
Romania between the challenges of competitiveness and regional cohesion


Even if Romania succeeded to become a member of the European Union, the development gaps between its regions and those in the other member states continue to be significant. The paper will focus on analyzing the regional disparities in Romania, in terms of GDP/capita, FDI and possibly state interventions, with the view of creating a so-called typology of “winners and losers”. After determining the winners and losers, a brief description will follow, underlining the key aspects that differentiate them from the other regions. Next, the paper will discuss some aspects related to the future perspectives for regional development in Romania, taking into account the perspective of reform at European level and discussions that are currently developing, related to trade-off between equity and efficiency, between cohesion and competitiveness. The last part of the paper will focus on providing a possible answer for the future of regional development, by analyzing the investment in research and innovation and the impact it could have in Romania.regional development; cohesion; catching up; regional disparities

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