21 research outputs found

    Viable Reserve Networks Arise From Individual Landholder Responses To Conservation Incentives

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    Abstract Conservation in densely-settled biodiversity hotspots areas often requires setting up reserve networks that maintain sufficient contiguous habitat to support viable species populations. Because it is difficult to secure landholder compliance with an tightly constrained reserve network design, attention has shifted to voluntary incentive mechanisms, such as purchase of conservation easements by reverse auction or through a fixed-price offer. These mechanisms carry potential advantages of transparency, simplicity, and low cost. But uncoordinated individual response to these incentives has been assumed to be incompatible with conservation goals of viability (which depends on contiguous habitat) and biodiversity representation. We model such incentives for southern Bahia in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, one of the biologically richest and most threatened global biodiversity hotspots. Here, forest cover is spatially autocorrelated and associated with depressed land values, a situation that may be characteristic of longsettled areas with forests fragmented by agriculture. We find that in this situation, a voluntary incentive system can yield a reserve network characterized by large, viable patches of contiguous forest, and representation of subregions with distinct vegetation types and biotic assemblages -without explicit planning for those outcomes

    Análise Comparativa entre os modelos digitais de elevação ASTER, SRTM e TOPODATA

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    Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are important to derive relief information, essential for many purposes. This paper aims to compare the quality and accuracy of DEMs generated from different sources. Three different DEMs, covering the State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) were evaluated. The DEM ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) was generated from optical stereoscopic images. The DEM SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) was derived from radar interferometry. The DEM TOPODATA was derived from the previous one. All DEMs presented elevation divergences compared to ground information. ASTER presents some spatial discontinuity, what limits its use in areas where this occur. SRTM-4 presents low spatial accuracy, what limits its consideration for small areas. TOPODATA also presents elevation divergences, what is more evident near coastal areas.Pages: 4003-401

    Servidor de mapas para o gerenciamento espaço-temporal da produtividade de milho no Brasil

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    The increasing use of geotechnology has enabled the cartographic databases production that gather great diversity of multidisciplinary geographic information. However, the publication or availability of this information to society in general is still poor, mainly due to lack of funds for marketed programs and professionals with the technological knowledge for programming applications using free integrated computational tools. This paper presents procedures for programming a map server for providing digital cartographic databases on the World Wide Web (Internet) in an interactive and dynamic, using only free software (free and / or open source). Routines are presented for programming map servers on Windows and Linux, allowing the integration of spatial information from different multidisciplinary geographical sources and presenting various digital formats. The development is part of the Research Project CAG-APQ-00387-10: "Environmental Indicators and Socio-Economic of Maize Productivity" funded FAPEMIG, attended by professionals from Embrapa / CNPMS, UFSJ / CSL, UMFG / CEDEPLAR and IBGE. The map servers can integrate both dynamic geographic information represented by thematic maps (derived from models and simplified land surface), as satellite images, orthorectified aerial photographs and 3D models or virtual reality georeferenced. The availability of information through a map server allows encompass a diverse audience. The viewing and consultation with georeferenced information can assist in making decisions based on integrated analysis of multidisciplinary information covering various knowledge areas as agricultural sciences, education and climatology.Pages: 4330-433

    Uso do Google Earth para a estimativa da extensão do Rio São Francisco

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    This work demonstrates the viability of use of Google Earth tool to estimate the lengh of São Francisco river course. The Landsat 1 MSS images were used to determine the original river course in areas actually covered by hidroelectric reservoirs. Results showed that the São Francisco River has an extension of 2756 km lengh and confirms the early mensuration done by CODEVASF, the official company for the São Francisco Valley development.Pages: 1185-119

    Expansão Urbana da Cidade de Sete Lagoas/MG entre 1949 e 2010

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    The city of Sete Lagoas is one of the most important industry centers of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Due to its economic importance the last years has presented a medium population increase of 2.44% per year. Considering its historical economic and urban population increase, this work aims to identify where this expansion occurred during the last six decades. The analyses of the area occupied by the city in 1949, 1965, 1972, 1989, 2000 and 2010 was based on the visually digitalization of georreferenced aerial photographs, Landsat satellite images, and a topographic base maps, using geographic information systems. This variation was compared with the urban population increases during the last decades. The highest urban increase occurred mainly after 1960, same period when several industries were implanted on the city. Such socio-economic transformations were caused by the growth of the secondary sector (industry) and their effects on the tertiary sector (trade and services). The space-time expansion of the city is related with the geographic location of the enterprises installed in it, and it is probable that the city will expand on the future mainly to the North (next to the enterprises Fiat-Iveco and AmBev) and next to the Shopping Center recently opened.Pages: 4011-401