71 research outputs found

    Writing as a New Component of English as a Second Language Programs For Young Russian Children

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    This project is based on the fundamental idea that oral and written languages develop simultaneously and mutually support development of each other. Reading and writing are two language processes which are impossible to separate from each other, whether learning one\u27s native language or a foreign language. However, in Russian English Foreign Language (EFL) programs this is not the case. The main focus for five and six year olds in these programs is oral communication, the ability to speak with your partner and comprehend what is being spoken. For young learners writing may facilitate language development. The language becomes not just an object of academic interest but a real means of interaction among the children and their teacher. Integration of oral and written language promotes the learning of real content and real reasons for using the language. For this purpose, the following project describes different ways of engaging children in language learning, both in their native language and in English as a second language. It introduces an EFL curriculum with new instructional practices for Russian children ages five and six that include writing. Within the framework of this study a pilot study on three emerging writing approaches (Modeled, Interactive, and Independent Writing) is described. Findings from the pilot study suggested positive results m implementing writing approaches. This is an initial step m identifying the ways of incorporating writing into the EFL curriculum

    Oncomonitoring of caspian sprats

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    Results of long-term research of tumorous disease in internals of two sprat species dwelling in the Caspian Sea ( Clupeonella delicatula and C. engrauliformes ) are presented. Pathological changes are similar for both species: they are mainly tumorogenesis and abnormalities in hemodynamics and morphology of parenchymatous and reproductive organs. The visceral neoplasms are diagnosed as malignant insulocarcinomas with conditionally pathogenic micromycetes in their granulomas (identified on smears of liver and spleen). Pathogenic Hyphomycetes fungi are detected in injured organs, mostly of the genus Aspergillus. The disease is registered for all age groups of fish but is more apparent for middle and elder ages. The morbidity has strong seasonal and year-to-year variability with the maximum in 2014. Pollution of marine environments contributes to development of the epizootic process

    System of indicators for forecasting social and ecnomic development of the Arctic macroregion

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    At the present time, the importance of working out of forecasts and models for the development of both territories of various levels, and intersectoral complexes, industries and partucular types of resources has increased. Forecasting socio-economic processes is carried out at the level of the Russian Federation, federal districts, regions, municipalities, which allows you to variably foresee the future development of the territories and quickly solve emerging problems. Recently, the increased attention of the authorities is focused on the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, as an important segment of the realization of national interests. Despite the adoption of strategic and policy documents that determine the policy of the federal center on the territory of the Russian Arctic, there are still no scientifically substantiated, reliable and reliable forecasts of the socio-economic development of this macroregion. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the system of indicators for forecasting the social and economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty of the research is the development of an integrated approach to the formation of a system of indicators for forecasting the social and economic development of the Arctic macroregion of Russia. This approach is based on the synthesis of systemic and regional-target methods. Regional features of the socio-economic status of the territories of the Russian Arctic have been identified by the dynamic analysis of official statistical information. These features must necessarily be taken into account to develop a system of forecasting indicators. The main tasks of the social and economic development of the Arctic macroregion are identified based on the analysis of documents of strategic planning at the federal level of both the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and Russia as a whole. The most completely and adequately reflect implementation indicators were substantiated that for the each task. The resulting set of indicators was subjected to a multistage selection based on a comprehensive analysis of the sources of statistical information and regulatory legal documents, as well as the correlation-regression analysis were carried out. As a result, the system of indicators for predicting the socio-economic development of the Russian Arctic based on the principles of adequacy, systemic, complementary, accessible, retrospective and costly was proposed. The results of the study can become the main one for the development of reliable and qualitative forecasts of social and economic development, as well as scientifically based recommendations for improving the efficiency of public administration in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

    Pursuing Experimental Reproducibility: An Efficient Protocol for the Preparation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Samples for NMR-Based Metabolomics and Analysis of Sample Degradation

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    NMR-based metabolomics investigations of human biofluids offer great potential to uncover new biomarkers. In contrast to protocols for sample collection and biobanking, procedures for sample preparation prior to NMR measurements are still heterogeneous, thus compromising the comparability of the resulting data. Herein, we present results of an investigation of the handling of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples for NMR metabolomics research. Origins of commonly observed problems when conducting NMR experiments on this type of sample are addressed, and suitable experimental conditions in terms of sample preparation and pH control are discussed. Sample stability was assessed by monitoring the degradation of CSF samples by NMR, hereby identifying metabolite candidates, which are potentially affected by sample storage. A protocol was devised yielding consistent spectroscopic data as well as achieving overall sample stability for robust analysis. We present easy to adopt standard operating procedures with the aim to establish a shared sample handling strategy that facilitates and promotes inter-laboratory comparison, and the analysis of sample degradation provides new insights into sample stability

    Проблемы предоставления административных услуг в Украине

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    Визначено основні проблеми надання адміністративних послуг органами місцевого самоврядування. Сформульовано шляхи подолання проблем, з якими стикаються громадяни в процесі отримання адміністративної послуги.The article deals with the basic problem of providing administrative services by local authorities. The ways of overcoming the problems faced by the citizens in the process of obtaining administrative services are presented in the work.Определены основные проблемы предоставления административных услуг органами местного самоуправления. Сформулированы пути преодоления проблем, с которыми сталкиваются граждане в процессе получения административной услуги

    Poisson distribution

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    Методическое пособие общего физического практикума предназначено для студентов Института физики, Института геологии и нефтяных технологий, курс "Физика частиц и атомного ядра", "Ядерная физика" и "Физика".1

    Airway basal cells from human-induced pluripotent stem cells: a new frontier in cystic fibrosis research

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    Human-induced airway basal cells (hiBCs) derived from human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) offer a promising cell model for studying lung diseases, regenerative medicine, and developing new gene therapy methods. We analyzed existing differentiation protocols and proposed our own protocol for obtaining hiBCs, which involves step-by-step differentiation of hiPSCs into definitive endoderm, anterior foregut endoderm, NKX2.1+ lung progenitors, and cultivation on basal cell medium with subsequent cell sorting using the surface marker CD271 (NGFR). We derived hiBCs from two healthy cell lines and three cell lines with cystic fibrosis (CF). The obtained hiBCs, expressing basal cell markers (NGFR, KRT5, and TP63), could differentiate into lung organoids (LOs). We demonstrated that LOs derived from hiBCs can assess cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) channel function using the forskolin-induced swelling (FIS) assay. We also carried out non-viral (electroporation) and viral (recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV)) serotypes 6 and 9 and recombinant adenovirus (rAdV) serotype 5 transgene delivery to hiBCs and showed that rAAV serotype 6 is most effective against hiBCs, potentially applicable for gene therapy research