7 research outputs found

    Research of interferential factors of accounting and evaluation of cryptocurrency in the practical business model of a company

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    Cryptocurrency is a modern phenomenon of the digital economy, which is gradually becoming part of the business processes of companies of various profiles and economic sectors. The presence of unsettled issues at the legislative level of jurisdictions, as well as the ambiguity of approaches to the classification and assessment of cryptocurrency in financial reporting, gives rise to discussions of both practical and scientific nature. For trade organizations, the need to resolve this issue is evident, since already now businesses are considering the possibility of accepting payment for goods with some types of cryptocurrencies, as well as using cryptocurrencies to pay for the resources the company needs

    Organizational-administrative Features of the Implementation of Educational Services in the Two-level System of Training of Highly Qualified Personnel

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    It is education - the system of formation of the nation's intellectual capital and as one of the main areas of production innovation - creating the basic conditions for intensive growth of the markets on the basis of rapid updating of technologies and products. Education acts as the first link "education - research - innovation development of mass" of the innovation cycle. This educational sphere acts not only as a necessary element of reproduction of intellectual capital, but also as a dominant element of economic growth, which determines the stability of the external and internal competitive advantages of national economic systems. From the power of the national economy play an individual and a public intellectual capital, which implements the level of economic thinking of the nation, it is largely determined by economic strength, well-being, and the choice of its strategy and the subsequent trajectory of development in a global world order. In this connection, the Russian education there are urgent tasks related to the need to comply with the transformation of the education sector changes. Keywords: economic growth, educational service, training, educational organization JEL Classifications: G20, L00, O4

    Creation of Clusters of Small Enterprises of the Region

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    Under the conditions of continuous economic progress, modernization of production, development of the world market there is the need for increasing competitiveness of small enterprises of the country and regions. This dynamics of changes demands new approaches to socio-economic development of the Russian industries. Each region of the country can be competitive not only in the domestic market, but also and in the world if it uses the reserve which has necessary economic, intellectual and financial potential. Thus, one of the ways of the effective realization of economic potential and stimulation of economic growth is the creation of competitive regional clusters, both large-scale organizations and small enterprises. Now the given problem is one of essential for the decision in the sphere of economic regional government as the analysis of world practice shows rather high efficiency of development of economies of many countries on the basis of use of cluster approach as opposed to branch that is acceptable for our country. The government of Russia also defined cluster approach as the main instrument of management of regional development. However, this approach demands detailed studying, first of all, from the point of view of adaptation of the international experience to the Russian conditions. Keywords: cluster, small enterprises, development, region, economic progress JEL Classifications: A10, C38, O1

    The Control Actions Structure Optimization in the Process of the Regions Housing and Communal Services Development

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    The purpose of the present research is to find areas of organizational and economic mechanisms that enhance the efficiency of regional utilities. A systematic approach to the analysis of the organizational and economic mechanism of Housing in the region, provides a systematic, comprehensive and effective investigation. Strategic Imperatives in the management of regional utilities are defined taking into account the crisis tendencies in the process of its development. Case utilities management is seen as the realization of the objectives of its development in different scenario conditions. With the help of mathematical modeling methods and parameters are determined by the structure of the control actions. The article proposes a methodology for calculating the article options strategy utilities management in the region, the results of modeling the trajectory of housing and communal services of the Republic of Adygea. Keywords: housing and communal services of the region, organizational and economic mechanism, management system, the trajectory of the development process JEL Classifications: L51; O18; R5

    The Conditions of Economic Efficiency and Competitiveness of Tourism Enterprises

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    The transition to a market system of management in Russia has put a lot of tourism enterprises in a predicament when the competition forces them to look for new ways of survival, use of competitive advantages and provision competitiveness of tourism enterprises and their service. As practice shows, many Russian tourism enterprises of are not ready for active competition, for most of them, the management of competitiveness cannot be referred to and does not act as a standalone system or subsystem in the management process. Despite having a large database and various methods of comprehensive analysis of enterprises (both in Russia and abroad), statistics of tourism enterprises do not currently offer their competitiveness assessment methods. The specific questions of measuring and competitiveness forecasting in terms of competitive market of various properties are no quite adequately developed, there are no well-defined method for competitiveness forecasting of various industrial classification enterprises. The competitiveness of tourism enterprises in the terms of competitive pressure increase is increasingly predetermined by internal and external competitive advantage o territorial subject. If the formation of internal competitive advantages depends on the competitive potential of tourism enterprise, the effectiveness of its management, the formation of external advantages - on the level of competitiveness of a country, region and industry. Keywords: competitiveness, economical efficiency, tourism JEL Classifications: L26, L82, L83, M3