1,095 research outputs found

    Conflicting or complementary role of computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET)/CT in the assessment of thymic cancer and thymoma: Our experience and literature review

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    Background: To evaluate the role of computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET)/CT in patients with thymic cancer and thymoma at initial staging. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed CT and PET/CT scans of 26 patients with a thymic cancer (n = 9) or thymoma (n = 17). Chest CT findings documented were qualitative and quantitative. Both qualitative and semiquantitative data were recovered by PET/CT. The comparisons among histological entities, outcome, and qualitative data from CT and PET/CT were made by non-parametric analysis. Results: PET/CT resulted positive in 15/17 patients with thymoma. CT was available in 5/9 (56%) patients with thymic cancer and in 3/17 with thymoma. All quantitative CT parameters were significantly higher in patients with thymic cancer than thymoma (maximum axial diameter: 45 vs. 20 mm, maximum longitudinal diameter: 69 vs. 21 mm and volume: 77.91 vs. 4.52 mL; all P < 0.05). Conversely, only metabolic tumor volume (MTV) and total lesion glycolysis were significantly different in patients with thymic cancer than thymoma (126.53 vs. 6.03 cm3 and 246.05 vs. 20.32, respectively; both P < 0.05). After a median follow-up time of 17.45 months, four recurrences of disease occurred: three in patients with thymic cancer and one with a type B2 thymoma. CT volume in patients with recurrent disease was 102.19 mL versus a median value of 62.5 mL in six disease-free patients. MTV was higher in the recurrent than disease-free patient subset (143.3 vs. 81.13 cm3), although not statistically significant (P = 0.075). Conclusion: Our preliminary results demonstrated that both morphological and metabolic volume could be useful from a diagnostic and prognostic point of view in thymic cancer and thymoma patients. A large multi-center clinical trial experience for confirming the findings of this study seems mandatory

    Entanglement and diagonal entropies after a quench with no pair structure

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    A typical working condition in the study of quantum quenches is that the initial state produces a distribution of quasiparticle excitations with an opposite-momentum-pair structure. In this work we investigate the dynamical and stationary properties of the entanglement entropy after a quench from initial states which do not have such structure: instead of pairs of excitations they generate \u3bd-plets of correlated excitations with . Our study is carried out focusing on a system of non-interacting fermions on the lattice. We study the time evolution of the entanglement entropy showing that the standard semiclassical formula is not applicable. We propose a suitable generalisation which correctly describes the entanglement entropy evolution and perfectly matches numerical data. We finally consider the relation between the thermodynamic entropy of the stationary state and the diagonal entropy, showing that when there is no pair structure their ratio depends on the details of the initial state and lies generically between 1/2 and 1

    Improvement of Cellulose Hydrolysis Process and Cost Savings

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    The hydrolysis process to obtain the so-called \u201creducing sugars\u201d represents the main step involved in the production of the second generation bioethanol. This product can be obtained directly from various types of green biomass, replacing the use of cereals cultivations, with obvious benefits to the environment and the economy of agricultural production. However, it is necessary to improve the hydrolysis process of the cellulose to achieve this goal. To this purpose, we applied a chemical process formerly used. The values of sugars yield were increased by about 40% with respect to the previous study. Further significant cost savings were accomplished, resulting from the recovery of the by-product, calcium sulfate, commercially known as gypsum

    Using participatory approaches with children and young people to research volitional reading

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    Children and young people’s volitional book reading has declined consistently over the last two decades, and research efforts to reverse this trajectory would benefit considerably from the input and insights of children and young people. Meanwhile, the expanding and intensifying role of technology in many children and young people’s daily lives makes it difficult for adult reading researchers to stay informed and up-to-date on how technology is shaping and diversifying volitional reading practices and experiences. Participatory research approaches aim to break down the traditional barriers which exist between the researcher and the researched, creating inclusive, non-hierarchical relationships which support collaborative research, and draw upon the knowledge and experience of all involved. While there is growing interest in, and use of, participatory approaches in reading research, this is the first review, to the best of our knowledge, which focuses on participatory research approaches within the context of children and young people’s reading. The aim of this review article is to a) summarise the principles, benefits, and methodological considerations associated with participatory approaches with children and young people, and b) describe different participatory reading research studies with children or young people, and reflect on how these can inform future research into volitional reading. This article aims to inform, support, and encourage the reading research community to consider adopting participatory principles and practices in their work (where appropriate), as we work collectively to enhance knowledge, thinking, and practice in relation to children and young people’s volitional reading.</p

    Nuove strategie per l'identificazione di molecole ad attività antifungina

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    2011 - 2012Con l’incremento del numero di persone affette da sindrome da immunodeficienza acquisita (AIDS), dell’uso di terapie immunosoppressive e del numero di pazienti affetti da varie forme di cancro e, dunque, fortemente debilitati si è avuto un concomitante incremento delle infezioni opportuniste sorrette da funghi. Alcune di queste infezioni, come quelle causate da Candida albicans, sono malattie generalmente non letali, ma croniche e persistenti, che riducono notevolmente la qualità della vita dei pazienti. Queste malattie sono difficilmente curabili con gli attuali presidi terapeutici, i quali, la maggior parte delle volte, sono di per sé tossici nel caso di prolungato e massivo utilizzo. Negli ultimi anni si è presentata, dunque, sempre più l’esigenza di trovare nuove ed efficaci strategie terapeutiche per debellare queste patologie. In questo progetto di tesi l’attenzione è stata focalizzata sull’individuazione di nuovi composti azolici in grado di diminuire o abolire specificamente la capacità germinativa ed infettiva di C. albicans . Le sostanze in esame sono state, quindi, analizzate per determinarne l’attività antimicotica correlata alla capacità del fungo di invadere i macrofagi, nei quali manifesta la sua resistenza a fattori antimicrobici (defensine, basso valore di pH, metaboliti reattivi dell'ossigeno ed altri metaboliti tossici) ed a stress fisici (temperatura) eludendo, in tal modo, i meccanismi di difesa primari dell'ospite. I test di suscettibilità sono stati svolti attraverso il metodo delle microdiluizioni in brodo, seguendo le linee guida suggerite dalla CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute), utilizzando come farmaci di riferimento il fluconazolo ed il miconazolo. In particolare, le sostanze AF13 e AF23 hanno mostrato una forte attività antimicotica che si manifesta con la comparsa di un fenotipo particolarmente alterato di C.albicans. Il fungo, infatti, non solo non riesce a germinare, ma non porta a termine il processo di gemmazione, poiché non si ha la formazione del setto di divisione tra la cellula madre e le gemme che quindi non riescono a separarsi. Inoltre è stata dimostrata la selettività di queste nuove molecole che non risultano essere citotossiche per cellule di mammifero quali macrofagi murini. Infatti durante un’infezione “in vitro” le sostanze in esame inibiscono totalmente la germinazione dei lieviti ma non danneggiano i macrofagi che svolgono la loro attività di fagocitosi, con formazione del fagolisosoma e digestione delle cellule di Candida. L’inibizione totale del processo di germinazione è stata messa in evidenza mediante esperimenti con il Filipin, un colorante specifico per gli steroli di membrana: le molecole in esame impediscono la formazione dei domini ricchi in steroli, fondamentali per lo sviluppo del tubo germinativo. A questo punto, è stata indagata la capacità di tali molecole di inibire ERG11p, l’enzima che catalizza la rimozione del gruppo metilico in posizione 14-α del lanosterolo, passaggio chiave per ottenere l’ergosterolo. Esperimenti di Binding, hanno dimostrato che gli azoli di nuova sintesi si legano all’enzima con un livello di affinità paragonabile a quello riscontrato per il fluconazolo. Esperimenti di “Time Killing” hanno dimosto che, a differenza del fluconazolo ad attività fungistatica, le sostanze in esame esplicano un’azione fungicida su C.albicans. L’insieme di questi risultati ha permesso di ipotizzare la presenza di un meccanismo d’azione aggiuntivo rispetto a quello dei classici azoli, che è alla base dell’effetto fungicida da parte di questi composti. Per confermare la presenza di tale meccanismo d’azione addizionale sono stati effettuati esperimenti di sinergismo, i quali hanno dimostrato che il trattamento con le molecole AF13 o AF23 in combinazione con il fluconazolo dà luogo ad una maggiore inibizione della crescita cellulare rispetto a quando gli azoli sono utilizzati singolarmente. Questi risultati sono di fondamentale importanza, poiché la possibilità di effettuare una terapia di due farmaci in combinazione significa poter ridurre le dosi di entrambi i farmaci, rendendo la terapia delle micosi molto più breve ed efficace con conseguente riduzione sia degli effetti collaterali che del manifestarsi di fenomeni di resistenza e, quindi, consente di migliorare la qualità della vita del paziente. Infine, in questo progetto di tesi è stata anche valutata l’attività dei composti in esame su due ceppi di Candida albicans resistenti al trattamento con il fluconazolo per la presenza di una up-regolazione delle pompe di efflusso o per modifiche a carico del target (ERG11). I risultati ottenuti sono stati molto incoraggianti, in quanto gli azoli in studio sono attivi su entrambi i ceppi; questo vuol dire avere a disposizione molecole da utilizzare quando le terapie con i classici azoli risultano fallimentari. [a cura dell'autore]XI n.s

    Cost analysis of standard implementation in the SCADA Systems of electric critical infrastructures

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    RT 53; This study presents an analysis of costs deriving from the implementation of security standards for SCADA systems of electric critical infrastructures. It is produced concluding the path of ESSENCE project and it starts from the experience of the two case studies performed in its context. It aims at obtaining a reasoned measure of the costs needed to implement the standards. The first section contains an introduction describing the main hurdles and sets of problems encountered in the implementation of cost analysis. Then the generalities of the two case studies are introduced, followed by the detailed evidence outlined from both. At the end of the study useful suggestions for Transmission System Operators and Generation Operators are offered, besides a reasoned set of figures assessing the costs on the implementation of security system

    Advances in chitosan-based CRISPR/Cas9 delivery systems

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    Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) and the associated Cas endonuclease (Cas9) is a cutting-edge genome-editing technology that specifically targets DNA sequences by using short RNA molecules, helping the endonuclease Cas9 in the repairing of genes responsible for genetic diseases. However, the main issue regarding the application of this technique is the development of an efficient CRISPR/Cas9 delivery system. The consensus relies on the use of non-viral delivery systems represented by nanoparticles (NPs). Chitosan is a safe biopolymer widely used in the generation of NPs for several biomedical applications, especially gene delivery. Indeed, it shows several advantages in the context of gene delivery systems, for instance, the presence of positively charged amino groups on its backbone can establish electrostatic interactions with the negatively charged nucleic acid forming stable nanocomplexes. However, its main limitations include poor solubility in physiological pH and limited buffering ability, which can be overcome by functionalising its chemical structure. This review offers a critical analysis of the different approaches for the generation of chitosan-based CRISPR/Cas9 delivery systems and suggestions for future developments

    Overcoming the blood-brain barrier : functionalised chitosan nanocarriers

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    The major impediment to the delivery of therapeutics to the brain is the presence of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The BBB allows for the entrance of essential nutrients while excluding harmful substances, including most therapeutic agents; hence, brain disorders, especially tumours, are very difficult to treat. Chitosan is a well-researched polymer that offers advantageous biological and chemical properties, such as mucoadhesion and the ease of functionalisation. Chitosan-based nanocarriers (CsNCs) establish ionic interactions with the endothelial cells, facilitating the crossing of drugs through the BBB by adsorptive mediated transcytosis. This process is further enhanced by modifications of the structure of chitosan, owing to the presence of reactive amino and hydroxyl groups. Finally, by permanently binding ligands or molecules, such as antibodies or lipids, CsNCs have showed a boosted passage through the BBB, in both in vivo and in vitro studies which will be discussed in this review

    Fluorescein isothiocyanate chitosan nanoparticles in oral drug delivery studies

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    Oral administration of drugs is one of the most patient-friendly drug delivery routes. However, drug bioavailability via the oral route remains poor due to the harsh gastrointestinal environment. In recent years, many nanocarriers have been designed to overcome this limitation. Among those, chitosan nanoparticles (ChNPs) have proved to be a quite popular choice. Here, we highlight the use of fluorescein isothiocyanate–tagged ChNPs as an invaluable tool to monitor the fate of ChNPs encapsulating oral drugs, leading to an in-depth understanding of drug biodistribution and, in turn, shedding light on ways to improve bioavailability