62 research outputs found


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    The organization environment is characterized by uncertainty and risk that have an important impact of strategic management. In order to face this problem the managers need to plan their strategies. A useful tool in strategic planning is forecasting, but it is difficult to be applied in uncertain environment. This paper briefly discusses these aspects and proposes a model that uses scenarios in strategic planning.uncertainty and risk, strategic management, strategic planning process, scenarios


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    The paper focuses on the need for quality products and services assurance in the public sector, which in time became one of the fundamental objectives of all public institutions and administrative authorities of developed countries. The paper deals with modaliati performance in public administration that involves a continuous assessment, which takes into account the existing situation, to formulate real solutions to improve the quality of services they provide. Framework for Self-assessment of the functioning of institutions of public administration (CAF) is one of the tools that public sector organizations can use to identify areas that need to be improved so as to respond more quickly and more specifically the growing needs and various beneficiaries / citizens. The paper is based on a case study - Self Directorate Infrastructure and Technology Transfer of the National Authority for Scientific ResearchPerformance in public sector, quality assurance in public sector, performance self-evaluation


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    The problems of ethical values represent a subject that is present so often in the theoretical studies on business management, but it is treated with insufficient attention at the level of business community. The paper talks about the managerial ethics trough the perspective of the approach as a significant factor in achieving a consistent and long term success in business. By pleading for the necessity of developing authentic moral values in the business management and motivating this must by bringing arguments from the managerial practice, the paper insists on the fact that the observance of the moral values that are universally recognised sustain and consolidate the company’s reputation, giving it stability and safety, making it trust worthy in the environment it acts in.ethics, managerial ethics, organizational culture, business success


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    The changes in organizations appear as a reaction to the organizational environment changes. In order to manage these changes successfully, the managers need to anticipate and design alternative strategies by preparing different options.  Nevertheless, the complexity of the global environment forces the managers to adopt strategies for their organizations that are facilitating the creation of new strategic competences and competitive advantages to face the environmental rapid changes. In this context, this paper is aiming to illustrate the main directions the change management may consider to change the organization strategies in order to harmonize them to the external environment, such as: integration versus externalization, flexible specialization and flexible organization, standardization versus adaptation, market segmentation, relationship building and maintaining and communication integration.  However, the new strategies are based on a changed attitude of the managers towards the competitive advantage that is dynamic and focused on creation rather then to operations

    Revisiting the contributions of the theories of the south: Links between theory and praxis in Argentina and Brazil

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    El objetivo central de este artículo es, por un lado, indagar sobre la génesis y la trayectoria de las denominadas teorías de las Relaciones Internacionales del sur, entendiendo que ellas están compuestas por un grupo heterogéneo de enfoques que se inicia con la teoría del desarrollo en los años cincuenta, seguida por las teorías de la dependencia en los años sesenta y setenta, y las teorías de la autonomía desde fines de los sesenta. A diferencia de las dos primeras, los enfoques de la autonomía han sido revisitados, repensados y enriquecidos en años recientes. Por el otro, analizar los aportes de las teorías del sur tomando en consideración los ejes que plantearon, sus contextos de enunciación, los conceptos que elaboraron, la definición de los intereses y las estrategias para comprender las realidades de Argentina y Brasil. Asimismo, nos preguntamos de qué manera inciden estos cuerpos teóricos sobre las políticas exteriores de los dos países que conforman nuestro objeto de estudio. Para responder dicho interrogante, nos focalizamos en el análisis de los nexos entre teoría y praxis en los casos de Argentina y BrasilThe main objective of this article is, on one hand, inquire about the genesis and the trajectory of the so-called theories of the International Relations of the South, meaning that they are composed of a heterogeneous group of approaches that starts with the theory of development in the 50’s, followed by the theories of dependency in the 60’-70’s and the theories of autonomy since the end of the 60’s. Unlike the first two, the autonomy approaches have been revisited, thought, and enriched in recent years. On the other hand, analyze the contributions of the theories of the South taking into consideration the axes raised, their enunciation contexts, the concepts that were developed, the definition of the interests and strategies to understand the realities of Argentina and Brazil. We also wonder how affect these theoretical bodies on foreign policies of the two countries that make up our object of study. To answer this question, we focus on the analysis of the links between theory and praxis in the cases of Argentina and Brazi

    The South American cup of regional integration

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    Para comprender la evolución de la política sudamericana contemporánea, recurrimos a la metáfora de Raymond Aron (1962) sobre el partido de fútbol en el que se entrelazan teoría, sociología, historia y praxeología. Para ello imaginamos que América del Sur es un campo de juego de fútbol donde se disputa la ´Copa Sudamericana de la Integración? en la que utilizamos estos cuatro niveles de análisis. En primer lugar, nos ocupamos de explicitar la función de cada uno de los niveles y los roles que éstos representan en el desarrollo del campeonato. En segundo lugar, presentamos la formación de los 10 equipos enfatizando el esquema de juego de cada uno de ellos. Por último, nos adentrarnos en el fixture Mercosur tomando en consideración las alineaciones políticas así como los esquemas de juego.Following the direction carried out by Panizza (2006), use the metaphor of the “pink tide” (marea roja) for illustrate the electoral triumphs –since 1998- of political leaders of the centre-left of the of the Latin America political spectre, the authors of the present article, in sight of characterize the political processes that had been occurred since the second decade of the XXI century, build the category of “(light) blue tide” (“marea celeste”). It is pretended with the metaphor of the tide and the colours –inspired by the contributions the mentioned authorgiven that they constitute in a tool useful for analysing the political alignments and the overcome of the integration in the sub-region. Complementary, for understanding the evolution of the current SouthAmerican politics, the authors draw on the metaphor of Raymond Aron (1962) about the football match in witch sociology, history and praxeology are interconnected. From this point, they imagine South America as a football field where is taking place the “South-American Integration Cup”. Schematically, the essay is planned in this way: firstly, the function of every level and the roles that they represent are explained. Secondly, the formation of the ten teams and the game schema of each one is presented. Finally, pushing out into the MERCOSUR’s fixture taking in consideration the political alignment and the games schemas.Fil: Lorenzini, Maria Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; ArgentinaFil: Pereyra Doval, María Gisela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentin

    Does COVID-19 change CSR? A family business perspective

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the #Damos La Cara (“Let’s show our face”) initiative, which is an initiative promoted by the Instituto de la Empresa Familiar, the most representative organization of family businesses in Spain. This analysis allowed us to characterize the Spanish family business and to analyze their reactions and interventions in the face of the crisis posed by COVID-19 from the perspective of CSR. The methodology used consisted of a content analysis, viewing 127 videos wherein family members presented their companies and the activities carried out to improve their relations with their employees and their environment. The conclusions reached allowed us to affirm that they were mostly second- and third-generation companies from the manufacturing sector; the most repeated actions were social commitment to their workers (internal) and the donation of medical materials (corporate). To the best of our knowledge, this was the first time that an analysis of these characteristics had been carried out in the field of family businesses. This analysis showed the intense philanthropic activity carried out by Spanish family businesses, not only in emergencies but also as a regular activity and as a consequence of their values and long-term vision

    International Order Trends and their effects on the South American chessboard

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    Este artículo toma como punto de partida que el denominado orden liberal internacional se encuentra cuestionado por un conjunto de tendencias globales entre las cuales sobresalen: el ascenso de China, la emergencia y extensión de liderazgos políticos i-liberales, cierto grado de retroceso del libre comercio en favor de políticas menos multilaterales y más proteccionistas. La configuración de estas tendencias globales incide sobre los márgenes de maniobra que los países sudamericanos disponen para diseñar y ejecutar sus estrategias de inserción internacional. Por ello, nos proponemos identificar las tendencias globales y sub regionales más relevantes en tanto asumimos que las primeras constriñen, y habilitan, afectan y moldean en diversos grados e intensidades, las dinámicas de nuestra región. El diseño metodológico que se emplea es un abordaje bibliográfico, cualitativo, descriptivo y analítico. En virtud de lo expuesto, este artículo se inicia con la presentación de los fundamentos que dan cuenta de las tensiones que experimenta el orden liberal internacional a partir de las premisas propuestas por Haass (2018). Luego, identifica y caracteriza las principales tendencias globales. Por último, identifica las principales tendencias regionales: recesión democrática, crisis de los regionalismos y crisis de los espacios multilaterales regionales, entendiendo que éstas guardan una estrecha relación con la macro tendencia global y las tendencias internacionales.The starting point of this article is that the so-called Liberal World Order is questioned by a set of global trends, among which the following stand out: the rise of China; the emergence and extension of illiberal political leadership; a certain degree of decline in free trade, in favour of less multilateral and more protectionist policies. The configuration of these global trends affects the margins of manoeuvre that South American countries have to design and execute their strategies for international insertion. For this reason, we propose to identify the most relevant global and South American trends while we assume that they constrain, and enable, affect and shape, to certain degrees and intensities, the dynamics of our region. By virtue of the foregoing, this article begins with the presentation of the foundations that account for the tensions experienced by the Liberal World Order based on the premises proposed by Haass (2018). Then identify and characterize the major global trends. Finally, it identifies the main regional trends: democratic recession, crisis of regionalisms and crisis of regional multilateral spaces, understanding that these are closely related to the global macro trend and the international trends.Fil: Pereyra Doval, María Gisela. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Lorenzini, Maria Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentin

    Post-Neoliberalism and After: The Relative Center of the Political System and the Rise of the Light Blue Wave in the Mirror of the Foreign Policy of Argentina and Chile

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    El objetivo del artículo es interpelar los giros a la izquierda en la primera década del Siglo XXI y a la derecha en la segunda. Para ello, aplicamos la metodología utilizada por Coppedge y construimos un mapa político de Sudamérica. El vehículo empírico seleccionado es la política exterior de Argentina y Chile, cuyo análisis nos permite corroborar los desplazamientos o no del CRSP. Así hallamos que el sistema político regional se ubicó en una posición de centro, mostrando un sobredimensionamiento de los giros políticos en la producción académica reciente. En los sistemas políticos más estables, la política exterior no experimentó cambios mientras que en aquellos sistemas que atravesaron ciclos de signo diverso, la política exterior experimentó modificaciones de diversa intensidad.This article questions the political turns to the left in the first decade of the 21st century and to the right in the second. To do this, we build a political map of South America, applying Coppedge’s (1997, 2000) approach to determine the “relative center of the political system” (rcps). We focus on Argentina’s and Chile’s foreign policy to corroborate the displacements or not of the rcps. We find that both countries gravitated towards the center, indicating an overemphasis on the political turns in recent academic writing. In the most stable political systems, foreign policy did not change, while in those systems that went through diverse cycles, foreign policy changed in varying degrees.Fil: Lorenzini, Maria Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; ArgentinaFil: Pereyra Doval, María Gisela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentin

    Revisiting the contributions of the theories of the South: links between theory and praxis in Argentina and Brazil

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    El objetivo central de este artículo es, por un lado, indagar sobre la génesis y la trayectoria de las denominadas teorías de las Relaciones Internacionales del sur, entendiendo que ellas están compuestas por un grupo heterogéneo de enfoques que se inicia con la teoría del desarrollo en los años cincuenta, seguida por las teorías de la dependencia en los años sesenta y setenta, y las teorías de la autonomía desde fines de los sesenta. A diferencia de las dos primeras, los enfoques de la autonomía han sido revisitados, repensados y enriquecidos en años recientes. Por el otro, analizar los aportes de las teorías del sur tomando en consideración los ejes que plantearon, sus contextos de enunciación, los conceptos que elaboraron, la definición de los intereses y las estrategias para comprender las realidades de Argentina y Brasil. Asimismo, nos preguntamos de qué manera inciden estos cuerpos teóricos sobre las políticas exteriores de los dos países que conforman nuestro objeto de estudio. Para responder dicho interrogante, nos focalizamos en el análisis de los nexos entre teoría y praxis en los casos de Argentina y Brasil.The main objective of this article is, on one hand, inquire about the genesis and the trajectory of the so-called theories of the International Relations of the South, meaning that they are composed of a heterogeneous group of approaches that starts with the theory of development in the 50’s, followed by the theories of dependency in the 60’-70’s and the theories of autonomy since the end of the 60’s. Unlike the first two, the autonomy approaches have been revisited, thought, and enriched in recent years. On the other hand, analyze the contributions of the theories of the South taking into consideration the axes raised, their enunciation contexts, the concepts that were developed, the definition of the interests and strategies to understand the realities of Argentina and Brazil. We also wonder how affect these theoretical bodies on foreign policies of the two countries that make up our object of study. To answer this question, we focus on the analysis of the links between theory and praxis in the cases of Argentina and Brazil.Fil: Lorenzini, Maria Elena. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pereyra Doval, María Gisela. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin