19 research outputs found

    Distribution of knock-down resistance mutations in Anopheles gambiae molecular forms in west and west-central Africa

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Knock-down </it>resistance (<it>kdr</it>) to DDT and pyrethroids in the major Afrotropical vector species, <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>sensu stricto, is associated with two alternative point mutations at amino acid position 1014 of the voltage-gated sodium channel gene, resulting in either a leucine-phenylalanine (L1014F), or a leucine-serine (L1014S) substitution. In <it>An. gambiae </it>S-form populations, the former mutation appears to be widespread in west Africa and has been recently reported from Uganda, while the latter, originally recorded in Kenya, has been recently found in Gabon, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. In M-form populations surveyed to date, only the L1014F mutation has been found, although less widespread and at lower frequencies than in sympatric S-form populations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>Anopheles gambiae </it>M- and S-form specimens from 19 sites from 11 west and west-central African countries were identified to molecular form and genotyped at the <it>kdr </it>locus either by Hot Oligonucleotide Ligation Assay (HOLA) or allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The <it>kdr </it>genotype was determined for about 1,000 <it>An. gambiae </it>specimens. The L1014F allele was found at frequencies ranging from 6% to 100% in all S-form samples (N = 628), with the exception of two samples from Angola, where it was absent, and coexisted with the L1014S allele in samples from Cameroon, Gabon and north-western Angola. The L1014F allele was present in M-form samples (N = 354) from Benin, Nigeria, and Cameroon, where both M- and S-forms were sympatric.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results represent the most comprehensive effort to analyse the overall distribution of the L1014F and L1014S mutations in <it>An. gambiae </it>molecular forms, and will serve as baseline data for resistance monitoring. The overall picture shows that the emergence and spread of <it>kdr </it>alleles in <it>An. gambiae </it>is a dynamic process and that there is marked intra- and inter-form heterogeneity in resistance allele frequencies. Further studies are needed to determine: i) the importance of selection pressure exerted by both agricultural and public health use of pyrethroid insecticides, ii) the phenotypic effects, particularly when the two mutations co-occur; and iii) the epidemiological importance of <it>kdr </it>for both pyrethroid- and DDT-based malaria control operations, particularly if/when the two insecticides are to be used in concert.</p

    Biosolubility of high temperature insulation wools in simulated lung fluids

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    Abstract Objective Biosolubility is an important parameter in the understanding of mechanisms involved in pulmonary toxicity of fibrous materials. It can be studied in vitro using models of simulated lung fluids and observing the loss of structural molecules, expressed as dissolution constant (Kdis). The aim of this paper was the study of dissolution behaviour of four wools belonging to high temperature insulation wools (HTIW) in saline solutions simulating lung fluids. Methods Four HTIW were studied in saline solutions at pH 7.4 (representative of the extracellular environment) and 4.5 (representative of the intracellular conditions): refractory ceramic fibers (RCF), two alkaline earth silicate wools (AES1 and AES2 with high calcium and magnesium content respectively), and polycrystalline wools (PCW). Size, morphological and chemical changes of fibers were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Results RCF, AES2 and PCW did not show statistically significant diameter changes. AES1 size distribution shifted to a larger mean diameter suggesting that through dissolution there was a preferential loss of thin fibers at acid pH after 14 days of treatment. Both AES wools showed selective leaching of alkali/alkali earth oxides (incongruent dissolution) at pH 7.4: a fast and extensive selective leaching of calcium for AES1 with complete dissolution of fibers already after 14 days of treatment and a moderate selective leaching of magnesium for AES2. PCW showed some transversal breakage of the fibers in both pH environments (low congruent dissolution). For RCF, the treatment produced uncorroded fibers in both pH environments without chemical changes and fiber fragmentation (no dissolution). The estimated Kdis at physiological pH followed the sequence: AES1 > AES2 > PCW > RCF. All wools had a low Kdis at acid pH suggesting a low dissolution rate of short fibers. Conclusion The leaching process and transverse fragmentation play an important role in the biopersistence mechanisms and pathogenicity of fibers and the Kdis estimate is undoubtedly useful as a preliminary toxicological screening of fibers, especially for developing fibers

    Interception Systems in Assessment of Dermal Exposure to Pesticides: Laboratory Comparison of Media

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    Dermal exposure of workers to pesticides can be assessed using patches, placed on the workers&rsquo; clothes or used to wipe off the substance from the skin. Since there are no official indications of the materials to be used for patch sampling, a wide range of materials is suggested in the scientific literature. This paper reports a laboratory study on the affinity of four different pesticides widely used in southern Italy with five patch matrices. Imidacloprid, Hexythiazox, Boscalid and Myclobutanil were tested with cotton and gauze sheets, polyethylene tissue and two different grades of cellulose papers. An aerosol machine was used to nebulize the substance on the patches in a closed system, simulating the conditions of use on the workers&rsquo; clothes. The recovery of the analytes from the media was evaluated, by spiking the patches with a known amount of each active substance and testing their performances as skin wipes. Samples were extracted and analyzed in gas chromatography with an electron capture detector. The recovery from the spiked patches was 89&ndash;96% for all pesticides, while the test recoveries were very different. Results showed a higher affinity with Imidacloprid and Hexythiazox for gauze, with Myclobutanil for cotton and with Boscalid for paper filters (W41)

    TG/DSC study of the thermal behaviour of hazardous mineral fibres

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    This paper reports a systematic and comparative study of the thermal behaviour of fibres of social, health, economic and industrial relevance using thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry (TG/DSC). The mineral fibres selected for the study are: three chrysotile samples, crocidolite, tremolite asbestos, amosite, anthophyllite asbestos and asbestiform erionite. Powder X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy were used for the characterization of the mineral fibres before and after heating at 1000 or 1100 °C to identify the products of the thermal decomposition at a microscopic and structural scale and characterize their thermal behaviour. TG/DSC data allowed the determination of the structural water content and temperature stability. Furthermore, thermal analysis provided a sensitive and reliable technique for the detection of small quantities of different mineral phases occurring as impurities. After thermal treatment, fibrous samples were completely transformed into various iron oxide, cristobalite and other silicate phases which preserved the original overall fibrous morphology (as pseudomorphosis). Only crocidolite at 1100 °C was partially melted, and an amorphous surface was observed