62 research outputs found

    Опись имущества А. Ф. Турчанинова 1789 г. как источник изучения культурно-бытовых традиций уральского дворянства

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    The article continues a complex source analysis of a unique inventory of 1789, drawn up after the death of A. F. Turchaninov, the owner of Sysert mining district. The author discusses the structure and architecture of the Sysert Manor, as well as the surroundings thereof. Referring to the materials of the Inventory, the author reconstructs the interior and the furnishing of A. F. Turchaninov’s manor which allows her to conclude about the dual character of a Ural manor located on the site of works, which combined features of a rich European-like everyday life with elements of the old patriarchal traditions. Additionally, the author concludes that the owner of the manor was a transitional type of an industrial merchant transforming into a nobleman. Aiming to reach the level of the nobility, A. F. Turchaninov imitated their ways and attitudes to a great extent, spent money on luxurious things, and was fond of collecting things, following the fashion of the time. The Sysert Manor with its abundant collections and library was a rare phenomenon for the Russian province of the time. Generally speaking, the Inventory helps get a better understanding of the history of the nobility and the little-studied manor life of the Urals during the second half of the 18th century.Статья продолжает комплексный источниковедческий анализ Описи 1789 г., составленной после смерти владельца Сысертского горного округа А. Ф. Турчанинова[1]. В статье рассматривается устройство и архитектурный облик сысертской усадьбы, подробно исследуется околоусадебное пространство. Реконструированные по материалам Описи интерьеры и обстановка господского дома А. Ф. Турчанинова позволили сделать вывод о двойственном характере уральской призаводской усадьбы, сочетавшей черты богатого европеизированного дворянского быта с элементами старого патриархального уклада. Другой вывод, к которому приходит автор, касается самого владельца усадьбы, представляющего собой переходный тип от купца-промышленника к дворянину. Стремясь соответствовать уровню родовитой знати, А. Ф. Турчанинов во многом ей подражал, не жалел средств на приобретение предметов роскоши, увлекался, следуя дворянской моде своего времени, коллекционированием. Сысертская усадьба с ее богатейшими коллекциями и книжным собранием представляла собой редкое для российской провинции того времени культурное явление. В целом Опись позволяет по-новому взглянуть на историю формирования дворянского сословия и малоизученной дворянской усадебной жизни Урала второй половины XVIII в.[1] Первая статья цикла была посвящена анализу преимущественно недвижимого заводского имущества, см.: [Пирогова, 2015а].

    Pandemic-induced course and assessment changes for undergraduate engineering education: The Development of Graduate Attributes

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    Educators constantly need to make adjustments to their pedagogy and learning activities to reflect the fast changes in society, the economy and industry. This has been clearly demonstrated throughout the world in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic required fully remote delivery of tertiary education. The aim of this study was comparing the experiences and perceptions of tertiary students in a fully online and a blended delivery mode, particularly in response to their laboratory skills and development of graduate attributes. Pedagogical aspects were kept consistent across delivery modes to minimise the differences in learning activities across cohorts. A comparison was made between the 2020 fully online cohort and the 2021 blended delivery cohort. The students were asked about their perceptions of how well they thought the course developed their graduate attributes; how authentic they thought the course was; and how easy the content was to navigate and understand. A mixed methods approach was used, where both quantitative and qualitative data was gathered. The blended delivery mode students appeared to benefit from having a specific reflective task, which allowed them to see their learning in a broader context. The paper discusses the blending and online learning from the students’ perspectives of developing graduate attributes and experiential learning. Specifically, where hands on skills are required, students need further guidance in “learning how to learn” or metacognition. A key challenge for future blended learning is getting the balance right between achieving efficiency in online learning and lack of social and dynamic interactions aspect of the online community

    Повседневная жизнь провинциального дворянства первой половины XIX в. в семейной переписке Демидовых

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    The article considers the everyday life, manor household and relationships of a noble family during several years, and studies issues connected with upbringing, education, music classes and handicraft, reading and book collecting. The article introduces a valuable historical source, i. e. the letters of Nizhniy Novgorod noblemen Demidov, a typical provincial noble family of pre-reform Russia.В статье исследуется усадебный быт, домашняя обстановка и взаимоотношения внутри конкретной дворянской семьи на протяжении нескольких лет, рассматриваются вопросы воспитания и образования, занятия музыкой и рукоделием, чтение и комплектование домашней библиотеки и др. Статья вводит в научный оборот ценный исторический источник – эпистолярное наследие нижегородских дворян Демидовых, типичной провинциальной дворянской семьи России дореформенного периода

    Does an assessment rubric provide a better learning experience for undergraduates in developing transferable skills?

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    There is ongoing interest in developing rigorous and accurate assessment methods in higher education, particularly in the use of assessment rubrics and in providing more useful feedback to students rather than a simple grade. However, there has been little used of reliable assessment rubrics that provide feedback to individual students on their teamwork participation and skills, and which assist academic staff in assessing teamwork among students. This paper reports on the second phase of a study that aimed to evaluate a rubric to assess skills and processes in teamwork, and whether a rubric facilitated a better learning experience than a simple marking scheme. The second phase focused on the implementation of a revised assessment rubric designed to assist students and staff in understanding what was expected in the assessment process, and in particular the creation of efficient tools and metrics to measure both teamwork and individual performance during collaborative team design projects. Findings from two surveys of students provided the dataset for this second phase of the study. The findings demonstrate that assessment rubrics provide an important adjunct in improving students’ teamwork performance and their understanding of their learning activities. This study will also contribute to ongoing discussions on higher education assessment methods

    A Microfluidic System for Studying the Effects of Disturbed Flow on Endothelial Cells

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    Arterial endothelium experience physical stress associated with blood flow and play a central role in maintaining vascular integrity and homeostasis in response to hemodynamic forces. Blood flow within vessels is generally laminar and streamlined. However, abrupt changes in the vessel geometry due to branching, sharp turns or stenosis can disturb the laminar blood flow, causing secondary flows in the form of vortices. Such disturbed flow patterns activate pro-inflammatory phenotypes in endothelial cells, damaging the endothelial layer and can lead to atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Here, we report a microfluidic system with integrated ridge-shaped obstacles for generating controllable disturbed flow patterns. This system is used to study the effect of disturbed flow on the cytoskeleton remodeling and nuclear shape and size of cultured human aortic endothelial cells. Our results demonstrate that the generated disturbed flow changes the orientation angle of actin stress fibers and reduces the nuclear size while increases the nuclear circularity

    Bioelectromagnetics research within an Australian context: the Australian centre for electromagnetic bioeffects research (ACEBR)

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    Mobile phone subscriptions continue to increase across the world, with the electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by these devices, as well as by related technologies such as Wi-Fi and smart meters, now ubiquitous. This increase in use and consequent exposure to mobile communication (MC)-related EMF has led to concern about possible health effects that could arise from this exposure. Although much research has been conducted since the introduction of these technologies, uncertainty about the impact on health remains. The Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR) is a National Health and Medical Research Council Centre of Research Excellence that is undertaking research addressing the most important aspects of the MC-EMF health debate, with a strong focus on mechanisms, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and exposure dosimetry. This research takes as its starting point the current scientific status quo, but also addresses the adequacy of the evidence for the status quo. Risk communication research complements the above, and aims to ensure that whatever is found, it is communicated effectively and appropriately. This paper provides a summary of this ACEBR research (both completed and ongoing), and discusses the rationale for conducting it in light of the prevailing science.Sarah P. Loughran ... Jim Manavis ... Robert Vink ... et al

    Examination of physicochemical properties of amino acids within the resonant recognition model

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    Learning Acoustic Word Embeddings With Dynamic Time Warping Triplet Networks

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    In the last years, acoustic word embeddings (AWEs) have gained significant interest in the research community. It applies specifically to the application of acoustic embeddings in the Query-by Example Spoken Term Detection (QbE-STD) search and related word discrimination tasks. It has been shown that AWEs learned for the word or phone classification in one or several languages can outperform approaches that use dynamic time warping (DTW). In this paper, a new method of learning AWEs in the DTW framework is proposed. It employs a multitask triplet neural network to generate the AWEs. The triplet network learns acoustic representations of words through a comparison of DTW distances. In addition, a multitask objective, including a conventional word classification component, and a triplet loss component is proposed. The triplet loss component applies the DTW distance for the word discrimination task. The multitask objective ensures that the embeddings can be used with DTW directly. Experimental validation shows that the proposed approach is well-suited, but not necessarily restricted to the QbE-STD search. A comparison with several baseline methods shows that the new method leads to a significant improvement of the results on the word discrimination task. An evaluation of the word clustering in the learned embedding space is presented