1,895 research outputs found

    Multidimensional stochastic differential equations with distributional drift

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    This paper investigates a time-dependent multidimensional stochastic differential equation with drift being a distribution in a suitable class of Sobolev spaces with negative derivation order. This is done through a careful analysis of the corresponding Kolmogorov equation whose coefficient is a distribution

    Close range mini Uavs photogrammetry for architecture survey

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    The survey of historical façades contains several bottlenecks, mainly related to the geometrical structure, the decorative framework, the presence of natural or artificial obstacles, the environment limitations. Urban context presents additional restrictions, binding by ground acquisition activity and leading to building data loss. The integration of TLS and close-range photogrammetry allows to go over such stuff, not overcoming the shadows effect due to the ground point of view. In the last year the massive use of UAVs in survey activity has permitted to enlarge survey capabilities, reaching a deeper knowledge in the architecture analysis. In the meanwhile, several behaviour rules have been introduced in different countries, regulating the UAVs use in different field, strongly restricting their application in urban areas. Recently very small and light platforms have been presented, which can partially overcome these rules restrictions, opening to very interesting future scenarios. This article presents the application of one of these very small RPAS (less than 300 g), equipped with a low-cost camera, in a close range photogrammetric survey of an historical building façade in Bologna (Italy). The suggested analysis tries to point out the system accuracy and details acquisition capacity. The final aim of the paper is to validate the application of this new platform in an architectonic survey pipeline, widening the future application of close-range photogrammetry in the architecture acquisition process


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    Within the Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, the silicic Yellowstone volcanic field is one of the most active volcanic systems all over the world. Although the last rhyolite eruption occurred around 70,000 years ago, Yellowstone is still believed to be volcanically active, due to high hydrothermal and seismic activity. The earthquake data used in this study cover the period of time between 1988 and 2010. Earthquake relocations and a set of 369 well-constrained, double-couple, focal mechanism solutions were computed. Events were grouped according to location and time to investigate trends in faulting. The majority of the events has oblique, normal-faulting solutions. The overall direction of extension throughout the 0.64 Ma Yellowstone caldera looks nearly ENE, consistently with the direction of alignments of volcanic vents within the caldera, but detailed study revealed spatial and temporal variations. Stress-field solutions for different areas and time periods were calculated from earthquake focal mechanism inversion. A well-resolved rotation of σ3 was found, from NNE-SSW near the Hebgen Lake fault zone, to ENE-WSW near Norris Junction. In particular, the σ3 direction changed throughout the years in the Norris Junction area, from being ENE-WSW, as calculated in the study by Waite and Smith (2004), to NNE-SSW, while the other σ3 directions are mostly unchanged over time. The Yellowstone caldera was subject to periods of net uplift and subsidence over the past century, explained in previous studies as caused by expanding or contracting sills, at different depths. Based on the models used to explain these deformation periods, we investigated the relationship between variability in aseismic deformation and seismic activity and faulting styles. Focal mechanisms and P and T axes were divided into temporal and depth intervals, in order to identify spatial or temporal trends in deformation. The presence of “chocolate tablet” structures, with composite dilational faults, was identified in many stages of the deformation history both in the Norris Geyser Basin area and inside the caldera. Strike-slip component movement was found in a depth interval below a contracting sill, indicating the movement of magma towards the caldera

    Unsupervised protein family classification by Density Peak clustering

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    As the UniProt database approaches the 200 million entries\u2019 mark, the vast majority of proteins it contains lack any experimental validation of their functions. In this context, the identification of homologous relationships between proteins remains the single most widely applicable tool for generating functional and structural hypotheses in silico. Although many databases exist that classify proteins and protein domains into homologous families, large sections of the sequence space remain unassigned. In this thesis we introduce DPCfam, a new unsupervised procedure that uses sequence alignments and Density Peak Clustering to automatically classify homologous protein regions. After a proof-of-principle experiment of the method based on the analysis of two clans from the Pfam protein family database and, we present an all-to-all clustering of the UniRef50 database, containing ~23,000,000 proteins. In both cases we present the DPCfam implementations: in particular present the strategies adopted to write a parallel and optimized implementation of the algorithm, needed to cluster the massive number of sequences in UniRef50. We develop specific measures to assess the quality of DPCfam's clusters, both in terms of boundaries and homology, using the Pfam database as a reference. Our tests indicate that DPCfam automatically-generated clusters are generally evolutionary accurate corresponding to one or more Pfam families and that they cover a significant fraction of known homologs. Moreover, find possible candidates for new family (around 14,000 when clustering UniRef50). Overall, DPCfam shows potential both for assisting manual annotation efforts (domain discovery, detection of classification inconsistencies, improvement of family coverage and boosting of clan membership) and as a stand-alone tool for unsupervised classification of sparsely annotated protein datasets such as those from environmental metagenomics studies (domain discovery, analysis of domain diversity)

    Path-dependent SDEs with jumps and irregular drift: well-posedness and Dirichlet properties

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    We discuss a concept of path-dependent SDE with distributional drift with possible jumps. We interpret it via a suitable martingale problem, for which we provide existence and uniqueness. The corresponding solutions are expected to be Dirichlet processes, nevertheless we give examples of solutions which do not fulfill this property. In the second part of the paper we indeed state and prove significant new results on the class of Dirichlet processes

    The perception of the illness and the self-efficacy in the management of emotions in cardiac patients

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    Cardiac rehabilitation is the sum of psychological, physical and social treatments that are offered to cardiac patients to maintain or regain an active position in society. This study wants to evaluate changes in the perception of the illness and in the self-efficacy of the management of positive and negative emotions in patients who went through cardiac rehabilitation. Sixty-seven patients (20 females, 47 males) were selected within the cardiac rehabilitation unit in the Hospital of Cittadella (Italy). Illness Perception Questionnaire - revised version and the Scale for the self-efficacy of the management of positive and negative emotions were submitted at the beginning and at the end of the rehabilitation program. One-way analyses-of-variance were performed to evaluate different answers in questionnaires between pre- and post-evaluation, and to explore gender differences. A significant change was found in the perception of duration of illness, perceived as permanent and longer after the cardiac rehabilitation program. Furthermore, at the end of the cardiac rehabilitation program men perceived the illness more chronic than women, even if they are less worried and anxious. Intensive cardiac rehabilitation has a great emotional impact on cardiac patients, influencing their perception and management of the illness. Working on emotions, through psychological groups, helps patients change their beliefs by offering them a different perspective to approach the illness

    Environmental and geostrategic effects of raw materials supply supporting the energy transition and electric mobility: a focus on the “lithium triangle” in South America

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are breaking through, new incentives and new targets come to light to get the numbers that allow to reduce greenhouse gases over the next 30 years. On the current market, the automotive sector mainly make use of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) as energy storage systems. The paper examines the distribution of raw materials useful for the realization of LIBs. The availability of the world reserves of these elements is analyzed by presenting an index that highlights the risk of exhaustion of a resource based on economic trends, future objectives and recycling capabilities state-of-the-art. The focus is then on the South American “Lithium Triangle” where the metal is extracted through brine mining and where the environmental and social problems as the geostrategic aspects have been analyzed

    Do health professionals feel the blow? The psychological effects one year after the first pandemic wave

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    openObiettivo: la ricerca si è posta come obiettivo quello di rilevare eventuali situazioni di disagio psicologico, fattori di rischio e di protezione tra i professionisti sanitari (HealthCare Workers – HCWs) in due fasi della pandemia. Metodo: Lo studio svolto a livello nazionale è stato di tipo osservazionale trasversale, i dati (n=557 HCWs) sono stati raccolti online in due tempi (1-30 aprile 2020 e 1-30 giugno 2021), principalmente nelle regioni di Veneto (48%) e Lombardia (38%). Si è utilizzato un campionamento a palla di neve. A essere analizzati sono stati i sintomi di disagio psicologico nei due campioni indipendenti in relazione alle diverse caratteristiche socio-demografiche personali, al ruolo lavorativo ricoperto, a eventi avversi legati alla pandemia o a eventi traumatici precedenti. Risultati: dai dati emergono sintomi d’ansia, da somatizzazione e depressivi, con una prevalenza significativamente maggiore per questi ultimi nella seconda fase della ricerca, anche se nel complesso sembra essersi ridotto il malessere. Tramite un’analisi fattoriale su scale di esito è stato prodotto un indice che fornisse un livello dello scarso benessere psicologico; fattori di protezione rispetto al disagio sono risultati essere il genere maschile e la convivenza, mentre i principali fattori di rischio per un peggior outcome psicologico: la professione infermieristica, un riposo insufficiente, la scarsità o inadeguatezza dei dispositivi di protezione, il lavoro in reparto COVID, il contagio di un famigliare o amico . Conclusioni: a distanza di un anno dalla prima ondata pandemica il disagio psicologico sembra essersi spostato verso aspetti sintomatologici più depressivi, anche se nel complesso l’indice di scarso benessere psicologico sembra essersi ridotto occorre attuare strategie di prevenzione o di sostegno per coloro che sono maggiormente vulnerabili