24 research outputs found

    Romania between the challenges of competitiveness and regional cohesion

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    Even if Romania succeeded to become a member of the European Union, the development gaps between its regions and those in the other member states continue to be significant. The paper will focus on analyzing the regional disparities in Romania, in terms of GDP/capita, FDI and possibly state interventions, with the view of creating a so-called typology of “winners and losers”. After determining the winners and losers, a brief description will follow, underlining the key aspects that differentiate them from the other regions. Next, the paper will discuss some aspects related to the future perspectives for regional development in Romania, taking into account the perspective of reform at European level and discussions that are currently developing, related to trade-off between equity and efficiency, between cohesion and competitiveness. The last part of the paper will focus on providing a possible answer for the future of regional development, by analyzing the investment in research and innovation and the impact it could have in Romania.regional development; cohesion; catching up; regional disparities

    EU – ASEAN FTA: regional cooperation for global competitiveness

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    The recent interest shown by the European Union towards the countries in South-east Asia, as well as the initiatives for setting up free trade areas in the region, come to confirm the uneasiness that portrays the situation at home, as well as the efforts that it set out to make in order to maintain its competitiveness on a global scale. Particularly, the attention that the EU has given to bi-regional cooperation, initiating talks for a free trade area with ASEAN, rather than with its member countries, strengthens the belief that the EU is currently seeking to consolidate its position in South-east Asia and to counter the increasing influence of China and Japan.regional cooperation, global competitiveness, European Union, trade areas

    Romania between the challenges of competitiveness and regional cohesion

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    Even if Romania succeeded to become a member of the European Union, the development gaps between its regions and those in the other member states continue to be significant. The paper will focus on analyzing the regional disparities in Romania, in terms of GDP/capita, FDI and possibly state interventions, with the view of creating a so-called typology of “winners and losers”. After determining the winners and losers, a brief description will follow, underlining the key aspects that differentiate them from the other regions. Next, the paper will discuss some aspects related to the future perspectives for regional development in Romania, taking into account the perspective of reform at European level and discussions that are currently developing, related to trade-off between equity and efficiency, between cohesion and competitiveness. The last part of the paper will focus on providing a possible answer for the future of regional development, by analyzing the investment in research and innovation and the impact it could have in Romania

    Regional cooperation in Central and Southeastern Europe: the Romanian experience in fighting corruption

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    Regional cooperation is of outmost importance, both for the southeastern European countries that want to set themselves on the European mainstream, and for the EU. In the last few years, the fight against corruption has been high on the agenda of all the governments in the CEE countries. The regional initiatives have provided the opportunity to exchange not only best, but also “worst practices” in this field, contributing to the development of anticorruption programs and to the improvement of the situation in these countries. The paper seeks to present the Romanian experience in regional initiatives, particularly in the Stability pact Anticorruption – Initiative

    EU – ASEAN free trade area: regional cooperation for global competitiveness

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    The recent interest shown by the European Union towards the countries in South-east Asia, as well as the initiatives for setting up free trade areas in the region, come to confirm the uneasiness that portrays the situation at home, as well as the efforts that it set out to make in order to maintain its competitiveness on a global scale. Particularly, the attention that the EU has given to bi-regional cooperation, initiating talks for a free trade area with ASEAN, rather than with its member countries, strengthens the belief that the EU is currently seeking to consolidate its position in South-east Asia and to counter the increasing influence of China and Japan

    Strengthening Urban Resilience: Understanding the Interdependencies of Outer Space and Strategic Planning for Sustainable Smart Environments

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    The conventional approach to urban planning has predominantly focused on horizontal dimensions, disregarding the potential risks originating from outer space. This paper aims to initiate a discourse on the vertical dimension of cities, which is influenced by outer space, as an essential element of strategic urban planning. Through an examination of a highly disruptive incident in outer space involving a collision between the Iridium 33 and Cosmos 2251 satellites, this article elucidates the intricate interdependencies between urban areas and outer space infrastructure and services. Leveraging the principles of critical infrastructure protection, which bridge the urban and outer space domains, and employing simulation methods and software, this study articulates the intricate governance complexities of urban security and presents viable solutions for its enhancement. Consequently, the study contributes to the ongoing deliberations regarding the spatial integration of security practices by providing scholarly discourse on urban governance with potential strategies for cultivating sustainable smart cities. In essence, the intrinsic resilience of urban areas heavily relies on the interconnections between cities and outer space, necessitating urban strategists to acknowledge and comprehend these intricate interdependencies. To ensure sustainable urban development, it is imperative to fortify smart cities’ resilience against space debris through the implementation of more stringent regulations

    Клинические особенности хронической обструктивной болезни легких у пожилых людей.

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    Analysis of randomized, retrospective and prospective clinical, case-control, and observational studies revealed the following main features of COPD in the elderly: (1) COPD is a complex and common condition in elderly patients, characterized by high rates of disturbing symptoms, significant risk of cognitive and functional decline, disease progression,frequent use of health care, extremely difficult treatment and increased mortality. (2) The elderly have an increased prevalence of COPD: in subjects aged 65 years and over, it represents 14,2% (from 11,0% to 18,0%), compared to 9,9% (from 8.2% to 11.8%) in those aged 40 and over. (3) Simultaneously with the 2-4 times higher prevalence of COPD, the elderly patients, especially those aged 75 years or older, also have a higher burden of the disease: frequency, severity and impact of symptoms significantly higher. higher, tolerance to effort and lower daily activities, higher incidence of severe acute  exacerbations and higher prevalence of systemic comorbidities. (4) COPD acute exacerbations and comorbidities have poorer results in elderly patients, fact manifested by an increased rate and duration of the hospitalization, an increased rate of repeted hospitalizations and a higher mortality rate. (5) COPD is a multifaceted condition that involves more than just obstruction of the airflow. Systemic inflammation contributes to the development of systemic effects (loss and dysfunction of skeletal muscle, osteoporosis, anemia, cachexia, neurocognitive dysfunction). (6) Multidimensional assessment and multidisciplinary intervention, well recognized in the geriatric population, should be extended to patients with COPD.Analiza studiilor randomizate clinice, de caz-control și observaționale retrospective și prospective a permis constatarea următoarelor particularități principale ale BPOC la vârstnici: (1) BPOC este o afecțiune complexă și frecventă la pacienții vârstnici, caracterizată prin rate ridicate de simptome deranjante, risc semnificativ de declin cognitiv și funcțional, progresarea maladiei, utilizarea frecventă a asistenței medicale, tratament extrem de dificil și mortalitate crescută. (2) Vârstnicii prezintă o prevalență crescută a BPOC: la subiecții cu vârsta de 65 de ani și peste reprezintă 14,2% (de la 11,0% până la 18,0%), comparativ cu 9,9% (de la 8,2% până la 11,8%) la cei cu vârsta de 40 de ani și mai mult. (3) Concomitent cu prevalența de 2-4 ori mai mare a BPOC, persoanele vârstnice, în special cei cu vârsta de 75 de ani sau mai mult, au și o povară mai mare a afecțiunii: frecvență, severitate și impact a simptomelor semnificativ mai mari, toleranță la efort și activități zilnice mai reduse, incidență mai mare a exacerbărilor acute severe și prevalență mai mare a comorbidităților sistemice. (4) Exacerbările acute și comorbiditățile au rezultate mai slabe la pacienții vârstnici cu BPOC, manifestându-se prin creșterea ratei și duratei de spitalizare, creșterea ratei de respitalizare și a ratei mortalității. (5) BPOC este o afecțiune cu multe fațete, care cuprinde mai mult decât obstrucția fluxului de aer. Inflamația sistemică contribuie la dezvoltarea efectelor sistemice (pierderea și disfuncția mușchilor scheletici, osteoporoză, anemie, cașexie, disfuncții neurocognitive). (6) Evaluarea multidimensională și intervenția multidisciplinară, bine recunoscute în populația geriatrică, trebuie extinsă și la pacienți cu BPOC.Анализ рандомизированных, ретроспективных и проспективных клинических, контрольных и наблюдательных исследований выявил следующие основные особенности ХОБЛ у пожилых людей: (1) ХОБЛ - сложное и распространенное состояние у пожилых пациентов, характеризующееся высокой частотой тревожных симптомов, значительным риск когнитивного и функционального снижения, прогрессирования заболевания, частого обращения за медицинской помощью, чрезвычайно сложного лечения и повышенной смертности. (2) У пожилых людей наблюдается повышенная распространенность ХОБЛ: у лиц в возрасте 65 лет и старше она составляет 14,2% (с 11,0% до 18,0%) по сравнению с 9,9% (с 8,2% до 11,8%). %) в возрасте 40 лет и старше. (3) Одновременно с 2-4-кратным увеличением распространенности ХОБЛ пожилые люди, особенно в возрасте 75 лет и старше, также имеют более высокое время болезни: частота, тяжесть и влияние симптомов значительно выше. Выше, толерантность к усилиям и более низкая повседневная активность, более высокая частота тяжелых обострений и более высокая распространенность системных сопутствующих заболеваний. (4) Острые обострения и сопутствующие заболевания имеют худшие результаты у пожилых пациентов с ХОБЛ, что проявляется в увеличении частоты и продолжительности госпитализации, увеличении частоты респитализации и смертности. (5) ХОБЛ - это многогранное заболевание, которое включает в себя нечто большее, чем просто затруднение воздушного потока. Системное воспаление способствует развитию системных эффектов (потеря и дисфункция скелетных мышц, остеопороз, анемия, кахексия, нейрокогнитивная дисфункция). (6) Многоаспектную оценку и междисциплинарное вмешательство, широко признанные в гериатрической популяции, следует распространить на пациентов с ХОБЛ

    Аспекты качества жизни у пожилых пациентов

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    All the sufferings of the elderly must be analyzed in psychosocial context, and the therapeutic solutions must be bio-psycho-social also. The aim of the study was to research the physical, mental and social status of the elderly patients for determining quality of life. The study included pacients aged 65 years and older. All patients were consecutively examined after admission to the specialized geriatric ward of PMI Municipal Clinical hospital of Ministry of Health during January–February 2015. 46,6% of the elderly patients with ages between 75 and 84 years are living alone at home. Mental status of the elderly patients has been affected in a smaller percentage. Among the sleep disorders in the elderly, the largest share had chronic insomnia. Domestic violence was seen in both study groups. Most patients had III A and III B dependence degree.Все состояния пожилых людей необходимо рассматривать в психо-социальном контексте, а терапевтические проблемы включать и био-психо-социальные решения. Цель работы – исследовать физическое, умственное и социальное состояния пожилых пациентов, для определения качества жизни у пожилых. В исследовании были включены пациенты старше 65-ти лет. Все пациенты были обследованы по мере поступления в специализированное гериатрическое отделение Клинической больницы Министерства здравоохранения в период с января по февраль 2015 г. Среди пациентов в возрасте от 75 до 84 лет было отмечено, что 46,6% живут дома одни. Замечено, что проблем психического состояния у пожилых людей меньше (группа 1 против группы 2): спутанность сознания – 2,5% к 0%, беспокойство – 10% к 10%, апатия – 10% к 3,3%. Среди нарушений сна у пожилых людей, с наибольшей долей была зарегистрирована хроническая бессонница – 46,6% случаев у пациентов старше 75-ти лет. Было замечено насилие в семье в обеих группах (35% против 50%; р> 0,05). У большинства пациентов была зарегистрирована зависимость III A (32,5% против 56,6%, р <0,05) и III B (62,5% против 23,3%, р <0,001). По данным этого исследования, качество жизни пожилых пациентов в возрасте 75-84-х лет оказалось ниже по сравнению с пожилыми в возрасте 65-74-х

    SARS-CoV-2 Variant Surveillance in Genomic Medicine Era

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    In the genomic medicine era, the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 was immediately followed by viral genome sequencing and world-wide sequences sharing. Almost in real-time, based on these sequences, resources were developed and applied around the world, such as molecular diagnostic tests, informed public health decisions, and vaccines. Molecular SARS-CoV-2 variant surveillance was a normal approach in this context yet, considering that the viral genome modification occurs commonly in viral replication process, the challenge is to identify the modifications that significantly affect virulence, transmissibility, reduced effectiveness of vaccines and therapeutics or failure of diagnostic tests. However, assessing the importance of the emergence of new mutations and linking them to epidemiological trend, is still a laborious process and faster phenotypic evaluation approaches, in conjunction with genomic data, are required in order to release timely and efficient control measures

    Space traffic management - key issue for Industry 4.0

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    Space technology and services represent a major component of the well-functioning societies’ infrastructure. At the same time, outer space is being increasingly accessed with many entities sending out technologies in an attempt to minimize launching and operational costs. Subsequently, a cross-domains activity, space technologies and services lay in the insufficiently settled area of legislative and institutional measures, leading to a growing ambiguity among professional community, reunited under the concept of ”space traffic management” (STM). In line with the new initiatives in the field of STM, this paper attempts to unblackbox the interplay between definitions and establishment history of it, its context of emergence, usage and the level of technological maturation. At the same time, the paper intends to address the tension between governmental and private initiatives related to the management and the coordination for space traffic, in order to open up a discussion on this topic. Thus the paper is expected to contribute to building a better understanding of the controversial nature of space services and technologies, especially with regard to delineations among geopolitical groups of interest, economic and governmental uses, as well as interfacing, roles and responsibilities, and impact on interoperable means of communication among various institutions