoperative microembolic load (rs = 0.48, 0.57 and 0.53, Ps < .01, resp.). The associations between left ventricular diameters and number of cerebral microemboli remained significant when cardiopulmonary bypass time was included as a covariate into the analysis. Conclusions. The present results demonstrate that increased size of left heart chambers is an influential risk factor for elevated cerebral microembolic load during open heart operations. Mini-invasive surgery and carbon dioxide insufflation into wound cavity may be considered as neuroprotective approaches in patients with high risk of cerebral microembolism

    New Approach to Transportation Service Pricing Based on the Stakeholder Model of Corporate Governance

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    Efficient pricing is the key to success in business, which significantly affects the company’s sales, profit and value. The article describes the new margin-value-based approach to transportation services pricing, which is based on the ideas of stakeholder management, integrated management systems, cost-volume profit analysis methodology. Unlike traditional approaches to the operation analysis, the new model provides for constant financial cost of the invested capital, income tax and building the target economic value added (EVA) in order to maintain growth of the company’s value. The authors introduce the ‘modified marginal coverage’, which includes (in addition to operating costs) all the above components. Break-even graph (where the company’s EVA is equal to zero) is presented. In terms of the margin-value-based pricing, the authors structured the estimated price of transportation services, which allows to apply differentiated approach to cost management at a certain level and EVA generation, controlling and balancing between the interests of various stakeholders. Unlike traditional pricing models, in which the lower limit of the price may ruin the value, application of the new model allows to set the company’s target growth rates by estimating minimum sales and the lower level of the transportation service price, which determine the value creation frontier for various scenarios of the development strategy implementation. The authors suggest specific indicators for transactions efficiency, operations of revenue generating units, customer performance, which allow not just to conduct factor analysis, but also to affect motivation of the company's employees. Application of the suggested pricing method will contribute to increase in the company’s value and maintain long-term economic growth. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s4p29


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    Амурская область является регионом со средней и тяжелой йодной недостаточностью. Частота встречаемости эндемического зоба среди беременных за годы значительно увеличилось. Беременные из северных районов, где наблюдается тяжелая йодная недостаточность, часто забывают о индивидуальной профилактики зоба, даже в период беременности. Целью работы явилось изучение влияния наличия зобной эндемии у матери, на течения адаптационного периода у новорожденных. Ранее данные обследования на территории Амурской области не проводились. При проведении исследования был изучен период новорожденности и проведена оценка адаптации детей по лейкоцетарной формуле (метод ГаркавиЛ.Х.).В ходе исследования было выявлено, что у детей рожденных от матерей с эндемическим зобом, не получавших лечение во время беременности, был нарушен адаптационный период. Так, у этих новорожденных наблюдалась более низкая масса тела при рождении (3252±507 гр), низкие оценки по шкале Апгар на 5 минуте (7,5±1,18). У большинства детей при оценки лейкоцитарной формулы, наблюдался период стресса (56,5%). Тогда как у детей, получавших антенатальную профилактику йоддефицитного состояния, адаптационный период протекал наиболее спокойно. Таким образом проведения индивидуальной йодной профилактики у женщин детородного возраста и в период беременности.The Amur region the region from a srednea and a tyazheloa of a yodnoa insufficiency. Frequency of occurrence of an endemic craw among pregnant women in years has considerably increased. Beremenne from northern rayon where наблюдаеця heavy yodny insufficiency, often forget about individualnoa of prevention of a craw, even during pregnancy. The purpose of work was studying of influence of presence of a zobnoa of an endemiya at mother, on currents of the adaptation period at newborns. Earlier Dunn examinations in the territory of the area Amurskoy weren’t conducted. When carrying out a research the period of a neonatality has been studied and assessment of adaptation of a detea on leykotsetarnoa to a formula is carried out (the Garkavil method. X.). During the research it has been revealed that at a detea given rise from a materea with an endemic craw, not receiving treatment during pregnancy, adaptatsionnya the period has been broken. So, at these newborns lower body weight at the birth was observed (3252±507 гр), low marks on a scale Apgar in the 5th minute (7,5±1,18). At the majority of a detea at formula leykotsitarnoa assessment, the stress period (56,5%) was observed. Whereas at a detea, receiving antenatalny prevention of a yoddefitsitny state, adaptatsionnya the period I proceeded most spokoyno. Thus carrying out an individualnoa of a yodnoa of prevention at women of childbearing age and during pregnancy

    Gene Therapy as a Modern Method of Treating Naturally Occurring Tendinitis and Desmitis in Horses

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    Tendon and ligament injuries have always been complex to treat, with recovery often taking many months, if successful at all. This chapter looks at recent work undertaken using regenerative medicine, specifically gene therapy and the advances that have been made in equine therapy. It looks at the process from plasmid construction, in vitro testing through to trialing the equine-specific plasmid construct in horses with superficial digital flexor tendon (tendinitis) and suspensory ligament branch injuries. It also looks at the rationale for utilizing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF164) and a basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) for these trials and the cellular effects and potential mechanisms of actions

    Insulating joints as a destabilizing factor in the operation of the track circuit

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    The role of railway transport in the modern economy is highlighted in the article. Directions for improving automation and telemechanics devices have been determined: the creation and implementation of modern devices for monitoring track occupancy of a new type, as well as increasing the reliability of track devices to a large extent, and putting into operation systems for interval regulation of train traffic. The importance of such an element of the railway infrastructure as a rail circuit is also determined. The authors of the work revealed the function of track circuits. In addition to this, the article presents an information diagram of the search for failures in an extensive rail circuit of electrical centralization. The concept of a decision device is disclosed. Possible expressions of the Bayes criterion are also considered. A priori probabilities of finding rail lines are singled out. As a result, a decision rule is revealed that leads to the minimization of the average damage

    Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of the tixagevimab and cilgavimab combination using for pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19

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    Aim. To evaluate pharmacoeconomic feasibility using of the tixagevimab and cilgavimab combination for pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 in immunocompromised patients. Materials and methods. Cost-effectiveness of tixagevimab and cilgavimab in persons 12 years old who weigh 40 kg and have either a history of allergy that prevents their vaccination against COVID-19 or moderate or immunocompromised was assessed based on PROVENT phase III study results. The quantity of life years or quality-adjusted life years gained was calculated. Direct medical cost associated with prophylaxis of COVID-19, treatment of infected patients and those experiencing long COVID post infection were assessed. Results were compared with wiliness-to-pay threshold, measured as tripled gross domestic product per capita and equal to 2.69 mln RUB in 2022. Results. Pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 results in additional 0.0287 life years or 0.0247 quality-adjusted life years. The cost of additional life year gained is equal to 1.12 mln RUB, the cost of additional quality-adjusted life years is 1.30 mln RUB. Both costs of additional life year and cost of quality-adjusted life years appeared to be significantly less compared to wiliness-to-pay threshold. Conclusion. Pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 with combination of tixagevimab and cilgavimab is economically feasible and may be recommended for wide use in Russian healthcare system

    Diversity and distribution of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) haplotypes of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys Stål (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae), along the eastern front of its invasive range in Eurasia

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    The arrival, establishment and pest status of Halyomorpha halys in Europe and non-native countries in Asia have been well-documented, with thorough characterisation of the genetic diversity and occurrence of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) haplotypes in Switzerland, France, Hungary, Italy and Greece. However, a number of gaps exist in terms of the characterisation of the haplotype diversity and occurrence of H. halys along the invasion front that covers eastern Europe, western and central Asia. To contribute towards filling this gap, the COI haplotype diversity and distribution were investigated for H. halys collected in Serbia, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Kazakhstan. A total of 646 specimens were analysed and five haplotypes were found (H1, H3, H8, H33 and H80). Haplotype H1 was present in all five countries investigated and was the only haplotype detected amongst > 500 specimens collected from Ukraine, Russia and Georgia. H1 (82%) was the dominant haplotype found in Kazakhstan, alongside H3 (18%). In contrast to the low or no diversity observed in these four countries, Serbia had higher haplotype diversity and was represented by five haplotypes. Although H3 was dominant (47%) in Serbia, H1 was also prevalent (40%); the remaining haplotypes (H8, H33 and H80) were minor contributors (1–11%) to the haplotype composition. The results are discussed in context with other known populations in neighbouring countries and patterns of haplotype diversity indicate the movement of successful invasive populations in Europe to generate secondary invasions along the eastern front of the invasion in Eurasia. Possible scenarios regarding the spread of particular haplotypes in these regions are discussed, along with suggestions for future research to fill existing gaps

    Environmental turn in running the rural territories: New social technologies of administration

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    Global warm-up makes the political agenda on highest levels. However, the science should make itself publicly heard, and not in the part of fundamental studies of nature only, but in the part of social science and social research of administrative tools as well. We offer three circles of quest that attract numerous scholars in the science of management and administration touching the context of complementing new ecological imperatives in running the rural territories: (1) the relevance of new environmental mentality to practical principles of existing rural administrations, (2) the communication challenges, opportunities, and risks in introducing new qualitative criteria into existing social technologies, which dominate modern rural administration patterns, (3) the importance of alternative in technological development of modern rural territories with a high agrarian overload, including the managing of alternative energy introduction, and trial of unprecedented technological schemes. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020

    Use of Biologically Active 3D Matrix for Extensive Skin Defect Treatment in Veterinary Practice: Case Report

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    Objectives: Large full-thickness skin defects represent a serious veterinary problem.Methods: We have developed novel bioactive 3D-matrixes based on fibrin glue Tissucol (Baxter), containing the combination of the adenoviral constructs with genes vascular endothelial growth factor 165 (VEGF165) and fibroblast growth factor two (FGF2; construct Ad5-VEGF165 + Ad5-FGF2) or multipotent mesenchymal stem cells, genetically modified with these constructs.Results:In vitro studies confirmed the biosynthesis of VEGF165 and FGF2 mRNA in the transduced cells. Ad5-VEGF165 + Ad5-FGF2- transduced multipotent mesenchymal stem cells showed an enhanced capacity to form capillary-like tubes in vitro. Bioactive 3D-matrix application enhanced granulation tissue formation and epithelialization of non-healing, large bite wounds in a dog. Successful wound healing was observed with a positive clinical outcome for the canine patient. This research and application of regenerative gene therapy alongside a novel bioactive 3D-matrix shows promising clinical applications for the future in both dogs and other mammals including humans