17 research outputs found

    A Homolog of FHM2 Is Involved in Modulation of Excitatory Neurotransmission by Serotonin in C. elegans

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    The C. elegans eat-6 gene encodes a Na+, K+-ATPase α subunit and is a homolog of the familial hemiplegic migraine candidate gene FHM2. Migraine is the most common neurological disorder linked to serotonergic dysfunction. We sought to study the pathophysiological mechanisms of migraine and their relation to serotonin (5-HT) signaling using C. elegans as a genetic model. In C. elegans, exogenous 5-HT inhibits paralysis induced by the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor aldicarb. We found that the eat-6(ad467) mutation or RNAi of eat-6 increases aldicarb sensitivity and causes complete resistance to 5-HT treatment, indicating that EAT-6 is a component of the pathway that couples 5-HT signaling and ACh neurotransmission. While a postsynaptic role of EAT-6 at the bodywall NMJs has been well established, we found that EAT-6 may in addition regulate presynaptic ACh neurotransmission. We show that eat-6 is expressed in ventral cord ACh motor neurons, and that cell-specific RNAi of eat-6 in the ACh neurons leads to hypersensitivity to aldicarb. Electron microscopy showed an increased number of synaptic vesicles in the ACh neurons in the eat-6(ad467) mutant. Genetic analyses suggest that EAT-6 interacts with EGL-30 Gαq, EGL-8 phospholipase C and SLO-1 BK channel signaling to modulate ACh neurotransmission and that either reduced or excessive EAT-6 function may lead to increased ACh neurotransmission. Study of the interaction between eat-6 and 5-HT receptors revealed both stimulatory and inhibitory 5-HT inputs to the NMJs. We show that the inhibitory and stimulatory 5-HT signals arise from distinct 5-HT neurons. The role of eat-6 in modulation of excitatory neurotransmission by 5-HT may provide a genetic explanation for the therapeutic effects of the drugs targeting 5-HT receptors in the treatment of migraine patients

    Rhodopsin-Mediated Photoreception in Cryptophyte Flagellates

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    We show that phototaxis in cryptophytes is likely mediated by a two-rhodopsin-based photosensory mechanism similar to that recently demonstrated in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and for the first time, to our knowledge, report spectroscopic and charge movement properties of cryptophyte algal rhodopsins. The marine cryptophyte Guillardia theta exhibits positive phototaxis with maximum sensitivity at 450 nm and a secondary band above 500 nm. Variability of the relative sensitivities at these wavelengths and light-dependent inhibition of phototaxis in both bands by hydroxylamine suggest the involvement of two rhodopsin photoreceptors. In the related freshwater cryptophyte Cryptomonas sp. two photoreceptor currents similar to those mediated by the two sensory rhodopsins in green algae were recorded. Two cDNA sequences from G. theta and one from Cryptomonas encoding proteins homologous to type 1 opsins were identified. The photochemical reaction cycle of one Escherichia-coli-expressed rhodopsin from G. theta (GtR1) involves K-, M-, and O-like intermediates with relatively slow (∼80 ms) turnover time. GtR1 shows lack of light-driven proton pumping activity in E. coli cells, although carboxylated residues are at the positions of the Schiff base proton acceptor and donor as in proton pumping rhodopsins. The absorption spectrum, corresponding to the long-wavelength band of phototaxis sensitivity, makes this pigment a candidate for one of the G. theta sensory rhodopsins. A second rhodopsin from G. theta (GtR2) and the one from Cryptomonas have noncarboxylated residues at the donor position as in known sensory rhodopsins

    Structural Foundations of Potassium Selectivity in Channelrhodopsins

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    Potassium-selective channelrhodopsins (KCRs) are light-gated K+ channels recently found in the stramenopile protist Hyphochytrium catenoides. When expressed in neurons, KCRs enable high-precision optical inhibition of spiking (optogenetic silencing). KCRs are capable of discriminating K+ from Na+ without the conventional K+ selectivity filter found in classical K+ channels. The genome of H. catenoides also encodes a third paralog that is more permeable for Na+ than for K+. To identify structural motifs responsible for the unusual K+ selectivity of KCRs, we systematically analyzed a series of chimeras and mutants of this protein. We found that mutations of three critical residues in the paralog convert its Na+-selective channel into a K+-selective one. Our characterization of homologous proteins from other protists (Colponema vietnamica, Cafeteria burkhardae, and Chromera velia) and metagenomic samples confirmed the importance of these residues for K+ selectivity. We also show that Trp102 and Asp116, conserved in all three H. catenoides paralogs, are necessary, although not sufficient, for K+ selectivity. Our results provide the foundation for further engineering of KCRs for optogenetic needs

    Extending the Time Domain of Neuronal Silencing with Cryptophyte Anion Channelrhodopsins

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    Optogenetic inhibition of specific neuronal types in the brain enables analysis of neural circuitry and is promising for the treatment of a number of neurological disorders. Anion channelrhodopsins (ACRs) from the cryptophyte alga Guillardia theta generate larger photocurrents than other available inhibitory optogenetic tools, but more rapid channels are needed for temporally precise inhibition, such as single-spike suppression, of high-frequency firing neurons. Faster ACRs have been reported, but their potential advantages for time-resolved inhibitory optogenetics have not so far been verified in neurons. We report RapACR, nicknamed so for rapid, an ACR from Rhodomonas salina, that exhibits channel half-closing times below 10 ms and achieves equivalent inhibition at 50-fold lower light intensity in lentivirally transduced cultured mouse hippocampal neurons as the second-generation engineered Cl--conducting channelrhodopsin iC++. The upper limit of the time resolution of neuronal silencing with RapACR determined by measuring the dependence of spiking recovery after photoinhibition on the light intensity was calculated to be 100 Hz, whereas that with the faster of the two G. theta ACRs was 13 Hz. Further acceleration of RapACR channel kinetics was achieved by site-directed mutagenesis of a single residue in transmembrane helix 3 (Thr111 to Cys). We also show that mutation of another ACR (Cys to Ala at the same position) with a greatly extended lifetime of the channel open state acts as a bistable photochromic tool in mammalian neurons. These molecules extend the time domain of optogenetic neuronal silencing while retaining the high light sensitivity of Guillardia ACRs