78 research outputs found

    La cimice “diabolica”, minaccia per l’agricoltura.

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    The Asian brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys is extremely invasive and in 2015 began to cause significant damage to crops in Emilia-Romagna. The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia is searching sustainable strategies for the management in the field

    Biological parameters of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, in southern Europe

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    The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, is an invasive pest species, first detected in Italy in 2012. Only 2 years after this first detection, increasing damage was reported in fruit orchards in the Emilia Romagna region, the first invaded area, which is one of the most important regions for the Italian and European fruit production. In the present study, life table parameters of H. halys populations were investigated in Italy under typical temperate/Mediterranean climate conditions representative of southern Europe. Our findings indicate that in Italy H. halys has two generations/year and very high reproductive rates for both generations (R0 = 24.04 and 5.44 for the overwintering and summer generation, respectively). The huge growth rates explain why in 2015 a massive outbreak of H. halys was observed in Italy, and these rates confirm that the pest is a threat for agricultural production in southern Europe. The parameters obtained in this study are essential for the development and optimization of sustainable management strategies

    Biological Parameters, Phenology and Temperature Requirements of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in the Sub-Mediterranean Climate of Western Slovenia

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    Simple Summary The invasive brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys, native to East Asia, has become one of the most damaging agricultural pests worldwide. After being first detected in Europe (in Switzerland), it is now widely spread throughout the European continent and many countries in Eurasia. Since its first appearance in Slovenia in 2017, it has caused extensive damage to fruit and vegetable production. Investigating the biology and behavior in local environmental conditions is the first step towards effective pest control. Information on the number of generations per year is crucial for anticipating critical phases of pest development and for adapting control measures that target the pest’s vulnerable life stages. A 3-year study (2019–2021) on the biological parameters of H. halys was performed outdoors in Nova Gorica (western Slovenia), confirming that in the sub-Mediterranean climate this pest has two overlapping generations per year. The net reproductive rates observed over the period studied indicate growing populations. The highest population growth was recorded in 2019, when the net reproductive rate of increase (R0) reached 14.84 for the summer generation and 5.64 for the overwintering generation. These findings reflect the current situation in Slovenia, where the growing populations of H. halys has been causing considerable damage to agricultural crops since 2019. Abstract In the last decade, the invasive brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys, native to East Asia, has become one of the most serious pests for agricultural crops worldwide. First detected in Europe (in Switzerland), the insect is now widely found across the European continent and many Eurasian countries. Since its first appearance in Slovenia in 2017 it has caused considerable damage to fruit and vegetable production. Understanding the biology and behavior in the local environmental conditions is of key importance for an effective pest management. Knowledge of the voltinism of the species is crucial to anticipate critical phases of pest development and for adapting control measures that target the vulnerable life stages of the pest. A 3-year study (2019–2021) of H. halys biological parameters was performed outdoors in Nova Gorica (western Slovenia), confirming that in the sub-Mediterranean climate this pest has two overlapping generations per year. The net reproductive rates observed in the studied period indicate growing populations. The highest population growth was recorded in 2019, when the net reproductive rate of increase (R0) reached 14.84 for the summer generation and 5.64 for the overwintering generation. These findings match the current situation in Slovenia, where increasing populations of H. halys and severe crop damage have been observed since 2019

    Biocontrol implications of multiparasitism by Trissolcus mitsukurii and Trissolcus japonicus on the invasive brown marmorated stink bug

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    The egg parasitoids Trissolcus japonicus (Ashmead) and Trissolcus mitsukurii (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) are the most effective biocontrol agents of the invasive agricultural pest Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in its native range (east Asia). Trissolcus japonicus and T. mitsukurii are sympatric in the native areas. In northern Italy, where H. halys is a major pest of fruit orchards, adventive populations of both species are spreading, and T. japonicus is artificially released under a classical biocontrol program against H. halys. This laboratory study aimed to assess the outcome of competition when both species share the same resource and possible implications for the biocontrol of the invasive stink bug. Egg masses of H. halys were offered to each parasitoid after previous parasitization by the other species. Parasitoid behaviour, number of ovipositions, and successfully developed parasitoids were recorded. Additionally, contest behaviour was assessed when both species were released simultaneously on the same egg mass. Results showed that both T. japonicus and T. mitsukurii were able to parasitize an egg mass already parasitized by the other species. Competition occurred within the host eggs and each species outperformed the other when it was the first to oviposit. Importantly, the overall contribution to H. halys mortality was not affected by the interaction between parasitoids, as non-parasitized eggs were 4–6% in the absence of competition and <8% in its presence, respectively. When simultaneously released on the egg mass, T. mitsukurii was more aggressive, engaging in chase-off events in 71% of cases compared to 50% of T. japonicus

    A survey of native parasitoids ofHalyomorpha halysin Northern Italy and Switzerland

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    Introduction: The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys,is an Asian polyphagous species that has become an invasive crop pest in North America and Europe. After its first detection in Switzerland in 2004, it was subsequently found in other European countries such as Italy, where, since 2012, it has rapidly spread in the northern regions, becoming a threat to many crops, especially in pear and peach orchards. Results/Conclusion: Overall, most egg parasitism was due to the generalist parasitoid Anastatus sp. (Eupelmidae) and, at a lower level, to various Scelionidae species (e.g. Trissolcus cultratus). In northern Italy, the amount of parasitized eggs ranged from 3.1% in 2014 to 0.9% in 2015 in Emilia Romagna, and from 0.3% on exposed egg-masses to 21.4% on egg-masses collected in a natural habitat in 2015 in Piedmont. Overall parasitism in Switzerland was 4.4% in 2013


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    Halyomorpha halys is an invasive species, originating from East Asia, which was accidentally introduced in some areas of North America and Europe, where severe damages to different vegetable crops and fruit plants were recorded. Several studies in different countries focused on the possibility to apply biological control by means of egg- parasitoids. The main egg-parasitoids in the original area are unfortunately non-specific and thus the application of classical biological control is questionable. On the other hand, the possibility of using augmentative biological control by native egg-parasitoids able to exploit the new host is an interesting possibility in both Europe and the USA. In a preliminary assay, frozen egg masses of H. halys were exposed in the field in Central Italy. Results showed that some eggs were exploited by parasitoids belonging to the species Anastatus bifasciatus and Ooencyrtus telenomicida. Therefore, different native egg-parasitoids species widespread in Europe were tested in the laboratory in order to explore their ability to parasitize H. halys eggs. To this end, no-choice tests were carried out in climatic chambers (26°C, 70%RH, 16:8 L:D) in order to evaluate the parasitization potential of females collected in the wild. Conducted tests pointed out that A. bifasciatus and especially O. telenomicida may be potential candidates for the biological control of H. halys. In particular, O. telenomicida was able to parasitize the 35.56% of the exposed host eggs in the lab tests. New adults successfully emerged from the 22.92% of the eggs, and on the whole, this egg-parasitoid caused a significant hatching reduction of the H. halys eggs (more than 70%). Conversely, Telenomus chloropus and Ooencyrtus pityocampae were less promising species as biocontrol agents of this agricultural pest. Preliminary trials in pear orchards consisting of field releases of laboratory-reared specimens of O. telenomicida, one of the potential candidates for biological control, showed that this parasitoid is actually able to discover egg masses of H. halys (sentinel frozen egg masses) and to successfully parasitize them

    Factors influencing return to work of cancer survivors: a population-based study in Italy

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    Little is known about return to work (RTW) of cancer survivors (CSs) in Central and Southern Europe. This study investigates the RTW rate of Italian CSs, describes their sick leave (SL) pattern, and explores factors affecting their RTW process. Methods A population-based cross-sectional survey involving CSs registered at the Cancer Registry of Reggio Emilia Province (Italy) was launched in July 2016. Eligibility was restricted to individuals with first diagnosis of cancer in 2012 (stages I–III), aged 20–59, and employed at the time of diagnosis. Results Of the 266 individuals interviewed, 140 (52.6%) were reintegrated without difficulty, 113 (42.5%) returned to work with some difficulty, and 13 did not RTW (4.9%). The majority of CSs (56%) took SL for some periods during treatment. Age > 50 years and higher income seemed to facilitate RTW (RR = 0.65, 95% CI 0.49–0.88 and RR = 0.72, 95% CI 0.54–0.97, respectively), while being divorced acted as a barrier compared to being married (RR = 1.45, 95% CI 1.04–2.01). Individuals uncertain about the type of company they were working for reported greater difficulty in RTW (RR = 1.68, 95% CI 1.03–2.72). Individuals who had undergone chemotherapy and those perceiving physical limitations had a higher risk of difficulty in the RTW process (RR = 1.79, 95% CI 1.42–2.24 and RR = 1.59, 95% CI 1.25–2.02, respectively). Conclusions Most CSs did RTW, with 2/3 combining work and treatment. However, almost half reported difficulty in RTW process. Factors affecting this process should be addressed throughout context-specific social and healthcare pathways aimed at preventing difficulties and potential job loss in this population

    Variation in levels of acceptance, developmental success, and abortion of Halyomorpha halys eggs by native North American parasitoids

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    Using native North American parasitoid species (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) that often unsuccessfully attack the eggs of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), we assessed variation in traits that may determine the parasitoids’ ability to adapt to the invasive host by either exploiting or avoiding H. halys eggs (acceptance, developmental success). We also assessed variation in the parasitoids’ ability to induce H. halys host egg abortion, which may contribute to biological control of H. halys in invaded areas. The first set of experiments evaluated intra- and interspecific variation using standardized laboratory tests with iso-female lines of Telenomus podisi and Trissolcus euschisti that included matching of detailed behavioural observations of acceptance with developmental outcomes. In a second set of experiments, we assessed how variation in developmental ability and abortion induction may affect levels of biological control by indigenous parasitoid species. We examined a broader sample of parasitoids that emerged from field collections of egg masses of an indigenous north American stink bug Podisus maculiventris in a region newly invaded by H. halys. Results from the first set of experiments showed high levels of acceptance of H. halys eggs among iso-female lines of parasitoids, but offspring development success was almost zero. H. halys egg abortion due to unsuccessful parasitism was often very low and varied among iso-female lines only for T. podisi. In the second set of experiments we never observed increases in abortion levels of Halyomorpha halys eggs above natural levels, even for the two species (T. euschisti and T. podisi) that were observed to oviposit in and abort H. halys eggs in the first set of experiments. We conclude that while there may be some variation in behavioural and physiological parameters mediating acceptance and abortion of H. halys eggs by native North American egg parasitoids, there does not appear to be significant variation in developmental success. Moreover, current biological control impact of H. halys eggs via host egg abortion is likely very low

    Halyomorpha halys in Emilia, prime risposte dal monitoraggio

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    OSSERVAZIONI IN CAMPO CONDOTTE NEL 2013-2014. Dopo la sua comparsa in Italia, accertata nel 2012, è stato attivato nella zona di ritrovamento un programma di monitoraggio teso a studiare l’insetto e il suo comportamento nell’ambiente. La specie desta maggiori preoccupazioni nel settore frutticolo, dove il danno rappresentato dalle tipiche deformazioni può giungere al 100

    Halyomorpha halys in Italy: first results of field monitoring in fruit orchards

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    The invasive pest Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) Halyomorpha halys (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) was detected for the first time in Italy in September 2012 in Modena province (Northern Italy) during an insect collection for educational purposes. A survey performed in 2013 allowed to detect its presence in Emilia Romagna, Lombardy and Piedmont regions. In 2014, in the provinces of Modena, Reggio Emilia and Bologna a periodical active field monitoring was performed using tree beating, sweep-net and visual observations in selected orchards and vineyards, recording numbers of BMSB adults and nymphs, and of other Heteroptera. Besides, fruit injury and crop loss were recorded at harvest. Partial results from field data obtained between April and July 2014 are presented, indicating that BMSB is already becoming an important pest of fruit orchards and that special attention should be deserved to monitor its spread all over the region and the whole Italian country
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